
Defines functions check.remove.lims ScientSDI

Documented in ScientSDI

#' Estimate parameters of Gamma, Generalized Extreme Value, or Generalized Logistic Distributions
#' Verifies concepts expected from SDI.  The first step of the \acronym{SPI} and
#'   \acronym{SPEI} algorithms is to calculate the cumulative probabilities of
#'   their input variables (Guttman 1999).  Function estimates the parameters of
#'   the gamma, generalized extreme value (GEV), or generalized logistic
#'   distributions (GLO) through the L-moments method are provided.  This
#'   function also allows users to remove suspicious values from the data
#'   sample.
#' @param lon
#' longitude in decimal degrees: (+) Eastern Hemisphere, (-) Western Hemisphere.
#' @param lat
#' latitude in decimal degrees: (+) Northern hemisphere, (-) Southern
#'   Hemisphere.
#' @param start.date
#' date at which the indices estimates should start. Format:
#'   \dQuote{YYYY-MM-DD}.
#' @param end.date
#' date at which the indices estimates should end. Format: \dQuote{YYYY-MM-DD}.
#' @param distr
#' A character variable (\dQuote{GEV} or \dQuote{GLO}) defining the distribution
#'   to calculate the \acronym{SPEI}.  Default is \code{GEV}.
#' @param TS
#' Time scale on the quart.month basis (integer values between 1 and 96).
#'   Default is 4.
#' @param Good
#' A character variable ("Yes" or "No") to calculate or not the goodness-of-fit
#'   and normality tests. Default is "No".
#' @param sig.level
#' A numeric variable (between 0.90 and 0.95) defining the significance level
#'   for parameter Good. Default is "0.95".
#' @param RainUplim
#' Optional. Upper limit in millimetres from which rainfall values larger than
#'   it will be removed.  Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param RainLowlim
#' Optional. Lower limit in millimetres from which rainfall values smaller than
#'   it will be removed.  Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param PEUplim
#' Optional. Upper limit in millimetres from which evapotranspiration values
#'   larger than it will be removed. Valid for Hargreaves and Samani method
#'   Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param PELowlim
#' Optional. Lower limit in millimetres from which evapotranspiration values
#'   smaller than it will be removed. Valid for Hargreaves and Samani method
#'   Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return
#' A \code{list} object with data calculated at the time scale selected by the
#'    user.  If \code{Good = "Yes"}, this \code{list} object includes:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{SDI}{The \dQuote{NASA-SPI}, \dQuote{NASA-SPEI.HS} and
#'     \dQuote{NASA-SPEI.PM.}}
#'   \item{DistPar}{The parameters of the distributions (gamma and
#'     \acronym{GEV}) used to calculate the indices.}
#'   \item{GoodFit}{The Lilliefors and Anderson-Darling tests goodness-of-fit
#'     tests.}
#'   \item{Normality}{The outcomes of the two normality checking procedures (Wu
#'     \emph{et al}., 2006 and Stagge \emph{et al}., 2015).}
#'  }
#' If \code{Good = "No"}, this \code{list} object includes \acronym{SDI} and
#'   DistPar.
#' This function also presents other data (in millimiters) calculated from the
#'   \acronym{NASA} \acronym{POWER} project:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Rainfall amounts (Rain),
#'   \item potential evapotranspiration values estimated through the Hargreaves
#'    and Samani method (\acronym{PEHS}),
#'   \item potential evapotranspiration values estimated through the FAO-56
#'    Penman-Monteith method (\acronym{PEPM}), and
#'   \item the difference between rainfall and potential evapotranspiration
#'   (\acronym{PPEHS} and \acronym{PPEPM}).
#'   }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats cor median na.omit qnorm quantile runif shapiro.test
#' @importFrom lmom pelgam pelgev pelglo quagam quagev quaglo samlmu
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # This example requires an Internet connection to fetch data and takes >5s
#' #  to run, and so is only run in interactive sessions
#' ScientSDI(
#'   lon = -47.3,
#'   lat = -22.87,
#'   start.date = "1993-01-01",
#'   end.date = "2022-12-31",
#'   TS = 1,
#'   Good = "no"
#' )
#' @references
#'  Guttman, N.B., 1999. Accepting the standardized precipitation
#'    index: a calculation algorithm 1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water
#'    Resources Association, 35(2), pp.311-322.
#'  Stagge, J.H., Tallaksen, L.M., Gudmundsson, L., Van Loon, A.F. and Stahl,
#'    K., 2015. Candidate distributions for climatological drought indices (SPI
#'    and SPEI). International Journal of Climatology, 35(13), pp.4027-4040.
#'  Wu, H., Svoboda, M.D., Hayes, M.J., Wilhite, D.A. and Wen, F., 2006.
#'   Appropriate application of the standardized precipitation index in arid
#'   locations and dry seasons. International Journal of Climatology: A Journal
#'   of the Royal Meteorological Society, 27(1), pp.65-79.

ScientSDI <-
           distr = "GEV",
           TS = 4L,
           Good = "No",
           sig.level = 0.95,
           RainUplim = NULL,
           RainLowlim = NULL,
           PEUplim = NULL,
           PELowlim = NULL) {
    Good <- tolower(Good)
    distr <- toupper(distr)


    if (Good != "yes" && Good != "no") {
      stop("`Good` should be set to either 'Yes' or 'No'.",
           call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.numeric(RainUplim) &
        !is.null(RainUplim) ||
        !is.numeric(RainLowlim) &
        !is.null(RainLowlim) ||
        !is.numeric(PEUplim) &
        !is.null(PEUplim) ||
        !is.numeric(PELowlim) &
        !is.null(PELowlim)) {
        "Please, provide appropriate numerical values for `RainUplim` or ",
        "`RainLowlim` (mm) or `PEUplim` or `PELowlim` (Celsius degrees). ",
        "If there are no suspicious data to be removed, leave them set them to",
        " `NULL`.",
        call. = FALSE

    dates <- check.dates(c(start.date, end.date))
    start.date.user <- dates[[1]]
    end.date.user <- dates[[2]]

    mim.date.fit <-
      as.numeric((end.date.user - start.date.user) / 365)
    if (mim.date.fit < 8) {
      stop("Please select a longer period between start.date and end.date.",
           call. = FALSE)
    } else if (mim.date.fit < 30) {
      warning("A period of 30 years is normal for calibrating standardised ",
              "drought indices. However, these indices will be calculated ",
              "with a shorter period, ", round(mim.date.fit, 1), ", years.",
           call. = FALSE)

    start.year <- lubridate::year(start.date.user)
    start.month <- lubridate::month(start.date.user)
    start.day <- lubridate::day(start.date.user)
    final.year <- lubridate::year(end.date.user)
    final.month <- lubridate::month(end.date.user)
    final.day <- lubridate::day(end.date.user)
    start.week <-
      find.week.int(lubridate::day(start.date.user)) # see internal_functions.R
    dif <-
      calculate.dif(start.week, lubridate::day(start.date.user)) # see internal_functions.R

    start.date.protocal <- start.date.user - dif

    sse_i <- daily.ETP.wrapper(
      lon = lon,
      lat = lat,
      start.date.user = start.date.user,
      end.date.user = end.date.user

    final.week <- find.week.int(final.year)
    n.years <- 1 + (final.year - start.year)
    total.nweeks <- 48 * n.years
    a <- 1
    b <- 2
    c <- 3
    d <- 4
    data.week <- matrix(NA, total.nweeks, 8)
    month <- start.month
    year <- start.year
    while (year <= final.year ||
           month <= final.month) {
      data.week1 <- colSums(sse_i[which(sse_i$YEAR == year &
                                          sse_i$MM == month &
                                          sse_i$DD <= 7), 14:16])
      data.week2 <- colSums(sse_i[which(sse_i$YEAR == year &
                                          sse_i$MM == month &
                                          sse_i$DD > 7 &
                                          sse_i$DD <= 14), 14:16])
      data.week3 <- colSums(sse_i[which(sse_i$YEAR == year &
                                          sse_i$MM == month &
                                          sse_i$DD > 14 &
                                          sse_i$DD <= 21), 14:16])
      data.week4 <- colSums(sse_i[which(sse_i$YEAR == year &
                                          sse_i$MM == month &
                                          sse_i$DD > 21), 14:16])
      data.week[a,] <-
        c(lon, lat, year, month, 1, data.week1)
      data.week[b,] <-
        c(lon, lat, year, month, 2, data.week2)
      data.week[c,] <-
        c(lon, lat, year, month, 3, data.week3)
      data.week[d,] <-
        c(lon, lat, year, month, 4, data.week4)
      month <- month + 1
      if (year == final.year &
          month > final.month) {
      if (month > 12) {
        year <- year + 1
        month <- 1
      a <- a + 4
      b <- b + 4
      c <- c + 4
      d <- d + 4
    rows <-
      which(data.week[, 3] == final.year &
              data.week[, 4] > final.month)
    n.rows <- length(rows)
    if (n.rows > 0) {
      data.week <- data.week[-c(rows),]
    rows <-
        data.week[, 3] == final.year &
          data.week[, 4] == final.month &
          data.week[, 5] >
    n.rows <- length(rows)
    if (n.rows > 0) {
      data.week <- data.week[-c(rows),]
    n <- length(which(data.week[, 3] <= final.year))
    data.week <- data.week[1:n,]

    # see internal_functions.R for `find.quart.month.int()`
    data.week <-
      cbind(data.week, find.quart.month.int(x = data.week))

    first.row <-
      which(data.week[, 3] == start.year &
              data.week[, 4] == start.month &
              data.week[, 5] == start.week)
    if (first.row > 1) {
      data.week <- data.week[-(1:(first.row - 1)),]
    ######## removing suspicious data ----

    data.week <-
      check.remove.lims(data.week, 6L, RainUplim, RainLowlim, "rain")
    data.week <-
      check.remove.lims(data.week, 7L, PEUplim, PELowlim, "PE")

    n <- nrow(data.week)
    data.at.timescale <- matrix(NA, (n - (TS - 1)), 6)
    final.point <- n - (TS - 1)
    if (TS > 1) {
      point <- 1
      a <- 1
      b <- TS
      c <- 1
      data.at.timescale[c, ] <-
        c(data.week[b, 3:4], data.week[b, 9],
          colSums(data.week[a:b, 6:8],na.rm = TRUE))
      point <- point + 1
      a <- a + 1
      b <- b + 1
      c <- c + 1
      while (point <= final.point) {
        data.at.timescale[c, ] <-
          c(data.week[b, 3:4], data.week[b, 9],
            colSums(data.week[a:b, 6:8],na.rm = TRUE))
        if (is.na(data.at.timescale[c, 4]) ||
            is.na(data.at.timescale[c, 5]) ||
            is.na(data.at.timescale[c, 6])) {
          message("Gaps in the original data.")
        point <- point + 1
        a <- a + 1
        b <- b + 1
        c <- c + 1
    } else {
      data.at.timescale <- cbind(data.week[, c(3:4, 9, 6:8)])
    data.at.timescale <-
        (data.at.timescale[, 4] - data.at.timescale[, 5]),
        (data.at.timescale[, 4] - data.at.timescale[, 6])
    parameters <- matrix(NA, 48, 11)
    if (Good == "yes") {

      Goodness <- matrix(NA, 48, 12)
      for (i in 1:48) {
        month.par <- data.at.timescale[i, 3]
        rain <-
          (data.at.timescale[which(data.at.timescale[, 3] == month.par), 4])
        rain.nozero <- na.omit(rain[rain > 0])
        n.rain <- length(na.omit(rain))
        n.nonzero <- length(rain.nozero)
        n.z <- n.rain - n.nonzero
        probzero <- calc.probzero(n.z, n.rain)
        soma.rain <- matrix(NA, n.nonzero, 1)
        parameters[i, 1:4] <-
          c(data.at.timescale[i, 3], pelgam(samlmu(rain.nozero)), probzero)
        prob.rain <-
          sort(cdfgam(rain.nozero, c(parameters[i, 2], parameters[i, 3])))
        prob.rain[prob.rain < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
        prob.rain[prob.rain > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
        prob.emp <-
            na.last = NA,
            ties.method = c("first")
          )) / n.nonzero
        Goodness[i, 1] <- max(abs(prob.emp - prob.rain))
        petp.harg <-
          (data.at.timescale[which(data.at.timescale[, 3] == month.par), 7])
        petp.pm <-
          (data.at.timescale[which(data.at.timescale[, 3] == month.par), 8])
        if (distr == "GEV") {
          parameters[i, 5:10] <-
            c(pelgev(samlmu(petp.harg)), pelgev(samlmu(petp.pm)))
          prob.harg <-
                          parameters[i, 5], parameters[i, 6], parameters[i, 7]
          prob.pm <-
                          parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9], parameters[i, 10]
        } else {
          parameters[i, 5:10] <-
            c(pelglo(samlmu(petp.harg)), pelglo(samlmu(petp.pm)))
          prob.harg <-
                          parameters[i, 5], parameters[i, 6], parameters[i, 7]
          prob.pm <-
                          parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9], parameters[i, 10]

        prob.harg[prob.harg < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
        prob.harg[prob.harg > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
        prob.pm[prob.pm < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
        prob.pm[prob.pm > 0.998649] <- 0.998649

        n.harg <- length(na.omit(petp.harg))
        soma.harg <- matrix(NA, n.harg, 1)
        prob.emp <-
            na.last = NA,
            ties.method = c("first")
          )) / n.harg
        Goodness[i, 3] <- max(abs(prob.emp - prob.harg))
        n.pm <- length(na.omit(petp.pm))
        soma.pm <- matrix(NA, n.pm, 1)
        prob.emp <-
            na.last = NA,
            ties.method = c("first")
          )) / n.pm
        Goodness[i, 5] <- max(abs(prob.emp - prob.pm))
        for (ad in 1:n.nonzero) {
          soma.rain[ad, 1] <-
            ((2 * ad) - 1) *
            ((log(prob.rain[ad])) + log(1 - prob.rain[n.nonzero + 1 - ad]))
        Goodness[i, 7] <-
          -n.nonzero - ((1 / n.nonzero) * sum(soma.rain, na.rm = TRUE))
        for (ad in 1:n.harg) {
          soma.harg[ad, 1] <-
            ((2 * ad) - 1) *
            ((log(prob.harg[ad])) + log(1 - prob.harg[n.harg + 1 - ad]))
        Goodness[i, 9] <-
          -n.harg - ((1 / n.harg) * sum(soma.harg, na.rm = TRUE))
        for (ad in 1:n.pm) {
          soma.pm[ad, 1] <-
            ((2 * ad) - 1) *
            ((log(prob.pm[ad])) + log(1 - prob.pm[n.pm + 1 - ad]))
        Goodness[i, 11] <-
          -n.pm - ((1 / n.pm) * sum(soma.pm, na.rm = TRUE))
        #### Critical values
        null.dist <- matrix(NA, 2000, 6)
        for (j in 1:2000) {
          x <-
                        c(parameters[i, 2], parameters[i, 3])))
          prob.synt <- try(cdfgam(x, pelgam(samlmu(x))))
          if (length(prob.synt) != n.nonzero) {
            prob.synt <- try(cdfgam(x, c(parameters[i, 2], parameters[i, 3])))
          prob.synt[prob.synt < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
          prob.synt[prob.synt > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
          prob.emp <- sort(rank(x)) / n.nonzero
          null.dist[j, 1] <- max(abs(prob.emp - prob.synt))
          for (ad in 1:n.nonzero) {
            soma.rain[ad, 1] <-
              ((2 * ad) - 1) * ((log(prob.synt[ad])) +
                                  log(1 - prob.synt[n.nonzero + 1 - ad]))
          null.dist[j, 4] <-
            -n.nonzero - ((1 / n.nonzero) * sum(soma.rain, na.rm = TRUE))
          if (distr == "GEV") {
            y <-
                c(parameters[i, 5], parameters[i, 6], parameters[i, 7])
            prob.synt <- cdfgev(y, pelgev(samlmu(y)))
            prob.synt[prob.synt < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
            prob.synt[prob.synt > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
            prob.emp <- sort(rank(y)) / n.harg
            null.dist[j, 2] <-
              max(abs(prob.emp - prob.synt))
            for (ad in 1:n.harg) {
              soma.harg[ad, 1] <-
                ((2 * ad) - 1) * ((log(prob.synt[ad])) +
                                    log(1 - prob.synt[n.harg + 1 - ad]))
            null.dist[j, 5] <-
              -n.harg - ((1 / n.harg) * sum(soma.harg, na.rm = TRUE))
            z <-
                c(parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9], parameters[i, 10])
            prob.synt <- cdfgev(z, pelgev(samlmu(z)))
            prob.synt[prob.synt < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
            prob.synt[prob.synt > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
            prob.emp <- sort(rank(z)) / n.pm
            null.dist[j, 3] <-
              max(abs(prob.emp - prob.synt))
            for (ad in 1:n.pm) {
              soma.pm[ad, 1] <-
                ((2 * ad) - 1) * ((log(prob.synt[ad])) +
                                    log(1 - prob.synt[n.pm + 1 - ad]))
            null.dist[j, 6] <-
              -n.pm - ((1 / n.pm) * sum(soma.pm, na.rm = TRUE))
          } else {
            y <-
                c(parameters[i, 5], parameters[i, 6], parameters[i, 7])
            prob.synt <- cdfglo(y, pelglo(samlmu(y)))
            prob.synt[prob.synt < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
            prob.synt[prob.synt > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
            prob.emp <- sort(rank(y)) / n.harg
            null.dist[j, 2] <-
              max(abs(prob.emp - prob.synt))
            for (ad in 1:n.harg) {
              soma.harg[ad, 1] <-
                ((2 * ad) - 1) * ((log(prob.synt[ad])) +
                                    log(1 - prob.synt[n.harg + 1 - ad]))
            null.dist[j, 5] <-
              -n.harg - ((1 / n.harg) * sum(soma.harg, na.rm = TRUE))
            z <-
                c(parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9], parameters[i, 10])
            prob.synt <- cdfglo(z, pelglo(samlmu(z)))
            prob.synt[prob.synt < 0.001351] <- 0.001351
            prob.synt[prob.synt > 0.998649] <- 0.998649
            prob.emp <- sort(rank(z)) / n.pm
            null.dist[j, 3] <-
              max(abs(prob.emp - prob.synt))
            for (ad in 1:n.pm) {
              soma.pm[ad, 1] <-
                ((2 * ad) - 1) * ((log(prob.synt[ad])) +
                                    log(1 - prob.synt[n.pm + 1 - ad]))
            null.dist[j, 6] <-
              -n.pm - ((1 / n.pm) * sum(soma.pm, na.rm = TRUE))
        Goodness[i, 2] <-
          quantile(null.dist[, 1], sig.level)
        Goodness[i, 4] <-
          quantile(null.dist[, 2], sig.level)
        Goodness[i, 6] <-
          quantile(null.dist[, 3], sig.level)
        Goodness[i, 8] <-
          quantile(null.dist[, 4], sig.level)
        Goodness[i, 10] <-
          quantile(null.dist[, 5], sig.level)
        Goodness[i, 12] <-
          quantile(null.dist[, 6], sig.level)
      parameters[, 11] <- TS
      parameters <- cbind(lon, lat, parameters)
      parameters <- parameters[order(parameters[, 3]), ]
      colnames(parameters) <- c(
      colnames(Goodness) <- c(
      n.weeks <- nrow(data.at.timescale)
      pos <- 1
      SDI <- matrix(NA, n.weeks, 3)
      if (distr == "GEV") {
        while (pos <= n.weeks) {
          i <- data.at.timescale[pos, 3]
          prob <-
            adjust.prob(parameters[i, 6] + (1 - parameters[i, 6]) *
                          cdfgam(data.at.timescale[pos, 4],
                                 c(parameters[i, 4], parameters[i, 5])))

          SDI[pos, 1] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
              data.at.timescale[pos, 7],
              c(parameters[i, 7], parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9])

          SDI[pos, 2] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
              data.at.timescale[pos, 8],
              c(parameters[i, 10], parameters[i, 11], parameters[i, 12])

          SDI[pos, 3] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          pos <- pos + 1
      } else {
        while (pos <= n.weeks) {
          i <- data.at.timescale[pos, 3]
          prob <-
            adjust.prob(parameters[i, 6] + (1 - parameters[i, 6]) *
                          cdfgam(data.at.timescale[pos, 4],
                                 c(parameters[i, 4], parameters[i, 5])))

          SDI[pos, 1] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
              data.at.timescale[pos, 7],
              c(parameters[i, 7], parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9])

          SDI[pos, 2] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
              data.at.timescale[pos, 8],
              c(parameters[i, 10], parameters[i, 11], parameters[i, 12])

          SDI[pos, 3] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          pos <- pos + 1
      categories <- matrix(NA, n.weeks, 3)
      # see internal_functions.R for find.category()
      categories[, 1] <- find.category(x = SDI[, 1])
      categories[, 2] <- find.category(x = SDI[, 2])
      categories[, 3] <- find.category(x = SDI[, 3])

      SDI <- cbind(data.at.timescale, SDI)
      ##### Normality checking procedures
      Norn.check <- matrix(NA, 48, 15)
      for (j in 1:48) {
        SDI.week <- as.matrix(SDI[which(SDI[, 3] == j), 9:11])
        w <- shapiro.test(SDI.week[, 1])
        w$p.value[w$p.value < 0.01] <- 0.01
        Norn.check[j, 1:3] <-
          c(w$statistic, w$p.value, abs(median((SDI.week[, 1]), na.rm = TRUE)))
        w <- shapiro.test(SDI.week[, 2])
        w$p.value[w$p.value < 0.01] <- 0.01
        Norn.check[j, 4:6] <-
          c(w$statistic, w$p.value, abs(median((SDI.week[, 2]), na.rm = TRUE)))
        w <- shapiro.test(SDI.week[, 3])
        w$p.value[w$p.value < 0.01] <- 0.01
        Norn.check[j, 7:9] <-
          c(w$statistic, w$p.value, abs(median((SDI.week[, 3]), na.rm = TRUE)))
        ###### As proposed in Wu et al. (2006)

        Norn.check[j, 10] <- ifelse((Norn.check[j, 1] < 0.960 &&
                                       Norn.check[j, 2] < 0.10 &&
                                       Norn.check[j, 3] > 0.05),

        Norn.check[j, 11] <- ifelse((Norn.check[j, 4] < 0.960 &&
                                       Norn.check[j, 5] < 0.10 &&
                                       Norn.check[j, 6] > 0.05),

        Norn.check[j, 12] <- ifelse((Norn.check[j, 7] < 0.960 &&
                                       Norn.check[j, 8] < 0.10 &&
                                       Norn.check[j, 9] > 0.05),

        ###### As proposed in Stagge et al. (2015)

        Norn.check[j, 13] <- ifelse(Norn.check[j, 2] < 0.05,

        Norn.check[j, 14] <- ifelse(Norn.check[j, 5] < 0.05,

        Norn.check[j, 15] <- ifelse(Norn.check[j, 8] < 0.05,

      colnames(Norn.check) <- c(
      SDI.final <- data.frame(SDI, categories)
      colnames(SDI.final) <- c(
      SDI.final <- SDI.final[-c(n.weeks), ]

      row.names(SDI.final[1, ]) <- paste("TS is ", as.character(TS))
      Result <-
        list(SDI.final, parameters, Goodness, Norn.check)
      Result <- list(
        SDI = SDI.final,
        DistPar = parameters,
        GoodFit = Goodness,
        Normality = Norn.check
      message("The calculations started on: ", start.date.protocal)
    } else {
      for (i in 1:48) {
        month.par <- data.at.timescale[i, 3]
        rain <-
          (data.at.timescale[which(data.at.timescale[, 3] == month.par), 4])
        rain.nozero <- na.omit(rain[rain > 0])
        n.rain <- length(na.omit(rain))
        n.nonzero <- length(rain.nozero)
        n.z <- n.rain - n.nonzero
        probzero <- calc.probzero(n.z, n.rain)
        parameters[i, 1:4] <-
          c(data.at.timescale[i, 3], pelgam(samlmu(rain.nozero)), probzero)
        petp.harg <-
          (data.at.timescale[which(data.at.timescale[, 3] == month.par), 7])
        petp.pm <-
          (data.at.timescale[which(data.at.timescale[, 3] == month.par), 8])
        if (distr == "GEV") {
          parameters[i, 5:10] <-
            c(pelgev(samlmu(petp.harg)), pelgev(samlmu(petp.pm)))
          prob.harg <-
                          parameters[i, 5], parameters[i, 6], parameters[i, 7]
          prob.pm <-
                          parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9], parameters[i, 10]
        } else {
          parameters[i, 5:10] <-
            c(pelglo(samlmu(petp.harg)), pelglo(samlmu(petp.pm)))
          prob.harg <-
                          parameters[i, 5], parameters[i, 6], parameters[i, 7]
          prob.pm <-
                          parameters[i, 8], parameters[i, 9], parameters[i, 10]
      parameters[, 11] <- TS
      parameters <- cbind(lon, lat, parameters)
      parameters <- parameters[order(parameters[, 3]), ]
      colnames(parameters) <- c(
      n.weeks <- nrow(data.at.timescale)
      pos <- 1
      SDI <- matrix(NA, n.weeks, 3)
      if (distr == "GEV") {
        while (pos <= n.weeks) {
          i <- data.at.timescale[pos, 3]
          prob <-
            adjust.prob((parameters[i, 6] + (1 - parameters[i, 6])) *
                          cdfgam(data.at.timescale[pos, 4],
                                 c(parameters[i, 4], parameters[i, 5])))

          SDI[pos, 1] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
            adjust.prob(cdfgev(data.at.timescale[pos, 7],
                   c(parameters[i, 7], parameters[i, 8],
                     parameters[i, 9])))

          SDI[pos, 2] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
            adjust.prob(cdfgev(data.at.timescale[pos, 8],
                   c(parameters[i, 10], parameters[i, 11],
                     parameters[i, 12])))

          SDI[pos, 3] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          pos <- pos + 1
      } else {
        # TODO: could this just be an apply() rather than a while loop?
        while (pos <= n.weeks) {
          i <- data.at.timescale[pos, 3]
          prob <-
            adjust.prob(parameters[i, 6] + (1 - parameters[i, 6]) *
            cdfgam(data.at.timescale[pos, 4],
                   c(parameters[i, 4], parameters[i, 5])))
          SDI[pos, 1] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)

          prob <-
            adjust.prob(cdfglo(data.at.timescale[pos, 7],
                   c(parameters[i, 7], parameters[i, 8],
                     parameters[i, 9])))
          SDI[pos, 2] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          prob <-
            adjust.prob(cdfglo(data.at.timescale[pos, 8],
                   c(parameters[i, 10], parameters[i, 11],
                     parameters[i, 12])))
          SDI[pos, 3] <- qnorm(prob, mean = 0, sd = 1)
          pos <- pos + 1
      categories <- matrix(NA, n.weeks, 3)

      categories[, 1] <- find.category(x = SDI[, 1])
      categories[, 2] <- find.category(x = SDI[, 2])
      categories[, 3] <- find.category(x = SDI[, 3])

      SDI <- cbind(data.at.timescale, SDI)
      SDI.final <- data.frame(SDI, categories)
      colnames(SDI.final) <- c(
      SDI.final <- SDI.final[-c(n.weeks), ]

      row.names(SDI.final[1, ]) <- paste("TS is", as.character(TS))
      Result <- list(SDI.final, parameters)
      Result <- list(SDI = SDI.final, DistPar = parameters)
      message("The calculations started on: ", start.date.protocal)

#' Check and Remove Values Outside of Set Limits
#' Takes a user-provided value, checks if values are within the boundaries,
#' emits a message with number of removed rows and set to 'na' the data falling
#' outside the boundaries.
#' @param data.week A matrix of values
#' @param col.position An integer value indicating which column should be
#'   checked
#' @param Uplim The user-defined upper limit
#' @param Lowlim The user-defined lower limit
#' @param which.lim A string indicating whether the limits are applied to rain
#'   or PE values for the message that is emitted
#' @examples
#' data.week <-
#' structure(
#'   c(
#'     -47.3,
#'     -47.3,
#'     -22.87,
#'     -22.87,
#'     2015,
#'     2015,
#'     1,
#'     1,
#'     1,
#'     2,
#'     34.88,
#'     22.72,
#'     35.4347478184492,
#'     42.1418688289752,
#'     34.3122432933585,
#'     44.6334180288311
#'   ),
#'   dim = c(2L, 8L)
#' )
#' # removes second row
#' check.remove.lims(data.week, 6, 45, 34, "rain")
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal

check.remove.lims <-
           which.lim) {
    if (!is.null(Uplim)) {
      upremov <- which(data.week[, col.position] > Uplim)
      if (length(upremov) > 384) {
        stop(call. = FALSE,
             "There are not enough rows in the data with the limits that you ",
             "have set. Please use lower or higher limits to allow enough data ",
             "to remain.")
      if (length(upremov) > 0) {
        message("Row(s) with data above limit: ",
                paste(upremov, collapse = ", "),
                " for ",
        data.week[which(data.week[, col.position] > Uplim), col.position] <- Uplim

    if (!is.null(Lowlim)) {
      lowremov <- which(data.week[, col.position] < Lowlim)
      if (length(lowremov) > 384) {
        stop(call. = FALSE,
             "There are not enough rows in the data with the limits that you ",
             "have set. Please use lower or higher limits to allow enough data ",
             "to remain.")
      if (length(lowremov) > 0) {
        message("Row(s) with data below limit: ",
                paste(lowremov, collapse = ", "),
                " for ",
        data.week[which(data.week[, col.position] < Lowlim), col.position] <- Lowlim

    if (nrow(data.week) < 2) {
      stop(call. = FALSE,
           "There are not enough rows in the data with the limits that you ",
           "have set. Please use lower or higher limits to allow enough data ",
           "to remain.")

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PowerSDI documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:40 a.m.