
### R code from vignette source 'ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:13-15
## make a *basic* terminal in RGtk2

### code chunk number 2: TextViewWidget
view <- gtkTextView()
buffer <- view$getBuffer()
font <- pangoFontDescriptionFromString("Monospace")
view$modifyFont(font)                     # widget wide

### code chunk number 3: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:30-36
buffer$createTag( = "cmdInput")
buffer$createTag( = "cmdOutput", 
                 weight = PangoWeight["bold"])
buffer$createTag( = "cmdError", 
       weight = PangoStyle["italic"], foreground = "red")
buffer$createTag( = "uneditable", editable = FALSE)

### code chunk number 4: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:41-46
start_cmd <- buffer$createMark("start_cmd", 
                              left.gravity = TRUE)
bufferEnd <- buffer$createMark("bufferEnd", 

### code chunk number 5: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:53-67
add_prompt <- function(obj, prompt = c("prompt", "continue"),
                      set_mark = TRUE) 
  prompt <- match.arg(prompt)
  prompt <- getOption(prompt)
  end_iter <- obj$getEndIter()
  obj$insert(end_iter$iter, prompt)
    obj$moveMarkByName("start_cmd", end_iter$iter)
  obj$applyTagByName("uneditable", obj$getStartIter()$iter, 
add_prompt(buffer) ## place an initial prompt

### code chunk number 6: add_ouput
add_ouput <- function(obj, output, tag_name = "cmdOutput") {
  end_iter <- obj$getEndIter()
  if(length(output) > 0)  
    sapply(output, function(i)  {
      obj$insertWithTagsByName(end_iter$iter, i, tag_name)
      obj$insert(end_iter$iter, "\n", len=-1)

### code chunk number 7: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:90-98
find_cmd <- function(obj) {
  end_iter <- obj$getEndIter()
  start_iter <- obj$getIterAtMark(start_cmd)
  cmd <- obj$getText(start_iter$iter, end_iter$iter, TRUE)
  regex <- paste("\n[", getOption("continue"), "] ", sep = "")
  cmd <- unlist(strsplit(cmd, regex))

### code chunk number 8: evalCmd
eval_cmd <- function(view, cmd) {
  buffer <- view$getBuffer()
  out <- try(evaluate:::evaluate(cmd, .GlobalEnv), 
             silent = TRUE)

  if(inherits(out, "try-error")) {
    ## parse error
    add_ouput(buffer, out, "cmdError")
  } else if(inherits(out[[2]], "error")) {
    if(grepl("end", out[[2]])) {        # a hack here
      add_prompt(buffer, "continue", set_mark = FALSE)
    } else {
      add_ouput(buffer, out[[2]]$message, "cmdError")
  } else {
    add_ouput(buffer, out[[2]], "cmdOutput")
  add_prompt(buffer, "prompt", set_mark = TRUE)

### code chunk number 9: connectBinding
gSignalConnect(view, "key-release-event", 
               f=function(view, event) {
                 buffer <- view$getBuffer()
                 keyval <- event$getKeyval()
                 if(keyval == GDK_Return) {
                   cmd <- find_cmd(buffer)
                   if(length(cmd) && nchar(cmd) > 0)
                     eval_cmd(view, cmd)

### code chunk number 10: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:154-160
scroll_viewport <- function(view, ...) {
  view$scrollToMark(bufferEnd, within.margin = 0)
gSignalConnect(buffer, "changed", scroll_viewport, data=view, 
               after = TRUE, = TRUE)

### code chunk number 11: makeGUI
## scroll window
sw <- gtkScrolledWindow()
sw$setPolicy("automatic", "automatic")

## top-level window
w <- gtkWindow(show=FALSE)
w$setTitle("A terminal")

### code chunk number 12: ex-RGtk2-terminal.Rnw:179-251
## History features
## This is not illustrated in text, but is added here to illustrate how this might be implemented
## The major issue with this example is we can't trap the return or arrow keys before they move 
## the cursor so any thing ends up looking jerky

## store the stack and a pointer to the current command with the text buffer
buffer$setData("history", list())
buffer$setData("ptr", 0)

## replace cmd with that in str.
replace_cmd <- function(obj, str) {
  end_iter <- obj$getEndIter()
  start_iter <- obj$getIterAtMark(start_cmd)
  obj$delete(start_iter$iter, end_iter$iter)
  end_iter <- obj$getEndIter()
  obj$insertWithTagsByName(end_iter$iter, str[1], "cmdInput")
  if(length(str) > 1) {
    for(i in str[-1]) {
      obj$insert(end_iter$iter, "\n")
      obj$insertWithTagsByName(end_iter$iter, getOption("continue"), "cmdInput")
      obj$insertWithTagsByName(end_iter$iter, i, "cmdInput")

## This adds the command to the history stack and moves the pointer.
add_history <- function(obj, cmd) {
  history <- obj$GetData("history"); ptr <- obj$GetData("ptr")
  history <- c(history, cmd)
  ptr <- length(history)
  obj$SetData("ptr", ptr)
  obj$SetData("history", history)

## these next two functions scroll through the history
scroll_history_up <- function(obj) {
  ## move through history
  ptr <- obj$GetData("ptr") - 1
  if(ptr > 0)
    replace_cmd(obj, obj$GetData("history")[[ptr]])
  obj$SetData("ptr", max(ptr,0))

scroll_history_down <- function(obj) {
  ## move through history
  ptr <- obj$GetData("ptr") + 1
  history <- obj$GetData("history")
  if(ptr <= length(history)) 
    replace_cmd(obj, history[[ptr]])
  obj$SetData("ptr", min(ptr,length(history)))

## History bindings
## this uses Control-p and Control-n to move
ID <- gSignalConnect(view, "key-release-event", f=function(w, e, data) {
  if(e$GetState() != GdkModifierType['control-mask'])

  obj <- w$GetBuffer()
  keyval <- e$GetKeyval()

  if(keyval == GDK_p) {
  } else if(keyval == GDK_n) {

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ProgGUIinR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:04 p.m.