d.urban: Explaining Urban Regimes

Description Usage Format Contributors Author(s) Source


This dataset is from Kilburn (2004), who analyzes the influence of city context on urban regimes across 14 cities in the United States using csQCA.




This data frame contains 14 rows (cases) and the following 6 columns (factors):

[ , 1] MLC exogenous factor: mobility of local capital ("1" high, "0" not high)
[ , 2] FRB exogenous factor: fiscal resource base ("1" large, "0" not large)
[ , 3] CP exogenous factor: civic participation ("1" high, "0" not high)
[ , 4] WSR exogenous factor: ward-style representation ("1" high, "0" not high)
[ , 5] CS exogenous factor: city size ("1" large, "0" not large)
[ , 6] RT endogenous factor: regime type ("1" progressive, "0" developmental/caretaker)


Thiem, Alrik: collection, documentation


Alrik Thiem (Personal Website; ResearchGate Website)


Kilburn, H. Whitt. 2004. “Explaining U.S. Urban Regimes.” Urban Affairs Review 39 (5):633-51. DOI: 10.1177/1078087403262861.

QCApro documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:09 p.m.

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