
Defines functions plot_table_old plot_table

Documented in plot_table

# Copyright (C) 2016 Stanislav Kovalevsky
# This file is part of QuantTools.
# QuantTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# QuantTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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#' Plot data.table as table
#' @param dt data.table
#' @param transpose should table be transposed?
#' @param justify \code{'middle','left','right'}
#' @param ... further graphical parameters as in \code{\link[graphics]{par}}
#' @family graphical functions
#' @export
plot_table = function( dt, transpose = F, justify = c( 'middle', 'left', 'right' ), ... ) {

  justify = match.arg( justify )
  names = names( dt )
  plot( 0, type = 'n', xlim = 0:1, ylim = -1:0, xlab = '', ylab = '', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i', ... )
  bord = strwidth( '_' )
  if( !transpose ) {

    data_width = sapply( dt, function( x ) max( strwidth( x ) ) ) + bord
    name_width = strwidth( names ) + bord
    width  = pmax( data_width, name_width )
    height = rep( strheight( 'X' ),  nrow( dt ) + 1 )

    # normalize width
    norm_width  = width / sum( width )
    norm_height = pmin( height / sum( height ), height + bord * 2 )

    col_borders = c( 0, cumsum( norm_width ) )
    row_borders = c( 0, cumsum( -norm_height ) )

    x_middle = col_borders[ -length( col_borders ) ] + diff( col_borders ) / 2
    y_middle = row_borders[ -length( row_borders ) ] + diff( row_borders ) / 2
    x_left = col_borders[ -length( col_borders ) ] + bord
    x_right = col_borders[ -1 ] - bord

    segments( col_borders[1], row_borders, col_borders[ length( col_borders ) ],row_borders )
    segments( col_borders, row_borders[1], col_borders,row_borders[ length( row_borders ) ] )

    switch( justify,

            middle = {
              lapply( seq_along( dt ), function( i ) text( x_middle[i], y_middle[-1], labels = dt[[i]] ) )
              text( x_middle, y_middle[1], labels = names, font = 2 )
            left = {
              # data
              lapply( seq_along( dt ), function( i ) text( x_left[i], y_middle[-1], labels = dt[[i]], pos = 4, offset = 0 ) )
              # names
              text( x_left, y_middle[1], labels = names, font = 2, pos = 4, offset = 0 )
            right = {
              # data
              lapply( seq_along( dt ), function( i ) text( x_right[i], y_middle[-1], labels = dt[[i]], pos = 2, offset = 0 ) )
              # names
              text( x_right, y_middle[1], labels = names, font = 2, pos = 2, offset = 0 )

  } else {

    data_width = apply( dt, 1, function( x ) max( strwidth( x ) ) ) + bord
    name_width = max( strwidth( names ) ) + bord
    width  = c( name_width, data_width )
    height = rep( strheight( 'X'), ncol( dt ) )

    # normalize width
    norm_width  = width / sum( width )
    norm_height = pmin( height / sum( height ), height + bord * 2 )

    col_borders = c( 0, cumsum( norm_width ) )
    row_borders = c( 0, cumsum( -norm_height ) )

    x_middle = col_borders[ -length( col_borders ) ] + diff( col_borders ) / 2
    y_middle = row_borders[ -length( row_borders ) ] + diff( row_borders ) / 2
    x_left = col_borders[ -length( col_borders ) ] + bord
    x_right = col_borders[ -1 ] - bord

    segments( col_borders[1], row_borders, col_borders[ length( col_borders ) ],row_borders )
    segments( col_borders, row_borders[1], col_borders,row_borders[ length( row_borders ) ] )

    switch( justify,

            middle = {
              # data
              lapply( seq_along( dt[[1]] ), function( i ) text( x_middle[-1][i], y_middle, labels = format( dt[i] ) ) )
              # names
              text( x_middle[1], y_middle, labels = names, font = 2 )
            left = {
              # data
              lapply( seq_along( dt[[1]] ), function( i ) text( x_left[-1][i], y_middle, labels = format( dt[i] ), pos = 4, offset = 0 ) )
              # names
              text( x_left[1], y_middle, labels = names, font = 2, pos = 4, offset = 0 )
            right = {
              # data
              lapply( seq_along( dt[[1]] ), function( i ) text( x_right[-1][i], y_middle, labels = format( dt[i] ), pos = 2, offset = 0 ) )
              # names
              text( x_right[1], y_middle, labels = names, font = 2, pos = 2, offset = 0 )



# Plot data.frame as table with histogram in background
# @param x data
# @param hist histogram background type, \code{'bycol', 'total', 'n'}
# @param col only auto colors available
# @param srt column names rotation
# @param ... further graphical parameters as in \code{\link[graphics]{par}}
# @family graphical functions
# @export
plot_table_old = function( x, hist = 'n', col = 'auto', srt = 0, ... ){

  xlim = 0:1
  ylim = 0:1
  plot( 0, type = 'n', xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', bty = 'n', xaxs = 'i', ... )

  n_col = ncol( x )
  n_row = nrow( x )

  row_names_width = max( strwidth( rownames( x ) ) )
  col_names_width = max( strwidth( colnames( x ) ) )
  col_names_height = max( col_names_width * sin( pi * srt / 180 ), strheight( 'A' ) ) * 2

  y_step = min( strheight( 'A' ) * 2, ( diff( ylim ) - col_names_height ) / ( n_row + 1 )  )

  x_step = ( diff( xlim ) - row_names_width ) / ( n_col + 1 )

  x_rn = rep( xlim[1] + row_names_width, n_row )
  y_rn = ylim[2] - col_names_height - 1:n_row * y_step

  y_cn = rep( ylim[2] - col_names_height, n_col )
  x_cn = xlim[1] + row_names_width  + 1:n_col * x_step

  x_val = rep( x_cn, each = n_row )
  y_val = rep( y_rn, n_col )

  v = switch( hist,
              bycol = t( apply( x, 1, `/`, apply( abs( x ), 2, max ) ) ),
              total = x / max( x )

  if( !is.null( v ) ) {
    v_pos = v; v_pos[ v < 0 ] = 0
    v_neg = -v; v_neg[ v > 0 ] = 0

    rect( x_val - x_step * 0.5 , y_val - y_step / 2, x_val - x_step * 0.5 + x_step * v_pos * 0.9, y_val - y_step / 2 + y_step, col = distinct_colors[1], border = 'white', ... )
    rect( x_val - x_step * 0.5 , y_val - y_step / 2, x_val - x_step * 0.5 + x_step * v_neg * 0.9, y_val - y_step / 2 + y_step, col = distinct_colors[2], border = 'white', ... )

  if( hist == '3d' ) {

    v = x / max( x )
    colors_loss <- colorRampPalette( c( "white", distinct_colors[2] ) )( 100 )
    colors_gain <- colorRampPalette( c( "white", distinct_colors[1] ) )( 100 )

    col = v * NA
    col[ v > 0 ] = colors_gain[ ceiling( +v[ v > 0 ] * 100 ) ]
    col[ v < 0 ] = colors_loss[ ceiling( -v[ v < 0 ] * 100 ) ]

    rect( x_val - x_step * 0.5 , y_val - y_step / 2, x_val - x_step * 0.5 + x_step, y_val - y_step / 2 + y_step, col = col, border = 'white', ... )

  text( x_rn - row_names_width * if( srt == 0 ) 1.0 else 0.0, y_rn, rownames( x ), adj = c( if( srt == 0 ) 0.0 else 1.0, 0.5 ), font = 2, ... )
  text( x_cn, y_cn, colnames( x ), adj = c( if( srt == 0 ) 0.5 else 0.0, 0.5 ), font = 2, srt = srt, ... )
  text( x_val, y_val, format( x ), adj = c( 0.5, 0.5 ), ... )


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QuantTools documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 7:54 p.m.