Defines functions toRStudioGD toCairoX11 toCairoWin toX11 toWindows toQuartz toDefault asDataURI toNullDev toFavicon toTIFF toSVG toPNG toPDF toEPS toWMF toEMF toBMP

Documented in asDataURI toBMP toCairoWin toCairoX11 toDefault toEMF toEPS toFavicon toNullDev toPDF toPNG toQuartz toRStudioGD toSVG toTIFF toWindows toWMF toX11

# @RdocDocumentation toNNN
# @alias toBMP
# @alias toEMF
# @alias toEPS
# @alias toPDF
# %% @alias toCairoPNG
# @alias toPNG
# @alias toSVG
# @alias toTIFF
# @alias toWMF 
# @alias toFavicon
# @alias toNullDev
# @alias asDataURI
# % Interactive/screen devices
# @alias toDefault
# @alias toQuartz
# @alias toWindows
# @alias toX11
# @alias toCairoWin
# @alias toCairoX11
# %% @alias toJavaGD
#@alias toRStudioGD
# @title "Methods for creating image files of a specific format"
# \description{
#  @get "title".
# }
# \usage{
#   toBMP(name, ...)
#   toPDF(name, ...)
#   toPNG(name, ...)
#   toSVG(name, ...)
#   toTIFF(name, ...)
#   toEMF(name, ..., ext="emf")
#   toWMF(name, ..., ext="wmf")
#   toFavicon(..., name="favicon", ext="png",
#             field=getDevOption("favicon", "field", default="htmlscript"))
#   % Interactive/screen devices
#   toDefault(name, ...)
#   toQuartz(name, ...)
#   toX11(name, ...)
#   toWindows(name, ...)
#   % Interactive/screen devices from other packages
#   toCairoWin(name, ...)
#   toCairoX11(name, ...)
#   %% toJavaGD(name, ...)
#   % Interactive/screen device for RStudio
#   toRStudioGD(name, ..., .allowUnknownArgs = TRUE)
# }
# \arguments{
#   \item{name}{A @character string specifying the name of the image file.}
#   \item{..., .allowUnknownArgs}{Additional arguments passed to @see "devEval", e.g.
#      \code{tags} and \code{aspectRatio}.}
#   \item{ext, field}{Passed to @see "devEval".}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns by default the @see "DevEvalProduct".
#   For \code{toFavicon()} the default return value is a @character string.
# }
# \section{Windows Metafile Format}{
#   Both \code{toEMF()} and \code{toWMF()} use the exact same graphics
#   device (\code{win.metafile()}) and settings.  They only differ by
#   filename extension.  The \code{win.metafile()} device function exists
#   on Windows only; see the \pkg{grDevices} package for more details.
# }
# @author
# \seealso{
#   These functions are wrappers for @see "devEval".
#   See @see "devOptions" to change the default dimensions for
#   a specific device type.
# }
# @keyword device
# @keyword utilities
toBMP <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{bmp}", name=name, ...);

toEMF <- function(name, ..., ext="emf") {
  devEval(type="{win.metafile}", name=name, ..., ext=ext);

toWMF <- function(name, ..., ext="wmf") {
  devEval(type="{win.metafile}", name=name, ..., ext=ext);

toEPS <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{eps}", name=name, ...);

toPDF <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{pdf}", name=name, ...);

toPNG <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{png}", name=name, ...);

toSVG <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{svg}", name=name, ...);

toTIFF <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{tiff}", name=name, ...);

toFavicon <- function(..., name="favicon", ext="png", field=getDevOption("favicon", "field", default="htmlscript")) {
  # Output as "<script>...</script>"?
  if (identical(field, "htmlscript")) {
    uri <- devEval(type="{favicon}", name=name, ext=ext, field="dataURI", ...);
    script <- c(
      " var link = document.createElement('link');",
      " link.rel = 'icon';",
      sprintf(' link.href = "%s"', uri),
      " document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link);",
    paste(script, collapse="\n")
  } else {
    devEval(type="favicon", name=name, ext=ext, field=field, ...);
} # toFavicon()

toNullDev <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type = "{nulldev}", name = name, ...)

asDataURI <- function(..., mime=NULL) {
  img <- DevEvalFileProduct(...);
  if (is.null(mime)) {
    mime <- getMimeType(img);
  getDataURI(img, mime=mime);

toDefault <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type=getOption("device"), name=name, ...);

toQuartz <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{quartz}", name=name, ...);

toWindows <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{windows}", name=name, ...);

toX11 <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{x11}", name=name, ...);

toCairoWin <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{CairoWin}", name=name, ...);

toCairoX11 <- function(name, ...) {
  devEval(type="{CairoX11}", name=name, ...);

toRStudioGD <- function(name, ..., .allowUnknownArgs = TRUE) {
  ## WORKAROUND: Calling dev.new() in RStudio will open a RStudioGD device
  ## unless it is already opened, which in case it will open new graphics
  ## devices as when done outside of RStudio. In other words, there can only
  ## be one RStudioGD device open at any time.
  ## Because of the above, call to toRStudioGD() should set current device to
  ## the RStudioGD one if already open, otherwise create a new one. To open
  ## an existing device, all we need to do is set 'name' to its label.
  ## PS. We cannot just close it and have it reopened, because then we'll
  ##     loose the plot history in RStudio itself.

  ## (a) RStudioGD is not opened
  idx <- which("RStudioGD" == names(dev.list())) + 1L
  if (length(idx) == 0) {
    return(devEval(type = "{RStudioGD}", name = name, ...,
                   .allowUnknownArgs = .allowUnknownArgs))

  ## (b) RStudioGD _is_ opened
  ## Existing label of the RStudioGD device
  label <- devGetLabel(idx)

  ## Was the expression passed implicitly via 'name' instead?  If so, then we
  ## need to make sure to call devEval() with 'name' set to the label of the
  ## current RStudioGD device.
  expr <- substitute(name)
  class <- eval(expression(class(expr)))
  is_expression <- is.element(class, c("call", "{", "("))
  if (isTRUE(is_expression)) {
    args <- list(type = "RStudioGD", name = label, expr = expr, ...,
                 .allowUnknownArgs = .allowUnknownArgs)
    return(do.call(devEval, args = args, envir = parent.frame()))

  ## Otherwise, just call it as is
  res <- devEval(type = "RStudioGD", name = label, ...,
                 .allowUnknownArgs = .allowUnknownArgs)

  ## Should the label of the RStudioGD device be updated  
  if (name != label) devSetLabel(idx, label = name)

## toJavaGD <- function(name, ...) {
##   devEval(type="{JavaGD}", name=name, ...);
## }

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R.devices documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:52 a.m.