extract.GenericDataFileSet: Extract a subset of the file set

extract.GenericDataFileSetR Documentation

Extract a subset of the file set


Extract a subset of the file set.


## S3 method for class 'GenericDataFileSet'
extract(this, files, ..., onMissing=c("NA", "error", "drop", "dropall"),
  onDuplicates=c("ignore", "drop", "error"))



An integer or a logical vector indicating which data files to be extracted. Negative indices are excluded.


Not used.


A character specifying the action if a requested file does not exist. If "error", an error is thrown. If "NA", a GenericDataFile referring to an NA pathname is used in place. If "drop", the missing file is dropped. If "dropall", an empty data set is return if one or more missing files are requested.


Returns a GenericDataFileSet with zero of more GenericDataFile:s.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

na.omit for dropping missing files from a fileset. For more information see GenericDataFileSet.

R.filesets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:10 a.m.