
# @RdocDefault rargs
# @title "Gets RSP arguments of an RSP document"
# \description{
#  @get "title", if any.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{...}{Arguments passed to @see "rcompile".}
# }
# \value{
#   Returns a @data.frame of class 'RspArguments'.
# }
# \details{
#   Any RSP preprocessing variable with an 'description' attribute
#   is considered to be an RSP argument.
# }
# @examples "../incl/rargs.Rex"
# @author
# \seealso{
#  @see "rfile".
# }
# @keyword file
# @keyword IO
# @keyword internal
setMethodS3("rargs", "default", function(...) {
  # Parse RSP document
  doc <- rcompile(..., until="directives", output=RspDocument())

  # Extract RSP preprocessing directives
  keep <- unlist(sapply(doc, FUN=inherits, "RspUnparsedDirective"), use.names=FALSE)
  doc <- doc[keep]

  # Parse RSP directives
  for (idx in seq_along(doc)) {
    doc[[idx]] <- parseDirective(doc[[idx]])

  # Extract RSP preprocessing variables
  keep <- unlist(sapply(doc, FUN=inherits, "RspVariableDirective"), use.names=FALSE)
  doc <- doc[keep]

  # Subset by those with 'description' attributes.
  keep <- unlist(sapply(doc, FUN=hasAttribute, "description"), use.names=FALSE)
  doc <- doc[keep]

  args <- lapply(doc, FUN=function(d) {
    attrs <- getNameContentDefaultAttributes(d)
    type <- as.character(d)
    default <- attrs$default
    if (is.null(default)) default <- vector(mode=type, length=1L)
    default <- as(default, type)
      name        = attrs$name,
      type        = type,
      default     = default,
      description = attr(d, "description"),
  if (length(args) > 0L) {
    args <- Reduce(rbind, args)
  } else {
    # Default
    args <- data.frame(
      name        = "",
      type        = "",
      default     = "",
      description = "",
    args <- args[c(),]

  rownames(args) <- NULL
  class(args) <- c("RspArguments", class(args))
}) # rargs()

# @set "class=RspArguments"
# @RdocMethod print
# @title "Prints RSP arguments"
# \description{
#  @get "title" returned by @see "rargs".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
#   \item{...}{Not used.}
# }
# \value{
#  Returns nothing.
# }
# @author
# \seealso{
#   @see "rargs".
# }
setMethodS3("print", "RspArguments", function(x, ...) {
  s <- NULL
  for (kk in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
    arg <- x[kk,]
    title <- sprintf("'%s' [%s]", arg$name, arg$type)
    title <- sprintf("%s:", title)
    if (!is.null(arg$default)) {
      default <- sprintf("    Default: '%s'", arg$default)
    } else {
      default <- "    Default:"
    desc <- arg$description
    desc <- sprintf("    %s", desc)
    s <- c(s, title, default, desc, "")
  } # for (kk ...)
  s <- paste(s, collapse="\n")
  cat(s, "\n", sep="")

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R.rsp documentation built on June 28, 2022, 1:05 a.m.