# Name : fit.epid
# Desc : Computes a fitted model that accomodates the incidence values provided
# in the Maximum Likelihood method implementation
# Date : 2011/11/09
# Update : 2023/03/02
# Author : Boelle, Obadia
#' @title
#' Poisson log-likelihood for an observed epidemic
#' @description
#' Computes the Poisson log-likelihood of an observed epidemic, compared to the
#' expected incidence values for a given R and generation time distirbution.
#' @note
#' This function is also used in [fit.epid.optim()], which is a wrapper for the
#' joint optimization routine to determine the best-fitting R and GT values when
#' the [est.R0.ML()] method is called and asked to jointly estimate reproduction
#' ratios and generation time distirbution.
#' @details
#' For internal use. Called from [est.R0.ML()].
#' Computes and returns the Poisson log-likelihood of an observed epidemic,
#' conditional on a given value of R and a generation time distribution.
#' @param log.R The log-reproduction ratio.
#' @param epid An epidemic curve, in the sense of passing [check.incid()] validations. It must have at least an incidence vector in an `incid` component.
#' @param GT Generation time distribution from [generation.time()].
#' @param import Vector of imported cases
#' @param pred Boolean. By default (`FALSE`), the function returns the corresponding log-likelihood. When set to `TRUE`, the function will return the Poisson-predicted incidence series instead.
#' @param offset Offset value for the log-likelihood (used to calculate confidence intervals).
#' @return
#' The Poisson log-likelihood of the observed epidemic passed as argument `epid`,
#' or the Poisson-predicted incidence series given R and GT values.
#' @importFrom stats dpois
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia
# Function declaration
fit.epid <- function(
pred = FALSE,
offset = 0
# Code
R <- exp(log.R)
T <- length(epid$incid)
#Simulated epidemic is initiated at 0 and has a length of T+length(GT).
#This way, we can multiply by GT even with the last value of incidence.
sim.epid <- rep(0, T+length(GT))
for (t in 1:T) {
sim.epid[t:(t+length(GT)-1)] <- sim.epid[t:(t+length(GT)-1)] + R * epid$incid[t] * GT
sim.epid <- sim.epid[2:T]
logV <- sum(dpois(epid$incid[2:T]-import[2:T],lambda=sim.epid,log=T))
if (pred == TRUE) {
return(pred = c(epid$incid[1],sim.epid))
#Most commonly used output is logV
else {
#' @title
#' Joint estimation of R and generation time distribution for the ML method
#' @description
#' An objective function, wrapped around [fit.epid()], that will be passed to
#' [stats::optim()] to jointly estimate the best-fitting R and GT distributions
#' in the context of the Maximum-Likelihood method from [est.R0.ML()].
#' @details
#' For internal use. Called from [est.R0.ML()].
#' This is a wrapper function used to pass proper arguments to [fit.epid()] when
#' the ML method is used to estimate simultaneously R and GT. This function is
#' used as objective to maximize by [stats::optim()].
#' @param par A vector of three numerical values to be optimized, in the order `c(log.R, GT$mean, GT$sd)`.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to inner functions.
#' @return
#' A Poisson log-likelihood from [fit.epid()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia
# Function declaration
fit.epid.optim <- function(
par = c(1,1,1),
# Code
GT <- generation.time("gamma", c(par[2], par[3]))
return(fit.epid(log.R=par[1], GT=GT, ...))
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