# Name : plot.R0.S
# Desc : A tweaked "plot" function designed to easily plot S objects from
# sensitivity.analysis.
# Date : 2011/11/09
# Update : 2023/03/03
# Author : Boelle, Obadia
#' @title
#' Plot of sensitivity analyses.
#' @description
#' Generates the graphical output for an object generated through
#' [sensitivity.analysis()].
#' @details
#' For internal use. Called by [base::plot()] when applied to `R0.S` objects.
#' A plot will be shown and the best model fit will be returned.
#' @param x Output of [sensitivity.analysis()] (class `R0.S`)
#' @param what Specify the desired output. Can be `"heatmap"` (default), `"criterion"` or both.
#' @param time.step Optional. If date of first observation is specified, number of day between each incidence observation.
#' @param skip Number of results to ignore (time period in days) when looking for highest Rsquared value.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to inner functions.
#' @return
#' A list with best R0 measure for each possible time period, along with corresponding begin/end dates.
#' \item{max.Rsquared}{The highest R-squared values.}
#' \item{best.R0.values}{The corresponding \eqn{R_{0}} values.}
#' \item{}{The best model fit as defined by the highest R-squared values among all returned.}
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors
#' @importFrom graphics axis filled.contour contour title text legend points
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia
# Function declaration
plot.R0.S <- function(
what = "heatmap",
time.step = 1,
skip = 5,
# Code
#Make sure x is of the right class
if (!inherits(x, "R0.S")) {
stop("'x' must be of class 'R0.S'")
#Check if 'skip' isn't too high
if (skip >= length(x$df.clean[,1])) {
stop("'skip' value is too high, results out of bound.")
#Extracting duration period from dates (end-begin)
#fact = as.factor((res$df.clean[,3]-res$df.clean[,2])/time.step)
fact <- as.factor(x$df.clean[,1])
#Apply this factor to split the results inside data.frame df.clean
opt.df <- sapply(split(x$df.clean, fact), function(df) {
#opt.df contains the line number in the data.frame where Rsquared is max
#for each factor level
max.Rsquared <- x$df.clean[opt.df,]
# OLD VERSION: Replaced with filled.contour()
##And now actual plots are drawned
#par(xpd=TRUE) allows for legend to be placed outside colored plot
#if ("heatmap" %in% what) {
# par(xpd=TRUE, mar=par()$mar+c(0,0,0,4))
# image(x$begin, x$end, t(x$mat.sen), xlab="Begin date (index)", ylab="End date (index)", breaks=c(0, 1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, max(x$mat.sen, na.rm=TRUE)), main="Sensitivity of Reproduction ratio with dates", col=rev(heat.colors(5)))
# legend(x$begin[1], max(x$end)+0.5,legend=c("<1", "1-1.4", "1.4-1.5", "1.5-1.6", ">1.6"),fill=rev(heat.colors(5)),horiz=T,cex=0.8,bty="n")
#Other window for best R0 depending on time period
highest.Rsquared <- max(max.Rsquared$Rsquared[skip:length(max.Rsquared$Rsquared)]) <- which(max.Rsquared$Rsquared == highest.Rsquared) <- max.Rsquared[,]
#Plotting heatmap
filled.contour(x=x$begin, y=x$end, z=t(x$mat.sen), color.palette=function(t) rev(heat.colors(t)), key.title=(title(main="R0")),
plot.axes={contour(x=x$begin, y=x$end, z=t(x$mat.sen), levels=c($CI.lower,$CI.upper), lwd=2, add=T);
axis(1, x$begin);
axis(2, x$end);
points(which(x$epid$t ==$Begin.dates), which(x$epid$t ==$End.dates), pch=19);
text(which(x$epid$t ==$Begin.dates), which(x$epid$t ==$End.dates), paste(round($R, 2)), cex=1, pos=4)},
plot.title=title(main="Sensitivity of Reproduction ratio to begin/end dates", xlab="Begin date (index)", ylab="End date (index)")
if ("criterion" %in% what) {
plot(x=as.numeric(levels(fact))[skip:length(as.numeric(levels(fact)))], y=max.Rsquared$Rsquared[skip:length(max.Rsquared$Rsquared)], type="o", xlab="Time Period", ylab="Maximum Rsquared", main="Goodness of fit (R^2) of the model with time period", ...)
#Highlight highest interesting value
points($Time.period,$Rsquared, pch=21, col="red", bg="red")
#Return the max.Rsquared data, as extracted from x$df.clean
return(list(max.Rsquared=max.Rsquared, best.R0.values=x$df.clean[opt.df,4],
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