
Defines functions sim.epid.indiv

Documented in sim.epid.indiv

# Name   : sim.epid.indiv
# Desc   : Individual-based model used to simulate epidemic 
# Date   : 2012/10/20 
# Update : 2023/03/03
# Author : Boelle, Obadia

#' @title
#' Influenza-like illness simulation (individual-based model)
#' @description
#' Generates several epidemic curves with an individual-based model.
#' @note
#' This is the exact function as used in the manuscript (Obadia et al., 2012).
#' @details
#' The epidemic is simulated using a branching process, with infinite number of 
#' susceptibles to allow for exponential growth. The model used follows the 
#' Crump-Mode-Jagers description, with S/E/I/R description of the natural history. 
#' Latent and infectious period follow parametrized Gamma distributions typical 
#' of influenza. An index case is first introduced, and offspring is sampled 
#' from a negative binomial distribution, with mean \eqn{beta*I} and variance 
#' \eqn{negbin.size*beta*I}, to allow for overdispersion.
#' @param beta Contact rate in the SEIR model.
#' @param Tmax Maximum length of the epidemic (cases infected after this length will be truncated).
#' @param n Number of epidemics to be simulated (defaults to 1)
#' @param family Distribution of offspring. Can be either `"poisson"` (default) or `"negbin"`.
#' @param negbin.size If family is set to "negbin", sets the size parameter of the negative binomial distribution.
#' @return
#' A matrix with epidemics stored as columns (incidence count).
#' @importFrom stats runif rpois rnbinom rgamma
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia

# Function declaration

sim.epid.indiv <- function(
    n           = 1, 
    family      = "poisson", 
    negbin.size = NULL 
  # Code
  #epidemic matrix. Each column is an epidemic
  epid.matrix = matrix(data=0, nrow=Tmax, ncol=n)
  #Individual-based data.frame must be large enough to fit all cases
  if (beta <= 1.5) {
    Lmax <- 5000
  else if (beta <= 2 & beta > 1.5) {
    Lmax <- 50000
  else if (beta <= 3 & beta > 2) {
    Lmax <- 50000
  else if (beta >3) {
    Lmax <- 75000
  epid <- data.frame(matrix(data=0, nrow=Lmax, ncol=5, dimnames=list(c(1:Lmax), c("tinf","nsec","dinf","dlat","runif"))))
  for (i in 1:n) {
    #Memory optimization: dinf and dlat are all computed at the beginning
    epid[1:Lmax,"dinf"] <- rgamma(Lmax,shape=1/0.9**2, scale=0.9**2)
    epid[1:Lmax,"dlat"] <- rgamma(Lmax,shape=1.7**2/0.3**2, scale=0.3**2/1.7)
    #runif column = Time of infection of the offspring during dinf_parent
    epid[1:Lmax,"runif"] <- runif(Lmax)
    # add offspring
    if (family == "poisson") {
      epid[1:Lmax,"nsec"] = rpois(Lmax, lambda=epid[1:Lmax,"dinf"]*beta)
    else if (family == "negbin") {
      epid[1:Lmax,"nsec"] = rnbinom(Lmax, size=negbin.size, mu=epid[1:Lmax,"dinf"]*beta)
    while (epid[1,"nsec"] == 0) epid[1,"nsec"] = rpois(1, lambda=epid[1,"dinf"]*beta)
    idx.in.epid <- 1
    idx.max <- 2
    while (idx.in.epid < idx.max) {
      #ignore infectors where tinf > Tmax
      if (epid[idx.in.epid,"tinf"] < Tmax) {
        #nb of offspring
        nsec <- epid[idx.in.epid,"nsec"]
        if (nsec > 0) {
          #tinf_descendant = tinf_parent + latence_parent + runif(1)*dinf_parent
          epid[idx.max:(idx.max+nsec-1),"tinf"] = epid[idx.in.epid,"tinf"] + 
            epid[idx.in.epid,"dlat"] + 
          #offpsring of next infector: those after the offspring of idx.in.epid + nsec
          idx.max <- idx.max + nsec
      #cat("idx.in.epid=",idx.in.epid,"\n idx.max=",idx.max,"\n")
      idx.in.epid <- idx.in.epid+1
    epid.matrix[,i] <- table(cut(epid[1:(idx.max-1),"tinf"], seq(0,Tmax,1), include.lowest=TRUE))

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