
Defines functions smooth.Rt

Documented in smooth.Rt

# Name   : smooth.Rt
# Desc   : Allows for regrouping real-time reproduction number by a given time
#          period
# Date   : 2011/16/09
# Update : 2023/03/03
# Author : Boelle, Obadia

#' @title
#' Smooth real-time reproduction number over larger time periods
#' @description
#' Aggregate real-time estimates of \eqn{R(t)} (from the TD or even the SB 
#' methods) over larger time windows, while still accounting for the generation 
#' time distribution.
#' @details
#' Regrouping Time-Dependant R(t) values, or even Real Time Bayesian most-likely 
#' R values (according to R distributions) should take into account the 
#' generation time. Results can be plotted exactly the same was as input 
#' estimations, except they won't show any goodness-of-fit curve.
#' @param res An object of class `R0.R`, created by any real-time method (currently implemented: TD and SB).
#' @param time.period Time period to be used for aggregation.
#' @return
#' A list with components :
#' \item{R}{The estimate of the reproduction ratio.}
#' \item{conf.int}{The 95% confidence interval for the R estimate.}
#' \item{GT}{Generation time distribution uised in the computation.}
#' \item{epid}{Original or augmented epidemic data, depending whether impute.values is set to FALSE or TRUE.}
#' \item{begin}{Starting date for the fit.}
#' \item{begin.nb}{The number of the first day used in the fit.}
#' \item{end}{The end date for the fit.}
#' \item{end.nb}{The number of the las day used for the fit.}
#' \item{data.name}{The name of the dataset used.}
#' \item{call}{Call used for the function.}
#' \item{method}{Method used for fitting.}
#' \item{method.code}{Internal code used to designate method.}
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
#' @example tests/smooth.Rt.R
#' @author Pierre-Yves Boelle, Thomas Obadia

# Function declaration

smooth.Rt <- function(
  # Code
  if (!inherits(res, "R0.R")) {
    stop("Currently, sensitivity analysis from a result object only supports 'R0.R' class objects. Try using res$estimates$TD or res$estimates$SB if they are defined.")
  else if ((res$method %in% c("Time-Dependent","Sequential Bayesian")) == FALSE) {
    stop("Sensitivity analysis can only be conducted on objects with method EG or ML.")
  if ((!is.numeric(time.period)) & (!is.integer(time.period))) {
    stop("Error: time.period should be of numeric or integer class.")
  #How many groups ?
  nb.groups <- floor(length(res$epid$incid[res$begin.nb:res$end.nb])/time.period)
  #New data will have the exact same layout as input
  epid <- list(incid = rep(0, nb.groups), t = rep(NA, nb.groups))
  Rt.quant <- matrix(NA, nb.groups, ncol=4)
  colnames(Rt.quant) <- c("Date","R(t)", "CI[lower]", "CI[upper]")
  #"Date" value is arbitraty set at the first day of the time period considered
  for (t in 1:nb.groups) {
    Rt.quant[t,1] <- res$epid$t[((t-1)*time.period + 1)]
    epid$incid[t] <- sum(res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE)
    epid$t[t] <- res$epid$t[((t-1)*time.period + 1)]
    Rt.quant[t,2] <- sum(res$R[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)]*res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE)/(sum(res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE))
    Rt.quant[t,3] <- sum(res$conf.int[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t),1]*res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE)/(sum(res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE))
    Rt.quant[t,4] <- sum(res$conf.int[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t),2]*res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE)/(sum(res$epid$incid[((t-1)*time.period + 1):(time.period*t)], na.rm=TRUE))
  Rt.quant <- data.frame(Rt.quant)
  #Quick fix for imcorrect date format
  if (!is.numeric(res$epid$t)) {
    Rt.quant[,1] <- as.Date(Rt.quant[,1], origin="1970-01-01")
    epid$t <- as.Date(epid$t, origin="1970-01-01")
  #Extract required informations for standard return
  R <- Rt.quant[,2]
  conf.int <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(Rt.quant)[1], ncol=2)
  colnames(conf.int)=c("lower", "upper")
  conf.int[,1] <- Rt.quant[,3]
  conf.int[,2] <- Rt.quant[,4]
  rownames(conf.int) = as.character(Rt.quant[,1])
  #return everything
  return(structure(list(R=R, conf.int=conf.int, GT=res$GT, epid=epid, begin=res$begin, begin.nb=1, end=res$end, end.nb=length(epid$t), data.name=res$data.name, call=res$call, method=res$method, method.code=res$method.code),class="R0.R"))

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R0 documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:10 p.m.