#' Test3G.WBWA
#' This function performs Test3G.WBWA
#' @param X is a matrix of encounter histories with K occasions
#' @param freq is a vector of the number of individuals with the corresponding encounter history
#' @param verbose controls the level of the details in the outputs; default is TRUE for all details
#' @param rounding is the level of rounding for outputs; default is 3
#' @return This function returns a list with first component the overall test and second component a data.frame with occasion, site, the value of the test statistic, degree of freedom, p-value and test performed (chi-square, Fisher or none).
#' @author Olivier Gimenez <>, Roger Pradel, Rémi Choquet
#' @keywords package
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Read in Geese dataset:
#' geese = system.file("extdata", "geese.inp", package = "R2ucare")
#' geese = read_inp(geese)
#' # Get encounter histories and number of individuals with corresponding histories
#' geese.hist = geese$encounter_histories
#' geese.freq = geese$sample_size
#' # perform Test.3GWBWA
#' test3Gwbwa(geese.hist,geese.freq)
test3Gwbwa <- function(X,freq,verbose=TRUE,rounding=3){
# various quantities to define
k = ncol(X)
res = group_data(X,freq)
his = res[,1:k]
eff = res[,k+1]
nh = nrow(his)
a = max(his)
kplusun = k + 1
# initialization
table_wbwa = data.frame(occasion = rep(NA,a*(k-2)),site = rep(NA,a*(k-2)),stat = rep(NA,a*(k-2)), df = rep(NA,a*(k-2)), p_val = rep(NA,a*(k-2)), test_perf = rep(FALSE,a*(k-2)))
where_in_table_wbwa = 0
# sort batches
for (i in 2:(k-1)){ # loop on date
for (l in 1:a){ # loop on sites
where_in_table_wbwa = where_in_table_wbwa + 1
#if nsitereel>1 & filtre(l)==1
fisheroupas = 0
fisherWBWA = 0
masque = (his[,i]==l)
batch = his[masque,] # select encounter histories containing l in column i
if (length(batch)==0){ # if no release at date i on site l, no test
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,1] = i
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,2] = l
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,3] = 0
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,4] = 0
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,5] = 0
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,6] = 'None'
batcheff = eff[masque] # select counts corresponding to encounter histories with l in column i
res = group_data_gen(batch,batcheff,(i+1):k) # sort according to columns i+1,...,k
if (nrow(res)==1){
batchpost <- matrix(res[,1:ncol(res)-1],nrow=1)
batcheffpost <- res[,ncol(res)]
} else {
batchpost = res[,1:ncol(res)-1]
batcheffpost = res[,ncol(res)]
# look site on which previous obs occurred
if (i!=2){
if (nrow(batchpost)==1){
tt = t(rev(batchpost[,1:(i-1)]))
eante = apply(tt!=0,1,which.max)
} else{
tt = t(apply(batchpost[,1:(i-1)],1,rev))
eante = apply(tt!=0,1,which.max)
eante = i - eante
} else {
eante = rep(1,nrow(batchpost))
# on cherche le site d'observation suivant
if (i!=(k-1)){
if (nrow(batchpost)==1){
epost = which.max(batchpost[,(i+1):k]!=0)
} else {
epost = apply(batchpost[,(i+1):k]!=0,1,which.max)
} else {
epost = rep(1,nrow(batchpost))
# build table of obs at date i on site l in rows
# according to site of previous obs and in columns
# according to site and date of next obs
# PS: on first row, never seen before
# on last column, never seen again
j = 0
ind = (k-i)*a+1
table = matrix(0,nrow=a+1,ncol=ind)
cpt = matrix(0,nrow=a+1,ncol=1)
while (j<nrow(batchpost)){ # go through encounter histories
date = epost[j]
site = batchpost[j,i+date]
if (site==0){
col = ind # never seen again
} else{
col = (date-1)*a+site # seen again at date and site
if (j==1){
cold = col
} else if (col!=cold){
table[,cold] = cpt
cpt = matrix(0,nrow=a+1,ncol=1)
cold = col
tempo = batchpost[j,eante[j]] + 1 # site of previous obs + 1
if (site==0){
cpt[tempo] = cpt[tempo] + batcheffpost[j] * (batcheffpost[j]>0)
} else {
table[,cold] = cpt #
# ===================================================
# test WBWA
# ===================================================
compoWBWA = table
compoWBWA = compoWBWA[-1,]
colWBWA = ncol(compoWBWA)
compoWBWA = compoWBWA[,-colWBWA]
for (j in 1:((colWBWA-1)/a-1)){
if (((colWBWA-1)/a-1)<1) break
compoWBWA[,1:a] = compoWBWA[,1:a] + compoWBWA[,(a+1):(2*a)]
compoWBWA = compoWBWA[,-((a+1):(2*a))]
expvalWBWA = expval_table(compoWBWA) # table of expected values
# reperer la plus faible valeur attendue de coord (nline,ncol)
ind1 = apply(expvalWBWA,2,min)
ind2 = apply(expvalWBWA,2,which.min)
ncol = which.min(ind1)
nline = ind2[ncol]
vec_direction = c(ncol,nline)
while (expvalWBWA[nline,ncol]<2){
if (sum(compoWBWA[nline,])/ncol(compoWBWA) > sum(compoWBWA[,ncol])/nrow(compoWBWA)){
pooldim = 1 # on poole la colonne de la plus faible valeur attendue
} else {
pooldim = 2
# on teste les dimensions de la table fraichement poolée
# - soit aucune des dim ne vaut 2, alors on continue
# - soit l'une des 2 dimensions vaut 2, on poole alors selon l'autre
# - soit les 2 dimensions valent 2 et alors on s'arrete de pooler mais on rend test fisher
# si ya encore des valeurs attendues < 2
flag = which(dim(compoWBWA)==2)
if (length(flag)==1){
pooldim = flag
} else if (length(flag)==2){
fisherWBWA = 1
break # on sort du while et on garde la table 2 x 2 avec des valeurs attendues < 2
# je cherche la colonne ou ligne d'effectif le plus faible
marge = apply(t(compoWBWA),pooldim,sum)
marge[vec_direction[pooldim]] = max(marge) + 1 # on fixe la ligne ou la colonne qui contient
# la valeur attendue la plus faible au max des obs.
ind1 = min(marge)
ind2 = which.min(marge) # ind2 = indice de la colonne ou de la ligne d'efectif la plus faible
# il faut tester pooldim pour savoir si on poole les lignes ou les colonnes
if (pooldim==1){
compoWBWA[,ncol] = compoWBWA[,ncol] + compoWBWA[,ind2]
compoWBWA = compoWBWA[,-ind2]
} else {
compoWBWA[nline,] = compoWBWA[nline,] + compoWBWA[ind2,]
compoWBWA = compoWBWA[-ind2,]
expvalWBWA = expval_table(compoWBWA) # table des valeurs attendues
# reperer la plus faible valeur attendue de coord (nline,ncol)
ind1 = apply(expvalWBWA,2,min)
ind2 = apply(expvalWBWA,2,which.min)
ncol = which.min(ind1)
nline = ind2[ncol]
vec_direction = c(ncol,nline)
# if verbosity>=3
# if verbosity>=3
# strtable=[ strtable {strcat('component testWBWA, occasion: ',num2str(i),' site: ',num2str(l)) } ];
# strtable=[ strtable {'-W-Before vs W-after- Next seen'} ];
# for kk=1:size(compoWBWA,1)
# strtable=[ strtable {strcat('Last seen_',num2str(kk),' | ',num2str(compoWBWA(kk,:)))}];
# end
# end
# end
if (fisherWBWA == 1){
fish = stats::fisher.test(compoWBWA)
pvalfish = fish$p.value
zeros_rows = (apply(compoWBWA,1,sum)==0)
zeros_cols = (apply(compoWBWA,2,sum)==0)
if (sum(!zeros_rows)+sum(!zeros_cols)==0){
dffish = 0
} else {
dffish = (sum(!zeros_rows)-1)*(sum(!zeros_cols)-1)
stafish = stats::qchisq(1-pvalfish, dffish)
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,1] = i
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,2] = l
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,3] = stafish
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,4] = dffish
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,5] = pvalfish
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,6] = 'Fisher'
} else {
chi2 = suppressWarnings(stats::chisq.test(compoWBWA,correct=F))
pvalchi2 = chi2$p.value
dfchi2 = chi2$parameter
stachi2 = chi2$statistic
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,1] = i
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,2] = l
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,3] = stachi2
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,4] = dfchi2
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,5] = pvalchi2
table_wbwa[where_in_table_wbwa,6] = 'Chi-square'
# compute overall test:
stat = sum(as.numeric(table_wbwa[,3]))
stat = round(stat,rounding)
dof = sum(as.numeric(table_wbwa[,4]))
pval = 1 - stats::pchisq(stat,dof)
pval = round(pval,rounding)
# if user specifies all outputs
if (verbose==TRUE) return(list(test3Gwbwa=c(stat=stat,df=dof,p_val=pval),details=table_wbwa))
# otherwise
if (verbose==FALSE) return(list(test3Gwbwa=c(stat=stat,df=dof,p_val=pval)))
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