
Defines functions getSeries

Documented in getSeries

##' Retrieve Data From the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Website
##' Retrieves data from \url{https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/statistics} for the series
##' specified by the user.  This involves downloading one or more spreadsheets
##' and reading them into R.
##' @param series Character string giving the name of the data series to retrieve.
##' @param option Character string specifying which format of the data series
##'               to retrieve, if necessary.  For information on the available options
##'               see the help file for the particular series name (for example ?B1
##'               will tell you that the B1 series can be downloaded either as daily
##'               or monthly data, with the former being the default).  This argument
##'               is unnecessary for series that only have one data format.
##' @param replaceColumnNames Logical indicating whether to change the column names of
##'                           the output data from the Series ID's used in the source
##'                           spreadsheets to more informative values based on the
##'                           information in the metadata. Defaults to TRUE.
##' @param fieldForColumnNames If replaceColumnNames is TRUE then this variable
##'                            specifies which columns of the meta data file will be
##'                            used to construct the column names.  Defaults to
##'                            \dQuote{Series} but sometimes you may want to change
##'                            it to \dQuote{Group} or c(\dQuote{Group},
##'                            \dQuote{Series}).  \dQuote{SeriesID} is also allowed.
##' @param destDir File path to a directory in which to place the downloaded
##'                spreadsheets.  If not specified they will be placed into tempdir()
##'                and deleted on exit.
##' @param quiet Logical to be passed to utils::download.file.
##' @return For most series a list containing the fields \dQuote{meta} and
##'         \dQuote{data} which are data frames containing the metadata and
##'         actual data, respectively.  There are a few series that do not follow
##'         this format, and for these the spreadsheets are just downloaded and
##'         read into a list of data frames, one for each sheet, with no organising
##'         or cleaning.
##' @author Jasper Watson
##' @examples
##' ## List the available data series.
##' print(allAvailableSeries())
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Download exchange rate data and plot NZD vs sterling.
##' b1 <- getSeries('B1')
##' plot(b1$data$Date, b1$data$UK_pound_sterling, type = 'l')
##' ## Now use monthly data (previous was daily).
##' b1_monthly <- getSeries('B1', 'monthly')
##' plot(b1_monthly$data$Date, b1_monthly$data$UK_pound_sterling,
##'      type = 'l')
##' }
##' @export
getSeries <- function(series,
                      option = getDefaultOption(series),
                      replaceColumnNames = TRUE,
                      fieldForColumnNames = 'Series',
                      quiet = TRUE
    if (missing(destDir) ){
        destDir <- tempdir()
        deleteFiles <- TRUE
    } else {
        deleteFiles <- FALSE
    if (series == 'SDDS')
        return(getSDDS(series, option, destDir, quiet,
                       deleteFiles, fieldForColumnNames))
    stopifnot(series %in% allAvailableSeries(),
              length(series) == 1,
              length(option) == 1,
              option %in% allowedOptions(series),
              fieldForColumnNames %in% c('Group', 'Series', 'SeriesID')
    ## Each data series has it's own webpage containing the files to be downloaded.
    seriesPage <- readSeriesPage(series, quiet)
    if (is.null(seriesPage))
    ## Some series are spread across multiple files. We will download all of them
    ## and bind them together.
    allFiles <- sapply(seriesOptions(series)[[option]], function(x) NULL,
                       USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
    for (ii in seq_along(allFiles) ){
        subFileName <- names(allFiles)[ii]
        destfile <- path.expand(file.path(destDir, paste0(subFileName, '.xlsx')))
        url <- getDownloadLink(subFileName, seriesPage, series)
        Foo <- try(download.file(url = url,
                                 destfile = destfile,
                                 mode = 'wb',
                                 quiet = quiet
        if (inherits(Foo, 'try-error') || Foo > 0){
            stop('Could not download ', url)
        results <- readSpreadsheet(destfile, series, subFileName,
                                   fieldForColumnNames, deleteFiles)
        allFiles[[ii]] <- results
    ## Some spreadsheets are not in the standard format.
    ## We don't try to do anything with them.
    if (series %in% specialCases())
    ## For datasets that contain more than one spreadsheet (stored here as a list
    ## of data frames) we will combine them together. This applies to the data files
    ## and the metadata files.
    ## I tried doing this with Reduce(merge... but it was actually slower and the
    ## order kept getting messed up. Here the order of colnames(allData) matches
    ## the order of allMeta so I won't change it any further.
    allData <- lapply(allFiles, function(x) x$data)
    if (length(allData) > 1){
        allColumnNames <- Reduce(union, lapply(allData, colnames))
        for (ii in seq_along(allData) ){
            for (jj in allColumnNames[allColumnNames %!in% colnames(allData[[ii]])]){
                allData[[ii]][, jj] <- NA_real_
            allData[[ii]] <- allData[[ii]][, allColumnNames]
        allData <- specialRBind(allData)
    } else {
        allData <- allData[[1]]
    allMeta <- lapply(allFiles, function(x) x$meta)
    if (length(allMeta) > 1){
        keys <- lapply(allMeta, function(x) x[, 'Series Id'])
        allKeys <- unique(do.call(c, keys))
        index <- match(allKeys, unlist(keys))
        allMeta <- do.call(rbind, allMeta)[index, ]
    } else {
        allMeta <- allMeta[[1]]
    if (series == 'B13')
        allMeta <- allMeta[!duplicated(allMeta[, 'Series Id']), ]
    if (!all(colnames(allData)[-1] == allMeta[, 'Series Id']) ){
        stop("SeriesID's do not match between data and meta. Something has gone wrong.")
    allData <- allData[, c('Series Id', allMeta[, 'Series Id'])]
    colnames(allData)[1] <- 'Date'
    if (replaceColumnNames)
        colnames(allData) <- transformColumnNames(allMeta, fieldForColumnNames)
    out <- list(meta = allMeta, data = allData)
    rownames(out$meta) <- NULL
    rownames(out$data) <- NULL

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RBNZ documentation built on July 28, 2020, 1:06 a.m.