
justfocXY <-
function (MEC, x = x, y = y, focsiz=1 ,  fcol = gray(0.9), 
    fcolback = "white", xpd = TRUE) 
    if (missing(fcol)) {
        fcol = gray(0.9)
    if (missing(fcolback)) {
        fcolback = "white"
    if (missing(xpd)) {
        xpd = TRUE

    ###############  use this to set plotting region for symbols

    xy <- xy.coords(x,y,recycle=TRUE)

    pin <- par('pin')
    usr <- par('usr')
    usr.x <- usr[2] - usr[1]
    usr.y <- usr[4] - usr[3]

    tmp <- list()
    tmp$x <- grconvertX(xy$x, to='npc')
    tmp$y <- grconvertY(xy$y, to='npc')

    tmp.xlen <- length(tmp$x)

    focsiz <- rep(focsiz, length.out=tmp.xlen)
    x.low  <- tmp$x -    hadj *focsiz/pin[1]
    x.high <- tmp$x + (1-hadj)*focsiz/pin[1]
    y.low  <- tmp$y -    vadj *focsiz/pin[2]
    y.high <- tmp$y + (1-vadj)*focsiz/pin[2]

    xy.low <- list()
    xy.low$x <- grconvertX(x.low, from='npc', to='nfc')
    xy.low$y <- grconvertY(y.low, from='npc', to='nfc')

    xy.high <- list()
    xy.high$x <- grconvertX(x.high, from='npc', to='nfc')
    xy.high$y <- grconvertY(y.high, from='npc', to='nfc')

    op <- par(c('plt','usr','xpd'))
    par(plt=c(xy.low$x,xy.high$x,xy.low$y,xy.high$y), new=TRUE)

    C = RPMG::circle(n = 5)
    lines(C$x, C$y, type = "l", xpd = xpd)
    if (is.null(MEC$UP)) 
        MEC$UP = TRUE
    PLS = polyfoc(MEC$az1, MEC$dip1, MEC$az2, MEC$dip2, UP = MEC$UP, 
        PLOT = FALSE)
    if (MEC$sense == 1) {
        polygon( C$x,  C$y, col = fcolback, 
            xpd = xpd)
        polygon( PLS$Px,  PLS$Py, col = fcol, 
            xpd = xpd)
    else {
        polygon( C$x,  C$y, col = fcol, 
            xpd = xpd)
        polygon( PLS$Px,  PLS$Py, col = fcolback, 
            xpd = xpd)

    LP1 = lowplane( MEC$az1, MEC$dip1, col=1, UP=MEC$UP, PLOT=FALSE)

    lines(LP1$x, LP1$y, col='black', lwd=2, xpd=TRUE )


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RFOC documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 6:12 p.m.