## Binomial family
BinomFamily <- function(size = 1, prob = 0.5, trafo){
name <- "Binomial family"
distribution <- Binom(size = size, prob = prob)
if(prob == 0.5)
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = size*prob)
distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "probability of success",
main = prob, trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The Binomial family is symmetric with respect to prob = 0.5;",
"i.e., d(Binom(size, prob))(k)=d(Binom(size,1-prob))(size-k)")
fct <- function(x){ (x-size*prob)/(prob*(1-prob)) }
body(fct) <- substitute({ (x-size*prob)/(prob*(1-prob)) },
list(size = size, prob = prob))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = size*prob))
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((distribution - size*prob)/(prob*(1-prob)))
if(prob == 0.5)
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0))
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(size/(prob*(1-prob))))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Poisson family
PoisFamily <- function(lambda = 1, trafo){
name <- "Poisson family"
distribution <- Pois(lambda = lambda)
distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "positive mean",
main = lambda, trafo = trafo)
props <- character(0)
fct <- function(x){ x/lambda-1 }
body(fct) <- substitute({ x/lambda-1 }, list(lambda = lambda))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = lambda))
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList(distribution/lambda - 1)
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(1/lambda))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Normal location family
NormLocationFamily <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, trafo){
name <- "normal location family"
distribution <- Norm(mean = mean, sd = sd)
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = mean)
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "location", main = mean, trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The normal location family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(x) = x + mean'",
"with location parameter 'mean'")
fct <- function(x){ (x - mean)/sd^2 }
body(fct) <- substitute({ (x - mean)/sd^2 }, list(mean = mean, sd = sd))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = mean))
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList(Norm(mean=0, sd=1/sd))
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0))
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(1/sd^2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Gumbel location family
GumbelLocationFamily <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, trafo){
name <- "Gumbel location family"
distribution <- Gumbel(loc = loc, scale = scale)
distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "location", main = loc, trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The Gumbel location family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(x) = x + loc'",
"with location parameter 'loc'")
fct <- function(x){ (1 - exp(-(x-loc)/scale))/scale }
body(fct) <- substitute({ (1 - exp(-(x-loc)/scale))/scale },
list(loc = loc, scale = scale))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(NonSymmetric())
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((1-Exp(rate=1))/scale)
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(1/scale^2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Normal scale family
NormScaleFamily <- function(sd = 1, mean = 0, trafo){
name <- "normal scale family"
distribution <- Norm(mean = mean, sd = sd)
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = mean)
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "scale", main = sd, trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The normal scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(y) = sd*y'",
"with scale parameter 'sd'")
fct <- function(x){ (((x-mean)/sd)^2 - 1)/sd }
body(fct) <- substitute({ (((x-mean)/sd)^2 - 1)/sd }, list(sd = sd, mean = mean))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(EvenSymmetric(SymmCenter = mean))
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((Chisq(df = 1, ncp = 0)-1)/sd)
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(2/sd^2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Exponential scale family
ExpScaleFamily <- function(rate = 1, trafo){
name <- "Exponential scale family"
distribution <- Exp(rate = rate)
distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "scale", main = 1/rate, trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The Exponential scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(y) = scale*y'",
"with scale parameter 'scale = 1/rate'")
fct <- function(x){ (rate*x - 1)*rate }
body(fct) <- substitute({ (rate*x - 1)*rate }, list(rate = rate))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(EvenSymmetric(SymmCenter = 1/rate))
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((Exp(rate=1)-1)*rate)
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(rate^2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Lognormal scale family
LnormScaleFamily <- function(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, trafo){
name <- "lognormal scale family"
distribution <- Lnorm(meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog)
distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "scale", main = exp(meanlog), trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The Lognormal scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(y) = scale*y'",
"with scale parameter 'scale = exp(meanlog)'")
fct <- function(x){ exp(-meanlog)*(log(x)-meanlog)/sdlog^2 }
body(fct) <- substitute({ exp(-meanlog)*(log(x) - meanlog)/sdlog^2 },
list(meanlog = meanlog, sdlog = sdlog))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(NonSymmetric())
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList(Norm(mean=0, sd=exp(-meanlog)/sdlog^2))
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0))
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(exp(-meanlog)^2/sdlog^2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Gamma family
GammaFamily <- function(scale = 1, shape = 1, trafo){
name <- "Gamma family"
distribution <- Gammad(scale = scale, shape = shape)
distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "scale and shape",
main = c(scale, shape), trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The Gamma family is scale invariant via the parametrization",
fct1 <- function(x){ (x/scale - shape)/scale }
body(fct1) <- substitute({ (x/scale - shape)/scale },
list(scale = scale, shape = shape))
fct2 <- function(x){ (log(x/scale) - digamma(shape)) }
body(fct2) <- substitute({ (log(x/scale) - digamma(shape)) },
list(scale = scale, shape = shape))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct1, fct2), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = scale*shape), NonSymmetric())
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((Gammad(scale = 1, shape = shape) - shape)/scale,
(log(Gammad(scale = 1, shape = shape)) - digamma(shape)))
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry(), NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(shape/scale^2, 1/scale,
1/scale, trigamma(shape)), ncol=2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
## Normal location and scale family
NormLocationScaleFamily <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1, trafo){
name <- "normal location and scale family"
distribution <- Norm(mean = mean, sd = sd)
distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = mean)
param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "location and scale", main = c(mean, sd), trafo = trafo)
props <- c("The normal location and scale family is invariant under",
"the group of transformations 'g(x) = sd*x + mean'",
"with location parameter 'mean' and scale parameter 'sd'")
fct1 <- function(x){ (x - mean)/sd^2 }
body(fct1) <- substitute({ (x - mean)/sd^2 }, list(mean = mean, sd = sd))
fct2 <- function(x){ (((x-mean)/sd)^2 - 1)/sd }
body(fct2) <- substitute({ (((x-mean)/sd)^2 - 1)/sd }, list(sd = sd, mean = mean))
L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(Map = list(fct1, fct2), Domain = Reals()))
L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = mean), EvenSymmetric(SymmCenter = mean))
L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList(Norm(mean=0, sd=1/sd), (Chisq(df = 1, ncp = 0)-1)/sd)
L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(SphericalSymmetry(), NoSymmetry())
FisherInfo <- PosDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(1/sd^2, 0, 0, 2/sd^2), ncol=2))
L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution,
distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, props = props,
L2deriv = L2deriv, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
FisherInfo = FisherInfo)
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