
setMethod("infoPlot", "IC",
        L2Fam <- eval(object@CallL2Fam)
        e1 <- L2Fam@distribution
        if(!is(e1, "UnivariateDistribution") | is(e1, "CondDistribution"))
            stop("not yet implemented")

        if(is(e1, "UnivariateDistribution")){
            if(is(e1, "AbscontDistribution")){
                ifelse(is.finite(q.l(e1)(0)), lower <- q.l(e1)(0), lower <- q.l(e1)(getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")))
                ifelse(is.finite(q.l(e1)(1)), upper <- q.l(e1)(1), upper <- q.l(e1)(1 - getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")))
                h <- upper - lower
                x.vec <- seq(from = lower - 0.1*h, to = upper + 0.1*h, length = 1000)
                plty <- "l"
                lty <- "solid"
            if(is(e1, "DiscreteDistribution")){
                x.vec <- support(e1)
                plty <- "o"
                lty <- "dotted"

            trafo <- L2Fam@param@trafo
            dims <- nrow(trafo)
            classIC <- as(trafo %*% distr::solve(L2Fam@FisherInfo) %*% L2Fam@L2deriv, "EuclRandVariable")
            absInfoClass <- classIC %*% classIC
            absInfoClass <- sapply(x.vec, absInfoClass@Map[[1]])
            IC1 <- as(diag(dims) %*% object@Curve, "EuclRandVariable")
            absInfo <- IC1 %*% IC1
            absInfo <- sapply(x.vec, absInfo@Map[[1]])
            plot(x.vec, absInfoClass, type = plty, lty = "dashed", 
                 ylim = c(0, 2*max(absInfo, na.rm = TRUE)), xlab = "x", 
                 ylab = "absolute information", col = grey(0.5))
            lines(x.vec, absInfo, type = plty, lty = lty, lwd = 2)
            legend(max(x.vec), 0, xjust = 1, yjust = 0,
                   legend = c("class. opt. IC"), lty = "dashed", col = c(grey(0.5)), cex=0.75)

                title(paste("Absolute information of (partial) IC for", name(L2Fam)[1], 
                            "\nwith main parameter (", paste(round(L2Fam@param@main, 3), collapse = ", "), ")"), cex.main = 0.8)
                title(paste("Absolute information of (partial) IC for", name(L2Fam)[1], 
                            "\nwith main parameter (", paste(round(L2Fam@param@main, 3), collapse = ", "),
                            ")\nand nuisance parameter (", paste(round(L2Fam@param@nuisance, 3), collapse = ", "), ")"), 
                      cex.main = 0.8)

            if(dims > 1){
                nrows <- trunc(sqrt(dims))
                ncols <- ceiling(dims/nrows)
                w0 <- options("warn")
                options(warn = -1)
                opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
                par(mfrow = c(nrows, ncols))
                for(i in 1:dims){
                    y.vec <- sapply(x.vec, IC1@Map[[i]])^2/absInfo
                    plot(x.vec, y.vec, type = plty, lty = lty, lwd = 2,
                         xlab = "x", ylab = "relative information", ylim = c(0, 1.1))
                    lines(x.vec, sapply(x.vec, classIC@Map[[i]])^2/absInfoClass, type = plty, 
                          lty = "dashed", col = grey(0.5))
                    legend(max(x.vec), 1.1, xjust = 1, cex = 0.6, 
                           legend = c("class. opt. IC"), lty = "dashed", col = c(grey(0.5)))
                        title(paste("Relative information of\ncomponent", i, "of (partial) IC\nfor", name(L2Fam)[1], 
                                    "\nwith main parameter (", paste(round(L2Fam@param@main, 3), collapse = ", "), ")"), cex.main = 0.8)
                        title(paste("Relative information of\ncomponent", i, "of (partial) IC\nfor", name(L2Fam)[1], 
                                    "\nwith main parameter (", paste(round(L2Fam@param@main, 3), collapse = ", "),
                                    ")\nand nuisance parameter (", paste(round(L2Fam@param@nuisance, 3), collapse = ", "), ")"), 
                              cex.main = 0.8)

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ROptEstOld documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:51 p.m.