Man pages for RRNA
Secondary Structure Plotting for RNA

alignCoordAlignment of secondary structure folds to 2 nucleotides.
aptPlotCTRNA secondary structure plotting from CT files
backwardInternal function for moving through secondary structures
bplfileCreates a bpl file from a coordinate file
circleCoordInternal function for finding the coordinates of NT's in a...
ct2coordGenerate coordinate file
ct2knetcreates a knet file from a CT file
forwardInternal function for moving through secondary structures
genCordsInternal function that generates coordinates for a given loop...
loadCoordsLoads a coordinate file into a data frame
loadCtLoads a CT file into an R data frame
loopLengthinternal function that determines the length of a loop
makeCtmake a CT file from a structure and sequence
pseudoKnotremoves pseudoknots from a ct file
RNAPlotGeneric RNA Secondary Structure Plotting Function
rotateSInternal function to rotate a single point
rotateVinternal function to rotate a vector of points
RRNA-packageRNA secondary structure ploting
stemCordsinternal function that generates coordinates for a stem
transformFoldInternal function to translate and rotate a secondary...
translateinternal function for translating points
RRNA documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:14 p.m.