abalone | SODAS XML data file. |
as.data.frame.symbolic_histogram | a data.frame |
as.data.frame.symbolic_interval | convertir a data.frame |
as.data.frame.symbolic_modal | Extract values |
as.data.frame.symbolic_set | convertir a data.frame |
calc.burt.sym | Burt Matrix |
calc.k | calc.k |
calc.matrix.min | calc.matrix.min |
calculate.quantils.RSDA | quantiles.RSDA |
Cardiological | Cardiological data example |
cardiologicalv2 | Cardiological data example |
cash-.symbolic_histogram | $ operator for histograms |
cash-.symbolic_modal | $ operator for modals |
cash-.symbolic_set | $ operator for set |
centers.interval | Compute centers of the interval |
centers.interval.j | process.histogram.variable |
cfa.CVPRealz | cfa.CVPRealz |
cfa.Czz | cfa.Czz |
cfa.MatrixZ | cfa.MatrixZ |
cfa.minmax | cfa.minmax |
cfa.minmax.new | cfa.minmax.new |
cfa.totals | cfa.totals |
check_quo_duplicated_names | Check duplicated names in a quo |
classic.to.sym | Generate a symbolic data frame |
cor | Generic function for the correlation |
cov | Generic function for the covariance |
data.frame.to.RSDA.inteval.table | data.frame.to.RSDA.inteval.table |
data.frame.to.RSDA.inteval.table.j | data.frame.to.RSDA.inteval.table.j |
deter.coefficient | Compute the determination cosfficient |
dist.vect | Compute a distance vector |
dist.vect.matrix | Compute the distance vector matrix |
dot-onAttach | onAttach |
ex1_db2so | Data example to generate symbolic objets |
example1 | Data Example 1 |
example2 | Data Example 2 |
example3 | Data Example 3 |
example4 | Data Example 4 |
example5 | Data Example 5 |
example6 | Data Example 6 |
example7 | Data Example 7 |
ex_cfa1 | Correspondence Analysis Example |
ex_cfa2 | Correspondence Analysis Example |
ex_mcfa1 | Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example |
ex_mcfa2 | Multiple Correspondence Analysis Example |
extract_data | Extract data |
extract_meta | Extract meta data |
facedata | Face Data Example |
fixed.pca.j.new | fixed.pca.j.new |
format.symbolic_histogram | Symbolic modal conversion functions to and from Character |
format.symbolic_interval | Symbolic interval conversion functions to and from Character |
format.symbolic_modal | Symbolic modal conversion functions to and from Character |
format.symbolic_set | Symbolic set conversion functions to and from Character |
generate.columns.interval | generate.columns.interval |
generate.columns.multivalued | generate.columns.multivalued |
generate.columns.set | generate.columns.set |
generate.sym.table | generate.sym.table |
get_cats | Extract categories |
get.limits.PCA | Projections onto PCA |
get.limits.PCA.indivduals | Projections onto PCA |
get_props | Extract prop |
get.sym.interval.limits | Interval Matrix associated to a Histogram Matrix |
hardwoodBrito | Hard Wood Data Example |
HistRSDAToEcdf | HistRSDAToEcdf |
intersection.interval | generate.columns.interval |
interval.centers | calcula centros |
interval.histogram.plot | Histogram plot for an interval variable |
interval.large | Calculate the large of each interval |
interval.length | Lenght for interval |
interval.max | calcula maximos |
interval.min | calcula minimos |
interval.ranges | calcula rangos |
int_prost_test | Linear regression model data example. |
int_prost_train | Linear regression model data example. |
is.sym.histogram | Symbolic histogram |
is.sym.interval | Symbolic interval |
is.sym.modal | Symbolic modal |
is.sym.set | Symbolic set |
limits.histogram.disjoint.pca.variable | limits.histogram.disjoint.pca.variable |
limits.histogram.pca | limits.histogram.pca |
lynne1 | Symbolic interval data example. |
map_symbolic_tbl | map function over symbolic table |
Maxima_and_Minima | Maxima and Minima |
mcfa.scatterplot | Plot Interval Scatterplot |
method_summary | Summary method to CM and CRM regression model |
neighbors.vertex | Compute neighbors vertex |
newSobject | newSobject |
new.sym.histogram | Create an symbolic_histogram type object |
new.sym.intreval | Create an symbolic_interval type object |
new.sym.modal | Create an symbolic_modal type object |
new.sym.set | Create an symbolic_set type object |
norm.vect | Compute the norm of a vector. |
oils | Ichino Oils example data. |
optim.pca.distance.j | optim.desv.fun.interval |
optim.pca.distance.j.new | Optimized PCA Distance |
optim.pca.variance.j | optim.pca.variance.j |
optim.pca.variance.j.new | Optimized PCA Variance |
pca.supplementary.vertex.fun.j | pca.supplementary.vertex.fun.j |
pca.supplementary.vertex.fun.j.new | Calculate the distance |
pca.supplementary.vertex.lambda.fun.j | Calculate the variance |
Percentil.Arrow.plot | Percentil.Arrow.plot |
pipe | Pipe operator |
plot.symbolic_pca | Plot symbolic PCA |
plot.symbolic_tbl | Function for plotting a symbolic object |
plot.sym_umap | Plot UMAP for symbolic data tables |
plotX.slice | plotX.slice |
process.continue.variable | process.continue.variable |
process.inter.cont.variable | process.inter.cont.variable |
process.mult.nominal.modif.variable | process.mult.nominal.modif.variable |
process.mult.nominal.variable | process.mult.nominal.variable |
process.nominal.variable | process.nominal.variable |
quantiles.RSDA | quantiles.RSDA |
quantiles.RSDA.KS | quantiles.RSDA.KS |
R2.L | Lower boundary correlation coefficient. |
R2.U | Upper boundary correlation coefficient. |
read.sym.table | Read a Symbolic Table |
RMSE.L | Lower boundary root-mean-square error |
RMSE.U | Upper boundary root-mean-square error |
RSDA | R to Symbolic Data Analysis |
RSDA.to.latex | RSDA.to.latex |
sd | Generic function for the standard desviation |
SDS.to.RSDA | SDS SODAS files to RSDA files. |
SODAS.to.RSDA | XML SODAS files to RSDA files. |
stand.data | Standardized Intervals |
sub-.symbolic_tbl | subset for symbolic table |
sub-.sym.data.table | Extract or replace parts of a Symbolic Data Table |
sym.all.quantiles.mesh3D.plot | sym.all.quantiles.mesh3D.plot |
sym.all.quantiles.plot | sym.all.quantiles.plot |
Symbolic_mean | Symbolic mean for intervals |
Symbolic_median | Symbolic Median |
sym.circle.plot | Symbolic Circle of Correlations |
sym.continuos.plot | sym.continuos.plot |
sym.dist.interval | Distance for Symbolic Interval Variables. |
sym.gbm | Generalized Boosted Symbolic Regression |
sym.glm | Lasso, Ridge and and Elastic Net Linear regression model to... |
sym.histogram | Create an symbolic_histogram type object |
sym.histogram.pca | sym.histogram.pca |
sym.histogram.to.latex | optim.desv.fun.interval |
sym.hist.plot | sym.hist.plot |
sym.interval | Create an symbolic_interval type object |
sym.Interval.distance | Compute the distance between two rows |
sym.interval.pc | Compute a symbolic interval principal components curves |
sym.interval.pca.limits.new.j | sym.interval.pca.limits.new.j |
sym.interval.pc.limits | Symbolic interval principal curves limits |
sym.interval.plot | sym.interval.plot |
sym.interval.vertex.pca.j | sym.interval.vertex.pca.j |
sym.kmeans | Symbolic k-Means |
sym.knn | Symbolic k-Nearest Neighbor Regression |
sym.lm | CM and CRM Linear regression model. |
sym.mcfa | sym.mcfa |
sym.modal | Create an symbolic_modal type object |
sym.modal.plot | sym.modal.plot |
sym.nnet | Symbolic neural networks regression |
sym.pca | Interval Principal Components Analysis. |
Sym.PCA.Hist.PCA.k.plot | Sym.PCA.Hist.PCA.k.plot |
sym.predict | Predict method to CM and CRM regression model |
sym.predict.symbolic_gbm_cm | Predict model_gbm_cm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_gbm_crm | Predict model_gbm_crm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_knn_cm | Predict model_knn_cm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_knn_crm | Predict model_knn_crm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_nnet_cm | Predict nnet_cm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_nnet_crm | Predict nnet_crm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_rf_cm | Predict rf_cm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_rf_crm | Predict rf_crm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_rt_cm | Predict rt_cm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_rt_crm | Predict rt_crm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_svm_cm | Predict model_svm_cm model |
sym.predict.symbolic_svm_crm | Predict model_svm_crm model |
sym.quantiles.PCA.plot | sym.quantiles.PCA.plot |
sym.radar.data | Internal sym.radar.data |
sym.radar.plot | Internal sym.radar.plot the distence between two rows |
sym.rf | Symbolic Regression with Random Forest |
sym.rt | Symbolic Regression Trees |
sym.scale.interval | sym.scale.interval |
sym.scale.matrix.j | sym.scale.matrix.j |
sym.scatterplot | Symbolic Scatter Plot |
sym.set | Create an symbolic_set type object |
sym.set.plot | sym.set.plot |
sym.svm | Symbolic Support Vector Machines Regression |
sym.umap | UMAP for Symbolic Data |
sym.var | Symbolic Variable |
tbl_subset_col | tbl_subset_col |
to.v2 | to.v2 |
to.v3 | to.v3 |
USCrime | Us crime classic data table |
uscrime_int | Us crime interval data table. |
uscrime_intv2 | Us crime interval data table. |
var | Symbolic Variance |
variance.princ.curve | Variance of the principal curve |
var.length | Extract length |
vec_ptype_abbr.symbolic_histogram | abbr for symbolic modal |
vec_ptype_abbr.symbolic_interval | abbr for symbolic interval |
vec_ptype_abbr.symbolic_modal | abbr for symbolic modal |
vec_ptype_abbr.symbolic_set | abbr for symbolic set |
vec_ptype_full.symbolic_histogram | full name for symbolic modal |
vec_ptype_full.symbolic_interval | full name for symbolic interval |
vec_ptype_full.symbolic_modal | full name for symbolic set |
vec_ptype_full.symbolic_set | full name for symbolic set |
vertex.interval | Vertex of the intervals |
vertex.interval.new.j | vertex.interval.new.j |
vertex.pca.j | vertex.pca.j |
VeterinaryData | Symbolic interval data example |
weighted.center.Hist.RSDA | weighted.center.Hist.RSDA |
write.sym.table | Write Symbolic Data Table |
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