Defines functions `DISPLACE.SEISN`

function(TH, sel=1:length(TH$JSTR), inst=1, Kal=Kal, waterlevel=1.e-8, FILT=list(ON=FALSE, fl=1/30, fh=7.0, type="HP", proto="BU",RM=FALSE, zp=TRUE ) )
  ########  convert the seismic to displacement
  if(missing(Kal)) {   Kal = PreSet.Instr() }
  if(missing(inst)) {   inst = rep(1,length=length(TH$JSTR))  }

  if(missing(sel)) { sel = 1:length(TH$JSTR) }
    if(missing(FILT)) { FILT = list(ON=FALSE, fl=1/30, fh=7.0, type="HP", proto="BU",RM=FALSE, zp=TRUE )  }
  if(is.null(FILT$RM)) { FILT$RM = FALSE }
  if(is.null(FILT$zp)) { FILT$zp = TRUE  }
  Calibnew = c(1,1.0, 0.0 )

if(is.logical(sel)) { sel = which(sel) }

 for(i in 1:length(sel))
     ii = sel[i]
     dt = TH$dt[ii]
     ins = inst[ii]
     if(ins==0) next
     y = TH$JSTR[[ii]]

##############################    for now, do not analyse wigs  that have NA's

      ####  since some of the data does not
         ####    need to fill in and/delete

         TH$units[ii] = "NA"


     y = y-mean(y, na.rm =TRUE)
     y = detrend(y)
     y = applytaper(y)
     dy  = deconinst(y, dt, Kal, ins, Calibnew, waterlevel=waterlevel)
     ty = applytaper(dy-mean(dy, na.rm =TRUE), p=0.05)
     tapy = detrend(ty)
     fy = tapy-mean(tapy, na.rm =TRUE)

     #####  use this to get micro meters
     ## amp = fy*1000000
     amp = fy
     damp  = trapz(amp, dt)

     if(is.null(damp)) { TH$units[ii] = "NA"; next }

         fy = butfilt(damp, fl=FILT$fl, fh=FILT$fh , deltat=dt, type=FILT$type , proto=FILT$proto,  RM=FILT$RM, zp=FILT$zp  )
         fy =damp
     TH$JSTR[[ii]] = fy
      TH$units[ii] = "m"

    proc = paste(sep=" ", "DISPLACE.SEISN", "FILT", FILT$ON, FILT$fl, FILT$fh, FILT$type, FILT$proto) 

  TH$process = c(TH$process, proc)

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