
Defines functions `evolfft`

`evolfft` <-
function(a, dt=0, Nfft=0,  Ns=0, Nov=0, fl=0, fh=10, pcttap = 0.05, adjust=TRUE )
    ###  Nfft=1024;Ns=250;Nov=240;fl=0; fh=10
    if(missing(dt)) { dt=1;}
    if(missing(Nfft)) { Nfft=1024;}
    if(missing(Ns)) { Ns=250;}
    if(missing(Nov)) { Nov=240;}
    if(missing(fl)) { fl=0;}
    if(missing(fh)) { fh=1/(2*dt);}
    if(missing(pcttap)) { pcttap = 0.05  }
    if(missing(adjust)) { adjust = TRUE  } #Adjust Ns and Nov automatically (TRUE) or do exactly as I say (FALSE)

    NT = length(a);
    nyquistf = 1/(2*dt);
        Nov = floor(Ns - 0.1*Ns);
    Ns = floor(Ns)

        emsg = c("ERROR: illegal call to evolfft.",
        "Number of samples in trace must be greater than the number of sample in the moving window")
        warning(emsg )
    kcol =floor( (NT-floor(Nov) )/(Ns-floor(Nov)))

    if(kcol<Ns & adjust)
        message("NOTE: Making an adjustment in input parameters", sep="\n")
         Ns = kcol
         Nov = floor(Ns-0.1*Ns)
         kcol =floor( (NT-floor(Nov) )/(Ns-floor(Nov)))
    min1 = Nfft%%2;
    if(min1 == 0)
        ## /* even */
        krow = (Nfft/2);
      } else {
        ##  /*  odd */
        krow = (Nfft+1)/2;
    skiplen = Ns - Nov;
    df = 1.0/(Nfft*dt);

   ###  message(paste(sep=' ', "evolfft kcol=", kcol, "krow=", krow, "Ns", Ns, "Nov", Nov))

     message(paste(sep=' ', "evolfft kcol=", kcol, "krow=", krow, "Ns", Ns, "Nov", Nov), sep="\n")
        warning(paste(sep=' ', "error in evolfft kcol=", kcol, "krow=", krow, "NT", NT, "Ns", Ns, "Nov", Nov), sep="\n")
    DMAT = matrix(rep(0,krow*kcol), ncol=kcol, nrow=krow)

    m = 1:(kcol)
     iend = floor(ibeg+Ns-1)
    for( i in m)
       ###  message(paste(sep=" ", m, ibeg, iend, NT))
        tem = a[ibeg[i]:iend[i]]
        tem = tem-mean(tem, na.rm=TRUE)
        tem = rsspec.taper(tem, p=pcttap)
        tem =  c(tem,rep(0,krow-Ns))
           ### message(paste(sep=" ", m, ibeg, iend, NT));
            DMAT[,i] = rep(NA, length=krow)
            DMAT[,i] = tem
    DFFT = mvfft(DMAT)

   DSPEC = Mod(DFFT)
     # col=heat.colors(50)

    x = (ibeg+Ns/2)*dt
    freqs = df*c(0:((numfreqs/2)-1),(-numfreqs/2):(-1)  )

    y = (1:(numfreqs/2))*2*df

    RET = list(sig=a, dt=dt, numfreqs=numfreqs, wpars=list(Nfft= Nfft,  Ns=Ns, Nov=Nov, fl=fl, fh=fh), DSPEC=DSPEC, freqs=y, tims=x)

    ## plotevol(RET)


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