Man pages for RSMET
Get Real-Time Meteorological Data in SMET Format a 'smet-class' object to a data frame
as.meteoioiniCoerces an object to a 'meteoioini-class' object
as.smetCoerces an object to a 'smet-class' object
collapse.smetCoerces a 'smet-class' object to a data frame
extract'[' S3 method for 'smet-class' object
extract_replacemethod"[<-" S3 Replacement method for 'smet-class' object
fieldsExtract the fields of a 'smet-class' object
header_attrHeader attributes of a 'smet' object.
meteofranceSnow Weather Data in France
meteofranceSynopSYNOP Weather Data in France
meteoioiniFunction to read a a Meteo IO *.ini file
print"Print" and "Show" method for "smet-class" object
print_meteioini"Print" and "Show" method for "meteoioini-class" object
pushSmetIntoIniPushes SMET object file into a 'meteoioini-class' object
range'range' method for a 'smet-class' object
smetFunction to read a a SMET file
units_multiplierUnit Multiplier of a 'smet' object.
units_offsetUnit Offsets of a 'smet' object.
RSMET documentation built on April 24, 2018, 5:04 p.m.