
if (has_test && is_not_cran) {
  context("dplyr backend")


  ss <- dbConnect(SQLServer(), server = "TEST", database = "DBItest")

  # Remove tables from last run of tests. This prevents tests failing in case
  # previous invocation of tests failed before df could be dropped
    dbExecute(ss, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DF1")
    dbExecute(ss, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DF2")
    dbExecute(ss, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DF3")
    dbExecute(ss, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DF4")

  df1 <- data_frame(a = c(1, 2), b = c("a", "b"))
  df2 <- data_frame(a = letters, b = 1:26)
  df3 <- data_frame(a = letters, c = rev(letters))
  df4 <- data_frame(a = rep_len(letters, 200), b = 1:200)

  test_that("copy_to works", {
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, temporary = FALSE), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, temporary = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df2, temporary = FALSE), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df3, temporary = FALSE), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df4, temporary = FALSE), NA)
    dbExecute(ss, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DF1")
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, "df1", temporary = FALSE), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, random_table_name(temp = TRUE)), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, random_table_name(temp = TRUE),
      types = c("FLOAT", "NVARCHAR(2)")), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, random_table_name(temp = TRUE),
      indexes = list("a")), NA)
    expect_error(copy_to(ss, df1, random_table_name(temp = TRUE),
      unique_indexes = list("a")), NA)

  df1_tbl <- tbl(ss, "df1")
  df2_tbl <- tbl(ss, "df2")
  df3_tbl <- tbl(ss, "df3")
  df4_tbl <- tbl(ss, "df4")

  test_that("collect works", {
    expect_equal(df1_tbl %>% collect(), df1)

  test_that("select verb works", {
    expect_equal(select(df1_tbl, a) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(a = c(1, 2)))
    expect_equal(select(df1_tbl, c = a) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(c = c(1, 2)))

  test_that("rename verb works", {
    expect_equal(rename(df1_tbl, c = a) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(c = c(1, 2), b = c("a", "b")))

  test_that("filter verb works", {
    expect_equal(filter(df1_tbl, a > 1) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(a = 2, b = "b"))

  test_that("arrange verb works", {
    expect_equal(arrange(df1_tbl, -a) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(a = c(2, 1), b = c("b", "a")))
    expect_equal(arrange(df4_tbl, a) %>% collect() %>% nrow(), 200)

  test_that("mutate verb works", {
    expect_equal(mutate(df1_tbl, c = as.character(a) %+% b) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(a = c(1, 2), b = c("a", "b"), c = c("1a", "2b")))

  test_that("summarise verb works", {
    expect_equal(summarise(df1_tbl, a_ave = mean(a)) %>% collect(),
      data_frame(a_ave = 1.5))

  test_that("explain works", {
    # Waiting closure of https://github.com/hadley/dplyr/issues/2609

  test_that("setops works", {
    expect_error(setdiff(df1_tbl, df1_tbl), NA)
    expect_error(intersect(df1_tbl, df1_tbl), NA)
    expect_error(union(df1_tbl, df1_tbl), NA)

  test_that("join works", {
    expect_error(df2_tbl %>% left_join(df3_tbl), NA)
    expect_error(df3_tbl %>% right_join(df2_tbl), NA)
    expect_error(df2_tbl %>% full_join(df3_tbl), NA)
    expect_error(df2_tbl %>% semi_join(df3_tbl), NA)
    expect_error(df2_tbl %>% anti_join(df3_tbl), NA)

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RSQLServer documentation built on June 20, 2017, 9:12 a.m.