


test_that("panSharpen methods", {
		agg     <- aggregate(lsat, 10)
		pan     <- sum(lsat[[1:3]])
		meth    <- c("brovey", "ihs", "pca")
		panList <- lapply(meth, function(m) panSharpen(img = agg, pan = pan, r = 3, g = 2, b = 1, method = m))
		nlayers <- c(3,3,7)
		names(nlayers) <- names(panList) <- meth

		for(m in meth) expect_is(panList[[m]], "SpatRaster")
		for(m in meth) expect_equal(names(panList[[m]]), paste0(names(agg)[1:nlayers[m]], "_pan"), info = m)  # tests inmplicitly for correct number of layers
		for(m in meth) expect_equal(res(panList[[m]]), res(pan), info = m)

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RStoolbox documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:34 a.m.