
"aug.lars" <- 
function (form, data, rscale = 1, type = "lar", trace = FALSE, 
          eps = .Machine$double.eps, omdmin = 9.9e-13) 
    if (missing(form) || !inherits(form, "formula"))
        stop("First argument to aug.lars must be a valid linear regression formula.")
    yvar <- deparse(form[[2]])
    if (missing(data) || !inherits(data, "data.frame")) 
        stop("Second argument to aug.lars must be an existing Data Frame.")
    dfname <- deparse(substitute(data))
    if (!is.element(yvar, dimnames(data)[[2]])) 
        stop("Response variable in the aug.lars formula must be an existing variable.")
    lmobj <- lm(form, data)
    yvec <- as.matrix(lmobj$model[, 1])
    xmat <- as.matrix(lmobj$model[, 2:length(lmobj$model)])
    if (rscale < 1) 
        rscale <- 0
    if (rscale > 1) 
        rscale <- 2
    p <- ncol(xmat)
    if (p < 2) 
        stop("Number on non-constant regressor variables must be at least 2.")
    n <- nrow(xmat)
    if (n != nrow(yvec)) 
        stop("Numbers of observations in XMAT and YVEC must match.")
    if (n < p + 4) 
        stop("Number of observations must exceed number of regressors by at least 4.")
    mx <- matrix(apply(xmat, 2, "mean"), nrow = 1)
    crx <- xmat - matrix(1, n, 1) %*% mx
    xscale <- diag(p)
    if (rscale >= 1) {
        xscale <- diag(sqrt(diag(var(crx))))
        crx <- crx %*% solve(xscale)
    sx <- svd(crx)
    eigval <- matrix(sx$d^2, ncol = 1)
    eiginv <- solve(diag(sx$d^2, ncol = p))
    cry <- matrix(yvec - mean(yvec), ncol = 1)
    yscale <- 1
    if (rscale >= 1) {
        yscale <- sqrt(var(cry))
        cry <- cry/yscale[1, 1]
    smse <- sx$v %*% eiginv %*% t(sx$v)
    risk <- diag(smse)
    tsmse <- sum(risk)
    comp <- solve(diag(sx$d, ncol = p)) %*% t(sx$u) %*% cry
    bstar <- sx$v %*% comp
    exev <- matrix(0, p, 1)
    infd <- as.numeric(matrix(NA, p, 1))
    delta <- matrix(1, p, 1)
    idty <- diag(p)
    d <- idty
    cold <- delta
    sv <- matrix(sx$d, p, 1)
    ssy <- t(cry) %*% cry
    rho <- (sv * comp)/sqrt(ssy[1, 1])
    arho <- matrix(abs(rho), nrow = 1)
    r2 <- sum(arho^2)
    if (r2 >= 1) 
        stop(" Maximum likelihood shrinkage cannot be performed when RSQUARE=1.")
    res <- cry - crx %*% bstar
    s2 <- t(res) %*% res/(n - p - 1)
    varrho <- s2[1, 1]/ssy[1, 1]
    tstat <- rho/sqrt(varrho)
    frat <- rho^2/varrho
    stat <- cbind(eigval, sv, comp, rho, tstat)
    dimnames(stat) <- list(1:p, c("LAMBDA", "SV", "COMP", "RHO", 
    RXolist <- list(data = dfname, form = form, p = p, n = n, 
        r2 = r2, s2 = s2, prinstat = stat, gmat = sx$v) 
    larsobj <- lars(crx, cry, type, trace, eps) 
    bhat <- as.matrix(larsobj$beta) 
    if (p != length(bhat[1, ])) 
        stop("Number of coefficients for LARS and shrinkage must match.") 
    steps <- length(bhat[, 1])
    binc <- bstar - bhat[steps, ]
    if (sum(binc^2) > omdmin) 
        stop("OLS coefficients for LARS and shrinkage must match.")
    mcal <- 0
    const <- (n - p - 3)/(n - p - 1)
    srat <- solve(diag(as.vector(sv), ncol = p)) %*% tstat
    MCAL <- 0
    C <- Inf
    E <- Inf
    R <- Inf
    IDhit <- 0
    for (inc in 2:steps) {
        binc <- bhat[steps + 1 - inc, ]
        dgen <- (t(sx$v) %*% binc)/comp
        dinc <- pmax(pmin(dgen, 1), 0)
        d <- matrix(dinc, p, p)
        minc <- p - sum(dinc)
        omd <- pmax(1 - dinc, omdmin)
        ddomd <- dinc/omd
        rxi <- sum(t(arho) * sqrt(ddomd))
        slik <- 2/(rxi + sqrt(4 * n + rxi^2))
        clik <- 2 * n * log(slik) + sum(ddomd) - (rxi/slik) - 
            n * log((1 - r2)/n)
        ebay <- sum(frat * omd - log(omd))
        sr2d <- sum(dinc * rho^2)
        rcof <- -sum(log(omd)) + n * log((1 - sr2d)/(1 - r2))
        C <- rbind(C, clik)
        E <- rbind(E, ebay)
        R <- rbind(R, rcof)
        MCAL <- rbind(MCAL, minc)
        vecr <- (idty - d) %*% srat
        compr <- const * vecr %*% t(vecr) + (2 * d - idty) * 
        diagc <- diag(diag(compr), ncol = p)
        lowr <- eiginv * d^2
        maxd <- matrix(pmax(diagc, lowr), p, p)
        compr <- compr - diagc + maxd
        smse <- sx$v %*% compr %*% t(sx$v)
        rinc <- diag(smse)
        lowb <- sx$v %*% lowr %*% t(sx$v)
        rinc <- pmax(rinc, diag(lowb))
        tinc <- sum(rinc)
        emse <- eiginv - compr
        sfac <- min(abs(diag(emse)))/100
        if (sfac < 1e-05) 
            sfac <- 1e-05
        eign <- eigen(emse/sfac)
        einc <- sort(eign$values) * sfac         # Increasing order; negative values first...
        cinc <- as.numeric(matrix(NA, p, 1))
        if (is.na(einc[1])) 
            einc[1] <- 0
        if (einc[1] < 0) {
            eign$vectors <- sx$v %*% eign$vectors
            cinc <- eign$vectors[, p]
            if (rscale == 2) {
                cinc <- cinc %*% xscale
                cinc <- cinc/sqrt(sum(cinc^2))
            if (IDhit > 0 && t(cold) %*% cinc < 0) cinc <- -1 * cinc
            IDhit <- 1
            cold <- cinc
        bstar <- cbind(bstar, binc)
        risk <- cbind(risk, rinc)
        exev <- cbind(exev, einc)
        infd <- cbind(infd, cinc)
        delta <- cbind(delta, dgen)
        tsmse <- rbind(tsmse, tinc)
        mcal <- rbind(mcal, minc)
    if (rscale == 2) {
        bstar <- yscale * solve(xscale) %*% bstar
        risk <- yscale^2 * solve(xscale^2) %*% risk
    mlik <- cbind(MCAL, C, E, R)
    dimnames(mlik) <- list(0:(steps - 1), c("M", "CLIK", "EBAY", "RCOF"))
    bstar <- t(bstar)
    risk <- t(risk)
    exev <- t(exev)
    infd <- t(infd)
    delta <- t(delta)
    sext <- cbind(tsmse, mcal)
    dimnames(sext) <- list(0:(steps - 1), c("TSMSE", "MCAL"))
    minC <- min(mlik[,2])
    rowC <- 1
    for( i in 1:length(mlik[,2]) ) {
        if( mlik[i,2] == minC ) {
            rowC <- i
    mClk <- mlik[rowC,1]
    RXolist <- c(RXolist, list(lars = larsobj, coef = bstar, 
        rmse = risk, exev = exev, infd = infd, spat = delta, 
        mlik = mlik, sext = sext, mClk = mClk, minC = minC)) 
    class(RXolist) <- "aug.lars" 
"plot.aug.lars" <-
function (x, trace = "all", trkey = FALSE, ...) 
    mcal <- x$sext[, 2]
    mcalp <- rep(mcal, times = x$p)
    if (trace != "coef" && trace != "rmse" && trace != "exev" && 
        trace != "infd" && trace != "spat" && trace != "seq") 
        trace <- "all"
    mV <- x$mClk    # m-extent with min Classical -2*log(Like)  
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    myty <- c(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,3)        # KEY CHANGE: lty == 3 (dotted line) is moved to 12th position...
    if (trace == "all")
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "coef") {
        plot(mcalp, x$coef, ann = FALSE, type = "n")
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$coef[, i], col = i, lty = myty[i], lwd = 2)
        title(main = paste("COEFFICIENT TRACE:", x$lars$type), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Fitted Coefficients")
        if( trkey )
            legend("bottom",all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)
    if (trace == "seq") {
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the RMSE trace...")
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "rmse") {
        plot(mcalp, x$rmse, ann = FALSE, type = "n")
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$rmse[, i], col = i, lty = myty[i], lwd = 2)
        title(main = paste("RELATIVE MSE:", x$lars$type), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Scaled MSE Risk")
        if( trkey )
            legend("bottom",all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)
    if (trace == "seq") {
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the EXEV trace...")
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "exev") {
        plot(mcalp, x$exev, ann = FALSE, type = "n")
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$exev[, i], col = i, lty = myty[i], lwd = 2)
        title(main = paste("EXCESS EIGENVALUES:", x$lars$type), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Least Squares minus larlso")
        if( trkey )
            legend("bottom",paste("Component",1:(x$p)), col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)
    if (trace == "seq") {
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the INFD trace...")
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "infd") {
        plot(mcalp, x$infd, ann = FALSE, type = "n", ylim = c(-1,1))
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$infd[, i], col = i, lty = myty[i], lwd = 2)
        title(main = paste("INFERIOR DIRECTION:", x$lars$type), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Direction Cosines")
        if( trkey )
            legend("bottom",all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)
    if (trace == "seq") {
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the SPAT trace...")
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "spat") {
        plot(mcalp, x$spat, ann = FALSE, type = "n")
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$spat[, i], col = i, lty = myty[i],  lwd = 2)
        title(main = paste("SHRINKAGE PATTERN:", x$lars$type), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "larlso Delta Factors")
        if( trkey )
            legend("bottom",paste("Component",1:(x$p)), col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)
"print.aug.lars" <- 
function (x, ...) 
    cat("\naug.lars Object: LARS Maximum Likelihood Shrinkage\n") 
    cat("Data Frame:", x$data, "\n") 
    cat("Regression Equation:\n")
    cat("\n    Number of Regressor Variables, p =", x$p, "\n")
    cat("    Number of Observations, n =", x$n, "\n")
    cat("\nPrincipal Axis Summary Statistics of Ill-Conditioning...\n")
    print.default(x$prinstat, quote = FALSE)
    cat("\n    Residual Mean Square for Error =", x$s2, "\n")
    cat("    Estimate of Residual Std. Error =", sqrt(x$s2), 
    cat("\nThe extent of shrinkage (M value) most likely to be optimal\n")
    cat("depends upon whether one uses the Classical, Empirical Bayes, or\n")
    cat("Random Coefficient criterion.  In each case, the objective is to\n")
    cat("minimize the minus-two-log-likelihood statistics listed below:\n")
    print.default(x$mlik, quote = FALSE)
    cat("\nOutput from LARS invocation...\n")
    cat("\nExtent of shrinkage statistics...\n")
    print.default(x$sext, quote = FALSE)
    cat("\n    Most Likely Observed MCAL Value, mClk =", x$mClk)  	
    cat("\n    Minimum Classical -2*log(Like), minCLIK =", x$minC, "\n\n") 

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RXshrink documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 1:09 a.m.