
"eff.aug" <- function (efobj) 
    if (missing(efobj) || !inherits(efobj, "eff.ridge"))
        stop("First argument to eff.aug() must be a valid eff.ridge() output object.") 
    p <- efobj$p 
    form <- efobj$form 
    vnams <- all.vars(form)            # p+1 variable names in called order...
    data <- efobj$data                 # data.frame containing all p+1 "vnams"
    lmraw <- lm(form, data)            # preliminary calculations...
    yvec <- as.matrix(lmraw$model[, 1]) 
    xmat <- as.matrix(lmraw$model[, 2:length(lmraw$model)]) 
    rscale <- efobj$rscale             # rscale = 0, 1 or 2 setting from eff.ridge() 
    n <- nrow(xmat) 
    mx <- matrix(apply(xmat, 2, "mean"), nrow = 1) 
    crx <- xmat - matrix(1, n, 1) %*% mx 
    xscale <- diag(p) 
    if (rscale >= 1) { 
        xscale <- diag(sqrt(diag(var(crx)))) 
        crx <- crx %*% solve(xscale) 
    cry <- matrix(yvec - mean(yvec), ncol = 1) # n x 1
    yscale <- 1 
    if (rscale >= 1) { 
        yscale <- sqrt(var(cry)) 
        cry <- cry/yscale[1, 1] 
    crdata <- data.frame(cbind(cry, crx)) 
    names(crdata) <- vnams 
    LMobj <- lm(form, crdata) # centered & rescaled calculations; large object 
    # Next, calculate p+1 estimates at the MStar "Knot" plus the optimal shrinkage extent...
    dMSE <- efobj$dMSE 
    gmat <- efobj$gmat 
    beta0 <- LMobj$coef[2:(p+1)]       # p OLS estimates..
    cvec <- t(gmat) %*% beta0          # uncorrelated components
    mStar <- p - sum(dMSE)             # Only Knot at mStar...
    mM <- c(0, mStar, p)               # Three m-Extents of interest...
    bstar <- beta0                     # Initial OLS estimates...
    mcal <- 0	
    for (i in 2:3) { 
        meobj <- mM[i]
        iter <- meff(meobj, p, dMSE)		
        d <- iter$d          # Diagonal Matrix, p x p...
        binc <- gmat %*% d %*% cvec 
        bstar <- cbind(bstar, binc) 
        mcal <- rbind(mcal, meobj) 
    RXolist <- list(p = p, LMobj = LMobj, bstar = bstar, mcal = mcal, vnams = vnams) 
    class(RXolist) <- "eff.aug" 
"eff.biv" <- function (efaug, x1 = 1, x2 = 2, conf1 = 0.95, conf2 = 0.50) 
    if (missing(efaug) || !inherits(efaug, "eff.aug")) {
        cat("\nNOTE: Call eff.aug() and save its output list before making") 
        cat("\nAny calls to eff.biv().\n") 
        stop("First argument to eff.biv() must be a valid eff.aug() output object.") 
    p <- efaug$p 
    confOK <- 0 
    if (conf1 >= 0.05 && conf1 <= 0.95) confOK <- 1 
    if (conf2 >= 0.05 && conf2 <= 0.95) confOK <- confOK + 1 
    if (confOK == 1) cat("\nWARNING: Only 1 Confidence Ellipse will be computed.\n\n") 
    if (confOK == 0) stop("Neither Confidence Ellipse can be computed.\n\n") 
    x1 <- as.integer(x1) 
    if (x1 >= 1 && x1 <= p) { x1var <- efaug$vnams[1+x1] } else { 
        stop("Variable x1 in eff.biv() Call is Out-of-Range.") 
    x2 <- as.integer(x2) 
    if (x2 >= 1 && x2 <= p && x2 != x1 ) { x2var <- efaug$vnams[1+x2] } else { 
        stop("Variable x2 in eff.biv() Call is Out-of-Range or Equal to x1.") 
    LMobj <- efaug$LMobj 
    bstar <- efaug$bstar 
    mcal <- efaug$mcal 
    RXolist <- list(p = p, LMobj = LMobj, bstar = bstar, mcal = mcal, x1 = x1, x2 = x2) 
    if (conf1 >= 0.05 && conf1 <= 0.95) { 
        ellip1 <- ellipse(LMobj, which = c((x1 + 1), (x2 + 1)), conf1) 
        corr1 <- cor(ellip1) 
        RXolist <- c(RXolist, list(ellip1 = ellip1, conf1 = conf1, ecor1 = corr1[1,2])) 
    if (conf2 >= 0.05 && conf2 <= 0.95) { 
        ellip2 <- ellipse(LMobj, which = c((x1 + 1), (x2 + 1)), conf2) 
        corr2 <- cor(ellip2) 
        RXolist <- c(RXolist, list(ellip2 = ellip2, conf2 = conf2, ecor2 = corr2[1,2])) 
    class(RXolist) <- "eff.biv" 
"plot.eff.biv" <- function (x, type = "ellip", ...) 
    if (type != "ellip") type <- "trace" 
    if (type == "ellip") { 
        OK <- 0 
        if (length("x$ellip1") > 0) { 
            plot(x$ellip1, type = 'l') 
            sub1 <- paste("corr = ", round(x$ecor1, 4)) 
            OK <- 1 
        if (length("x$ellip2") > 0) { 
            if (OK == 1) { lines(x$ellip2, type = 'l') } 
            else { 
                plot(x$ellip2, type = 'l') 
            	sub1 <- paste("corr = ", round(x$ecor2, 4)) 
        if (OK == 0) stop("No Confidence Ellipse is Available.") 
        abline(h=0, lty=2, col="lightgray" ) 
        abline(v=0, lty=2, col="lightgray" ) 
        lines(x$bstar[x$x1,], x$bstar[x$x2,], type = "l", lwd=2, col="red") 
        points(x$bstar[x$x1,1], x$bstar[x$x2,1], type = "p", lwd=2, col="blue") 
        points(x$bstar[x$x1,2], x$bstar[x$x2,2], type = "p", lwd=2, col="purple") 
        points(x$bstar[x$x1,3], x$bstar[x$x2,3], type = "p", lwd=2, col="black") 
        title(sub = sub1, col.sub="darkgreen", cex.sub=1.0) 
        title(main = "Confidence Ellipses: BLUE_minMSE_ZERO Path") 
    else { 
        mcal <- t(x$mcal) 
        yup <- max(x$bstar) 
        ylo <- min(x$bstar) 
        plot(rep(mcal,x$p), x$bstar, ann = FALSE, type = "n", ylim = c(ylo, yup)) 
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)  
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$bstar[i,], col = i, lty = i, lwd = 2) 
        for (i in 1:x$p) points(mcal, x$bstar[i,], col = i, lwd = 2) 
        title(main = paste("Piecewise-Linear Splines"), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Shrunken Coefficients") 
"print.eff.biv" <- function (x, ...) 
    cat("\neff.biv Object: Bivariate displays of Efficient Shrinkage\n") 
    cat("\n    Current Horizontal Coefficient Number =", x$x1) 
    cat("\n    Current Vertical   Coefficient Number =", x$x2) 
    cat("\n    Matrix of Fitted Coefficients and their mcal-Extents:\n\n" )
    pp1 <- 1 + x$p
    mat <- as.matrix(cbind(t(x$bstar), x$mcal)) 
    rownames(mat) <- c(1:3) 
    colnames(mat)[pp1] <- c("mcal") 

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RXshrink documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 1:09 a.m.