
"qm.ridge" <- function (form, data, rscale = 1, Q = "qmse", steps = 20, nq = 21, 
    qmax = 5, qmin = -5, omdmin = 9.9e-13) 
    if (missing(form) || !inherits(form, "formula"))
        stop("First argument to qm.ridge must be a valid linear regression formula.")
    yvar <- deparse(form[[2]])
    if (missing(data) || !inherits(data, "data.frame")) 
        stop("Second argument to qm.ridge must be an existing Data Frame.")
    dfname <- deparse(substitute(data))
    if (!is.element(yvar, dimnames(data)[[2]])) 
        stop("Response variable in the qm.ridge formula must be an existing variable.")
    lmobj <- lm(form, data)
    yvec <- as.matrix(lmobj$model[, 1])
    xmat <- as.matrix(lmobj$model[, 2:length(lmobj$model)])
    nqval <- round(nq)
    if (nqval < 3) 
        nqval <- 3
    if (rscale < 1) 
        rscale <- 0
    if (rscale > 1) 
        rscale <- 2
    p <- ncol(xmat)
    if (p < 2) 
        stop("Number on non-constant regressor variables must be at least 2.") 
    n <- nrow(xmat) 
    if (n != nrow(yvec)) 
        stop("Numbers of observations in XMAT and YVEC must match.")
    if (n < p + 4) 
        stop("Number of observations must exceed number of regressors by at least 4.")
    mx <- matrix(apply(xmat, 2, "mean"), nrow = 1)
    crx <- xmat - matrix(1, n, 1) %*% mx
    xscale <- diag(p)
    if (rscale >= 1) {
        xscale <- diag(sqrt(diag(var(crx))))
        crx <- crx %*% solve(xscale)
    sx <- svd(crx)
    eigval <- matrix(sx$d^2, ncol = 1) 
    eiginv <- solve(diag(sx$d^2, ncol = p)) 
    cry <- matrix(yvec - mean(yvec), ncol = 1) 
    yscale <- 1 
    if (rscale >= 1) { 
        yscale <- sqrt(var(cry)) 
        cry <- cry/yscale[1, 1] 
    smse <- sx$v %*% eiginv %*% t(sx$v)
    risk <- diag(smse) 
    tsmse <- sum(risk) 
    comp <- solve(diag(sx$d, ncol = p)) %*% t(sx$u) %*% cry 
    bstar <- sx$v %*% comp 
    exev <- matrix(0, p, 1) 
    infd <- as.numeric(matrix(NA, p, 1)) 
    delta <- matrix(1, p, 1) 
    idty <- diag(p) 
    d <- idty 
    cold <- delta 
    sv <- matrix(sx$d, p, 1) 
    ssy <- t(cry) %*% cry 
    rho <- (sv * comp)/sqrt(ssy[1, 1]) 
    arho <- matrix(abs(rho), nrow = 1) 
    r2 <- sum(arho^2) 
    if (r2 >= 1) 
        stop(" Maximum likelihood ridge shrinkage cannot be applied when RSQUARE=1.") 
    res <- cry - crx %*% bstar 
    s2 <- t(res) %*% res/(n - p - 1) 
    varrho <- s2[1, 1]/ssy[1, 1] 
    tstat <- rho/sqrt(varrho) 
    frat <- rho^2/varrho 
    stat <- cbind(eigval, sv, comp, rho, tstat) 
    dimnames(stat) <- list(1:p, c("LAMBDA", "SV", "COMP", "RHO", 
    RXolist <- list(data = dfname, form = form, p = p, n = n, 
        r2 = r2, s2 = s2, prinstat = stat, mx = mx) 
    qvec <- matrix(0, nqval, 1) 
    crlq <- matrix(0, nqval, 1) 
    mvec <- matrix(0, nqval, 1) 
    kvec <- matrix(0, nqval, 1) 
    chisq <- matrix(0, nqval, 1) 
    for (it in 1:nqval) { 
        qnow <- ((qmin - qmax) * it + (nqval * qmax) - qmin)/(nqval - 1) 
        qvec[it] <- qnow 
        s1mq <- matrix(1, p, 1) 
        if (qnow != 1) 
            s1mq <- exp((1 - qnow) * log(sv)) 
        sq2 <- sum(s1mq^2) 
        crlq[it] <- (arho %*% s1mq)/sqrt(r2 * sq2) 
        r2c2 <- r2 * crlq[it]^2 
        kvec[it] <- (sq2 * (1 - r2c2))/(n * r2c2) 
        s1mq <- kvec[it] * s1mq^-2 
        mvec[it] <- sum(s1mq/(1 + s1mq)) 
        chisq[it] <- n * log((1 - r2c2)/(1 - r2)) 
    c2min <- chisq[1] 
    qmse <- qvec[1] 
    crlqm <- crlq[1] 
    crlqM <- crlq[1] 
    for (it in 2:nqval) { 
        if (chisq[it] < c2min) { 
            c2min <- chisq[it] 
            qmse <- qvec[it] 
        crlqm <- min(crlqm, crlq[it]) 
        crlqM <- max(crlqM, crlq[it]) 
    if ( qmax >= 1 && 1 >= qmin && crlqM - crlqm < 0.001 ) qmse = 1   # Uniform Shrinkage...
    crlqstat <- cbind(qvec, crlq, mvec, kvec, chisq) 
    dimnames(crlqstat) <- list(1:nqval, c("Q", "CRLQ", "M", "K", "CHISQ")) 
    RXolist <- c(RXolist, list(crlqstat = crlqstat, qmse = qmse)) 
    if (missing(Q) || Q == "qmse") { 
        qp <- qmse 
        qsearch <- 1 
    else { 
        qsearch <- 0 
        Q <- as.numeric(Q) 
        if (is.na(Q)) Q <- 0 
        qp <- Q        # formerly, qp <- min(max(Q, qmin), qmax) 
    qm1 <- qp - 1 
    if (qp == 1) 
        eqm1 <- matrix(1, p, 1)          # Avoid exp(0) calculations when qm1 == 0
    else eqm1 <- exp(qm1 * log(eigval))
    mcal <- 0 
    konst <- 0 
    kinc <- 0 
    const <- (n - p - 3)/(n - p - 1) 
    srat <- solve(diag(as.vector(sv), ncol = p)) %*% tstat 
    MCAL <- 0 
    KONST <- 0 
    C <- Inf 
    E <- Inf 
    R <- Inf 
    maxinc <- p * steps 
    IDhit <- 0               # Inferior Direction "hit" switch...
    for (inc in 1:maxinc) { 
        mobj <- inc/steps 
        iter <- mstep(mobj, kinc, p, qp, eqm1)   # mstep() internal function...
        kinc <- iter$kinc 
        d <- matrix(iter$d, p, p) 
        dinc <- diag(d) 
        omd <- pmax(1 - dinc, omdmin) 
        ddomd <- dinc/omd 
        rxi <- sum(arho * sqrt(ddomd)) 
        slik <- 2/(rxi + sqrt(4 * n + rxi^2)) 
        clik <- 2 * n * log(slik) + sum(ddomd) - (rxi/slik) - 
            n * log((1 - r2)/n) 
        ebay <- sum(frat * omd - log(omd)) 
        sr2d <- sum(dinc * rho^2) 
        rcof <- -sum(log(omd)) + n * log((1 - sr2d)/(1 - r2)) 
        minc <- p - sum(dinc) 
        C <- rbind(C, clik) 
        E <- rbind(E, ebay) 
        R <- rbind(R, rcof) 
        KONST <- rbind(KONST, kinc) 
        MCAL <- rbind(MCAL, minc) 
        binc <- sx$v %*% d %*% comp 
        vecr <- (idty - d) %*% srat 
        compr <- const * vecr %*% t(vecr) + (2 * d - idty) * 
        diagc <- diag(diag(compr), ncol = p) 
        lowr <- eiginv * d^2 
        maxd <- matrix(pmax(diagc, lowr), p, p) 
        compr <- compr - diagc + maxd 
        smse <- sx$v %*% compr %*% t(sx$v )
        rinc <- diag(smse) 
        lowb <- sx$v %*% lowr %*% t(sx$v) 
        rinc <- pmax(rinc, diag(lowb)) 
        tinc <- sum(rinc) 
        emse <- eiginv - compr 
        sfac <- min(abs(diag(emse)))/100 
        if (sfac < 1e-05) 
            sfac <- 1e-05 
        eign <- eigen(emse/sfac) 
        einc <- sort(eign$values) * sfac         # Increasing order; negative values first...
        cinc <- as.numeric(matrix(NA, p, 1))     # Nothing to plot when No "ID" exists...
        if (is.na(einc[1])) einc[1] <- 0         # Avoid NAs here...
        if (einc[1] < 0) { 
            eign$vectors <- sx$v %*% eign$vectors 
            cinc <- eign$vectors[, p] 
            if (IDhit > 0 && t(cold) %*% cinc < 0) cinc <- -1 * cinc 
            IDhit <- 1 
            cold <- cinc 
        bstar <- cbind(bstar, binc) 
        risk <- cbind(risk, rinc) 
        exev <- cbind(exev, einc) 
        infd <- cbind(infd, cinc) 
        delta <- cbind(delta, dinc) 
        tsmse <- rbind(tsmse, tinc) 
        konst <- rbind(konst, kinc) 
        mcal <- rbind(mcal, minc) 
    if (rscale == 2) { 
        bstar <- yscale[1,1] * solve(xscale) %*% bstar 
        risk <- yscale[1,1]^2 * solve(xscale^2) %*% risk 
    mlik <- cbind(MCAL, KONST, C, E, R) 
    dimnames(mlik) <- list(0:maxinc, c("M", "K", "CLIK", "EBAY", "RCOF")) 
    bstar <- t(bstar) 
    risk <- t(risk) 
    exev <- t(exev) 
    infd <- t(infd) 
    delta <- t(delta) 
    sext <- cbind(tsmse, konst, mcal) 
    dimnames(sext) <- list(0:maxinc, c("TSMSE", "KONST", "MCAL")) 
    minC <- min(mlik[,3]) 
    for( i in 1:maxinc ) { 
        if( mlik[i,3] <= minC ) { 
            mClk <- (i-1)/steps 
    RXolist <- c(RXolist, list(qp = qp, coef = bstar, rmse = risk, 
        exev = exev, infd = infd, spat = delta, mlik = mlik, 
        sext = sext, mClk = mClk, minC = minC, QS = qsearch)) 
    if( p == 2 ) { 
        lam <- stat[,1] 
        gam <- stat[,3] 
        qML <- as.double(log((gam[2]^2)/(gam[1]^2))/log((lam[1])/(lam[2]))) 
        eta2 <- as.double((gam[1]^2)*(lam[1])^qML) 
        kML <- as.double(s2/eta2) 
        dML1 <- as.double( 1/(1+kML*lam[1]^(qML-1)) ) 
        dML2 <- as.double( 1/(1+kML*lam[2]^(qML-1)) ) 
        mML <- as.double( 2 - dML1 - dML2 ) 
        RXolist <- c(RXolist, list(qML = qML, kML = kML, dML1 = dML1, dML2 = dML2, mML = mML)) 
    class(RXolist) <- "qm.ridge" 

"print.qm.ridge" <- function (x, ...) 
    cat("\nqm.ridge Object: Shrinkage-Ridge Regression Model Specification\n" )
    cat("Data Frame:", x$data, "\n") 
    cat("Regression Equation:\n") 
    cat("\n    Number of Regressor Variables, p =", x$p, "\n")
    if (x$p > 20) cat("    Traces for more that p = 30 variables cannot be plotted.\n")	
    cat("    Number of Observations, n =", x$n, "\n") 
    cat("\nPrincipal Axis Summary Statistics of Ill-Conditioning...\n") 
    print.default(x$prinstat, quote = FALSE) 
    cat("\n    Residual Mean Square for Error =", x$s2, "\n") 
    cat("    Estimate of Residual Std. Error =", sqrt(x$s2), "\n\n") 
    if( x$QS == 1 ) { 
    cat("Classical Maximum Likelihood choice of SHAPE(Q) and EXTENT(M) of\n") 
    cat("shrinkage in the 2-parameter generalized ridge family...\n") 
    print.default(x$crlqstat, quote = FALSE )
    cat("\n Q =", x$qmse, " is the path shape most likely to lead to minimum\n") 
    cat("MSE risk because this shape maximizes CRLQ and minimizes CHISQ.\n") 
    cat("\nqm.ridge: Shrinkage PATH Shape =", x$qp, "\n") 
    cat("\nThe extent of shrinkage (M value) most likely to be optimal\n") 
    cat("in the Q-shape =", x$qp, " 2-parameter ridge family can depend\n") 
    cat("upon whether one uses the Classical, Empirical Bayes, or Random\n") 
    cat("Coefficient criterion.  In each case, the objective is to\n") 
    cat("minimize the minus-two-log-likelihood-ratios listed below:\n") 
    print.default(x$mlik, quote = FALSE) 
    cat("\nExtent of shrinkage statistics...\n") 
    print.default(x$sext, quote = FALSE) 
    if( x$p == 2 ) { 
    cat("Following calculations are possible only when p = r = 2:\n") 
    cat("Most Likely q-Shape:  qML =", x$qML, "\n") 
    cat("Best k-Factor:        kML =", x$kML, "\n") 
    cat("Best m-Extent:        mML =", x$mML, "\n") 
    cat("Best 1st Delta factor     =", x$dML1, "\n") 
    cat("Best 2nd Delta factor     =", x$dML2, "\n") 
    cat("\n    Most Likely m-Extent on the Lattice,       mClk =", x$mClk) 
    cat("\n    Smallest Observed -2*log(LikelihoodRatio), minC =", x$minC, "\n\n") 
"plot.qm.ridge" <- function (x, trace = "all", LP = 0, HH = 0, ...) 
    trkey <- FALSE
    if (LP != 0) {
        trkey <- TRUE
        LT <- c("bottomright","bottom","bottomleft","left","topleft","top","topright","right","center")
        LG <- LT[B19(LP)]
    if (x$p > 30)
	        stop("Number of x-variables exceeds 30; No Trace plots attempted...")
    myty <- c(1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,3,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,4,5,6,7,8)  # postpones use of lty=3 "dotted" assuming p <= 30 
    mcal <- x$sext[,3]    # MCAL values are in the 3rd column...  
    mcalp <- rep(mcal, times = x$p)  
    if (trace != "coef" && trace != "rmse" && trace != "exev" && 
        trace != "infd" && trace != "spat" && trace != "seq")
        trace <- "all" 
    if (x$p == 2) mV <- x$mML else mV <- x$mClk  # Best m-extent in qm.ridge() ... 
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    if (HH == 0) on.exit(par(opar)) 
    if (HH == 1) par(mfrow=c(2,1))  	
    if (trace == "all") par(mfrow=c(3,2)) else if (HH < 1)  par(mfrow=c(1,1))
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "coef") { 
        plot(mcalp, x$coef, ann = FALSE, type = "n") 
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2) 
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2 )
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$coef[, i], col = i,  lty = myty[i], lwd = 2) 
        title(main = paste("COEFFICIENT TRACE: Q-shape =", x$qp), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Fitted Coefficients") 
        if(trkey) legend(LG, all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2) 
    if (trace == "seq") {
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the RMSE trace...")
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "rmse") {
        plot(mcalp, x$rmse, ann = FALSE, type = "n")
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2)
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$rmse[, i], col = i,  lty = myty[i], lwd = 2)
        title(main = paste("RELATIVE MSE: Q-shape =", 
            x$qp), xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", 
            ylab = "Scaled MSE Risk") 
        if(trkey) legend(LG, all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2) 
    if (trace == "seq") { 
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the EXEV trace...") 
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "exev") { 
        plot(mcalp, x$exev, ann = FALSE, type = "n") 
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2) 
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2) 
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$exev[, i], col = i,  lty = myty[i], lwd = 2) 
        title(main = paste("EXCESS EIGENVALUES: Q-shape =", x$qp), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Least Squares minus Ridge") 
        if(trkey) legend(LG, all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)  
    if (trace == "seq") { 
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the INFD trace...") 
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "infd") { 
        plot(mcalp, x$infd, ann = FALSE, type = "n", ylim = c(-1,1)) 
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2) 
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2) 
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$infd[, i], col = i,  lty = myty[i], lwd = 2) 
        title(main = paste("INFERIOR DIRECTION: Q-shape =", x$qp), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Direction Cosines") 
        if(trkey) legend(LG, all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2) 
    if (trace == "seq") { 
        cat("\nPress the Enter key to view the SPAT trace...") 
    if (trace == "all" || trace == "seq" || trace == "spat") {
        plot(mcalp, x$spat, ann = FALSE, type = "n") 
        abline(v = mV, col = "gray", lty = 2, lwd = 2) 
        abline(h = 0, col = gray(0.9), lwd = 2) 
        for (i in 1:x$p) lines(mcal, x$spat[, i], col = i,  lty = myty[i], lwd = 2) 
        title(main = paste("SHRINKAGE PATTERN: Q-shape =", x$qp), 
            xlab = "m = Multicollinearity Allowance", ylab = "Ridge Delta-Factors") 
        if(trkey) legend(LG, all.vars(x$form)[2:(x$p+1)], col=1:(x$p), lty=myty[1:(x$p)], lwd=2)

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