
#' @title Constructor of Output class
#' @description This class contains a result of a run. Let K be the total number of cluster,
#'  p the number of dimension m the p-vector containing the size of each dimension.
#' @slot proportion a K-vector of proportions.
#' @slot pi a K*p-matrix composed of the scale parameters.
#' @slot mu a matrix with K lines and sum(m) columns in which line k is composed of the location
#'   parameters of cluster k.
#' @slot ll the estimated log-likelihood.
#' @slot bic the estimated BIC criterion.
#' @slot icl the estimated ICL criterion.
#' @slot tik a n*K-matrix containing the estimation of the conditional probabilities for the observed
#' ranks to belong to each cluster.
#' @slot partition a n-vector containing the partition estimation resulting from the clustering.
#' @slot entropy a n*2-matrix containing for each observation its estimated cluster and its entropy. The entropy
#'   output illustrates the confidence in the clustering of each observation (a high entropy means a
#'      low confidence in the clustering)..
#' @slot probability a n*2-matrix similar to the entropy output, containing for each observation
#' its estimated cluster and its probability p(xi; mk, pk) given its
#' cluster. This probability is estimated using the last simulation of the presentation orders used
#' for the likelihood approximation. The probability output exhibits the best representative of
#' each cluster.
#' @slot convergence a boolean indicating if none problem of empty class has been encountered.
#' @slot partial a boolean indicating the presence of partial rankings or ties.
#' @slot partialRank a matrix containing the full rankings, estimated using the within cluster ISR parameters
#' when the ranking is partial. When ranking is full, partialRank simply contains the
#' observed ranking. Available only in presence of at least one partial ranking.
#' @slot partialRankScore confidence score in estimated partial rank
#' @slot distanceProp Distances (MSE) between the final estimation and the current
#' value at each iteration of the SEM-Gibbs algorithm (except the burn-in phase) for proportions. A list of Qsem-Bsem elements,
#' each element being a K*p-matrix.
#' @slot distancePi Distances (MSE) between the final estimation and the current value at each iteration of the
#' SEM-Gibbs algorithm (except the burn-in phase) for scale parameters. A list of Qsem-Bsem elements,
#' each element being a K*p-matrix.
#' @slot distanceMu Distances (Kendall distance) between the final estimation and the current value at each iteration of the
#' SEM-Gibbs algorithm (except the burn-in phase) for proportions. A list of Qsem-Bsem elements,
#'  each element being a K*p-matrix.
#' @slot distanceZ a vector of size Qsem-Bsem containing the rand index between the final
#' estimated partition and the current value at each iteration of the SEM-Gibbs algorithm (except
#' the burn-in phase). Let precise that the rand index is not affected by label switching.
#' @slot distancePartialRank Kendall distance between the final estimation of the partial rankings
#' (missing positions in such rankings are estimated) and the current value at each iteration of the
#' SEM-Gibbs algorithm (except the burn-in phase). distancePartialRank is a list of Qsem-Bsem
#' elements, each element being a matrix of size n*p. Available only in presence of at least one
#' partial ranking.
#' @slot proportionInitial a vector containing the initialization of proportions in the algorithm.
#' @slot piInitial a matrix containing the initialization of the probabilities of good paired comparison in the algorithm.
#' @slot muInitial a matrix containing the initialization of modal rankings in the algorithm.
#' @slot partialRankInitial a matrix containing the initialization of the partial rankings in the algorithm.
#' @name Output-class
#' @rdname Output-class
#' @exportClass Output
  Class = "Output",
  representation = representation(
    proportion = "numeric",
    pi = "matrix",
    mu = "matrix",
    ll = "numeric",
    bic = "numeric",
    icl = "numeric",
    tik = "matrix",
    partition = "numeric",
    entropy = "matrix",
    probability = "matrix",
    convergence = "logical",
    partial = "logical",
    partialRank = "matrix",
    distanceProp = "list",
    distancePi = "list",
    distanceMu = "list",
    distanceZ = "numeric",
    distancePartialRank = "list",
    proportionInitial = "numeric",
    piInitial = "matrix",
    muInitial = "matrix",
    partialRankInitial = "matrix",
    partialRankScore = "matrix"
  prototype = prototype(
    proportion = numeric(0),
    pi = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    mu = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    ll = numeric(0),
    bic = numeric(0),
    icl = numeric(0),
    tik = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    partition = numeric(0),
    entropy = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    probability = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    convergence = logical(0),
    partial = logical(0),
    partialRank = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    distanceProp = list(),
    distancePi = list(),
    distanceMu = list(),
    distanceZ = numeric(0),
    distancePartialRank = list(),
    proportionInitial = numeric(0),
    piInitial = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    muInitial = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    partialRankInitial = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
    partialRankScore = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)

#' @title Constructor of Rankclust class
#' @description This class contains results of \link{rankclust} function.
#' @slot K a vector of the number of clusters.
#' @slot data the data used for clustering.
#' @slot criterion the model selection criterion used.
#' @slot convergence a boolean indicating if none problem of empty class has been encountered (for
#' any number of clusters).
#' @slot results a list of \link{Output-class}, containing the results for each number of clusters (one
#' element of the list is associated to one number of clusters).
#' @details
#' If \code{res} is the result of \link{rankclust} function, each slot of results can be reached by \code{res[k]@@slotname},
#' where \code{k} is the number of clusters and \code{slotname} is the name of the slot we want to reach
#' (see \link{Output-class}).
#' For the slots, \code{ll}, \code{bic}, \code{icl}, \code{res["slotname"]} returns a vector of size \code{k} containing
#' the values of the slot for each number of clusters.
#' @name Rankclust-class
#' @rdname Rankclust-class
#' @exportClass Rankclust
  Class = "Rankclust",
  representation = representation(
    K = "numeric",
    results = "list",
    data = "matrix",
    criterion = "character",
    convergence = "logical"
  prototype = prototype(
    results = list(),
    data = matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0),
    K = numeric(0),
    criterion = "bic",
    convergence = logical(0)

#' @name [,Rankclust-method
#' @title Getter method for rankclust output
#' @description Extract values of various
#' slots of the output from the function \code{\link{rankclust}}.
#' @param x object from which to extract element(s) or in which to replace element(s).
#' @param i the number of cluster of the element we want to extract or "bic", "icl", "ll"
#' @param j,drop not used
#' @usage \S4method{[}{Rankclust}(x, i, j, drop)
#' @export
  f = "[",
  signature = signature(x = "Rankclust"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, drop) {
    if (x@convergence) {
      if (is.numeric(i)) {
        if (i %in% x@K) {
          return(x@results[[which(x@K == i)]])
        } else {
          stop("Invalid number of cluster.")
      } else {
        if (i == "bic") {
          bic <- rep(NA, length(x@K))
          for (iter in seq_along(bic)) {
            if (x@results[[iter]]@convergence) {
              bic[iter] <- x@results[[iter]]@bic
        } else {
          if (i == "icl") {
            icl <- rep(NA, length(x@K))
            for (iter in seq_along(x@K)) {
              if (x@results[[iter]]@convergence) {
                icl[iter] <- x@results[[iter]]@icl
          } else {
            if (i == "ll") {
              ll <- rep(NA, length(x@K))
              for (iter in seq_along(x@K)) {
                if (x@results[[iter]]@convergence) {
                  ll[iter] <- x@results[[iter]]@ll
            } else {
              stop("Invalid Name.")

#' @title Summary function.
#' @description This function gives the summary of an output from \code{rankclust}.
#' @param object output object from \code{\link{rankclust}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @export
  f = "summary",
  signature = "Rankclust",
  definition = function(object, ...) {
    if (object@convergence) {
      if (object@criterion == "bic") {
        BIC <- c()
        for (i in object@K) {
          BIC <- c(BIC, object@results[[which(object@K == i)]]@bic)
        index <- which(BIC == min(BIC))
      } else {
        ICL <- c()
        for (i in object@K) {
          ICL <- c(ICL, object@results[[which(object@K == i)]]@icl)
        index <- which(ICL == min(ICL))

      cat("NUMBER OF CLUSTERS: ", object@K[index], "\n")
      if (object@criterion == "bic") {
        cat(object@criterion, "=", object[object@K[index]]@bic)
      } else {
        cat(object@criterion, "=", object[object@K[index]]@icl)
      cat("\nLoglikelihood =", object[object@K[index]]@ll)
      cat("\n\n************************ PARAMETERS ******************************\n")
      cat("Proportion:", object[object@K[index]]@proportion)
      cat("\nReference ranks mu:\n")
      cat("\nProbabilities pi:\n")
      cat("\n************************ CLUSTERING ******************************\n")
      cat("Ranks with the highest entropy for each cluster:\n")
      for (i in 1:object@K[index]) {
        # classe=object[object@K[index]]@entropy[object[object@K[index]]@entropy[,2]==i,]
        classe <- which(object[object@K[index]]@entropy[, 2] == i)
        if (length(classe) != 0) {
          classe <- classe[order(object[object@K[index]]@entropy[classe, 1], decreasing = TRUE)][
            seq_len(min(5, length(classe)))]
          # if(object@algorithm=="SEM")
          print(cbind(object@data[classe, ], object[object@K[index]]@entropy[classe, ]))
          # else
          # 	print(cbind(object@data[classe,-ncol(object@data)],object[object@K[index]]@entropy[classe,]))
          # if(length(classe)==2)
          # {
          # 	best5=classe
          # 	print(cbind(object@data[classe,-ncol(object@data)],best5[2:3]))
          # }
          # else
          # {
          # 	best5=classe[order(classe[,1],decreasing=TRUE),][1:min(5,nrow(classe)),]
          # 	print(cbind(object@data[best5[,1],-ncol(object@data)],best5[,2:3]))
          # }
      # rm(best5)
      cat("Ranks with the highest probability for each cluster:\n")
      for (i in 1:object@K[index]) {
        # classe=object[object@K[index]]@probability[object[object@K[index]]@probability[,2]==i,]
        classe <- which(object[object@K[index]]@probability[, 2] == i)
        if (length(classe) != 0) {
          classe <- classe[order(object[object@K[index]]@probability[classe, 1], decreasing = TRUE)][
            seq_len(min(5, length(classe)))]
          # if(object@algorithm=="SEM")
          print(cbind(object@data[classe, ], object[object@K[index]]@probability[classe, ]))
          # else
          # 	print(cbind(object@data[classe,-ncol(object@data)],object[object@K[index]]@probability[classe,]))
          # if(length(classe)==2)
          # {
          # 	best5=classe
          # 	print(cbind(object@data[best5[1],-ncol(object@data)],best5[2:3]))
          # }
          # else
          # {
          # 	best5=classe[order(classe[,2],decreasing=TRUE),][1:min(5,nrow(classe)),]
          # 	print(cbind(object@data[best5[,1],-ncol(object@data)],best5[,2:3]))
          # }
      # rm(best5)
      if (object[object@K[index]]@partial) {
        cat("\n************************ PARTIAL RANK ****************************\n")
        if (min(50, nrow(object[object@K[index]]@partialRank)) == 50) {
          cat("\nOnly the first 50 are printed, total length:", nrow(object[object@K[index]]@partialRank), "\n")
        print(object[object@K[index]]@partialRank[seq_len(min(50, nrow(object[object@K[index]]@partialRank))), ])

    } else {
      cat("No convergence. Please retry\n")

#' @title Show function.
#' @description This function shows the elements of a given object.
#' @param object an object of class \link{Output-class} or \link{Rankclust-class}.
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,Output-method
  f = "show",
  signature = "Output",
  definition = function(object) {
    cat("ll=", object@ll)
    cat("\nbic =", object@bic)
    cat("\nicl =", object@icl)
    cat("\nproportion:", object@proportion)
    print(object@partition[seq_len(min(50, length(object@partition)))])
    if (min(50, length(object@partition)) == 50) {
      cat("\nOnly the first 50 are printed, total length:", length(object@partition))
    print(object@tik[seq_len(min(50, nrow(object@tik))), ])
    if (min(50, nrow(object@tik)) == 50) {
      cat("\nOnly the first 50 rows are printed, total rows:", nrow(object@tik))

#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,Rankclust-method
  f = "show",
  signature = "Rankclust",
  definition = function(object) {
    if (object@convergence) {
      for (i in object@K) {
        cat("Number of clusters:", i)
        show(object@results[[which(object@K == i)]])
    } else {
      cat("Algorithm did not converge.\n")

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Rankcluster documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 9:05 a.m.