closedp <- closedp.t <- function(X,dfreq=FALSE,neg=TRUE, ...)
call <-
closedp.internal(X=X, dfreq=dfreq, neg=neg, call=call, ...)
closedp.0 <- function(X,dfreq=FALSE,dtype=c("hist","nbcap"),t=NULL,t0=NULL,neg=TRUE, ...)
call <-
closedp.internal(X=X, dfreq=dfreq, dtype=dtype[1], t=t, t0=t0, neg=neg, call=call, ...)
closedp.internal <- function(X, dfreq=FALSE, dtype="hist", t=NULL, t0=NULL, neg=TRUE, call, ...)
# Initialisation de variables
typet <- substr(paste(call[1]), nchar(paste(call[1])), nchar(paste(call[1]))) %in% c("t", "p")
# different des autres fonctions car closedp existe (=closedp.t)
tinf <- if(is.null(t)) FALSE else is.infinite(t)
######### Validation des arguments en entree #########,"logical")
valid.t(t=t, pInf=!typet)
Xvalid <- valid.X(X=X, dfreq=dfreq, dtype=dtype, t=t, warn=typet)
X <- Xvalid$X
t <- Xvalid$t ## t est modifie s'il prennait la valeur NULL ou Inf
t0 <- valid.t0(t0=t0, typet=typet, t=t) # doit etre soumis apres valid.X qui modifie t,"logical")
########### Fin de la validation des arguments ###########
#### Preparation pour l'ajustement du modele
# Creation du vecteur de variable reponse Y
getY.out <- getY(typet=typet, X=X, dfreq=dfreq, dtype=dtype, t=t, t0=t0)
Y <- getY.out$Y
n <- getY.out$n
# Preliminaire a la creation de la matrice X
histpos <- gethistpos(typet=typet, t=t, t0=t0)
nbcap <- getnbcap(histpos)
# Creation de la variable offset
cst <- getcst(typet=typet, tinf=tinf, t=t, t0=t0, nbcap=nbcap)
# Identification des modeles a ajuster
if (typet) {
if (t==2) {
lmn <- smn <- c("M0","Mt","Mb")
} else {
lmn <- c("M0","Mt","Mh Chao (LB)","Mh Poisson2","Mh Darroch","Mh Gamma3.5","Mth Chao (LB)","Mth Poisson2","Mth Darroch","Mth Gamma3.5","Mb","Mbh")
smn <- c("M0","Mt","MhC","MhP","MhD","MhG","MthC","MthP","MthD","MthG","Mb","Mbh")
} else {
if (t0==2) {
lmn <- smn <- c("M0")
} else {
lmn <- c("M0","Mh Chao (LB)","Mh Poisson2","Mh Darroch","Mh Gamma3.5")
smn <- c("M0","MhC","MhP","MhD","MhG")
nm <- length(lmn)
# Initialisation d'objets de la sortie
tableau <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=nm, ncol=7)
dimnames(tableau) <- list(lmn,c("abundance","stderr","deviance","df","AIC","BIC","infoFit"))
bias <- rep(NA_real_, length=nm)
glm. <- vector(mode="list",length=nm)
glm.err <- vector(mode="list",length=nm)
glm.warn <- vector(mode="list",length=nm)
param <- vector(mode="list",length=nm)
neg.eta <- vector(mode="list",length=nm)
names(bias) <- names(glm.) <- names(glm.err) <- names(glm.warn) <- names(param) <- names(neg.eta) <- smn
for (j in 1:nm) {
nomparam <- if (smn[j] %in% c("M0","MhC","MhP","MhD","MhG")) c("N","p") else
if (smn[j] %in% c("Mt","MthC","MthP","MthD","MthG")) c("N",paste("p",1:t,sep="")) else
if (smn[j] %in% c("Mb","Mbh")) c("N","p","c")
param[[j]] <- matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = length(nomparam))
dimnames(param[[j]]) <- list("estimate:",nomparam)
htype <- rep(NA, nm)
# Boucle qui ajuste tous les modeles
t. <- if (typet) t else t0
for (j in 1:nm)
# Construction de la matrice X
if (smn[j] %in% c("M0", "Mt", "Mb", "Mbh")) {
m <- smn[j]
htype[j] <- "none"; h <- NULL; theta <- NULL
} else {
m <- substr(smn[j],1,nchar(smn[j])-1)
if (smn[j] %in% c("MhC", "MthC")) {htype[j] <- h <- "Chao"; theta <- NULL}
if (smn[j] %in% c("MhP", "MthP")) {htype[j] <- h <- "Poisson"; theta <- 2}
if (smn[j] %in% c("MhD", "MthD")) {htype[j] <- h <- "Darroch"; theta <- NULL}
if (smn[j] %in% c("MhG", "MthG")) {htype[j] <- h <- "Gamma"; theta <- 3.5}
# On n'utilise pas getmX ici car une grosse partie de cette fonction traite
# l'argument mX alors qu'on ne peut pas fournir cet argument ici
Xclosedp.out <- Xclosedp(t=t., m=m, h=h, theta=theta, histpos=histpos, nbcap=nbcap)
mX. <- Xclosedp.out$mat
colnames(mX.) <- Xclosedp.out$coeffnames
nca <- if (smn[j] == "MhC") 2 else if (smn[j] == "MthC") t+1 else NA
## nca : le nombre de colonnes dans la matrice de design (incluant une colonne
## pour l'ordonnee a l'origine) ne modelisant pas l'heterogeneite
## utile pour la correction des eta negatifs pour le modele Chao ou LB
##### Ajustement du modele
fit.out <- closedp.fitone(n = n, Y = Y, mX. = mX., nbcap = nbcap, nca = nca,
cst = cst, htype = htype[j], neg = neg, ...)
glm.[[j]] <- glmo <- fit.out$fit
if(!is.null(fit.out$fit.err)) glm.err[[j]] <- fit.out$fit.err
if(!is.null(fit.out$fit.warn)) glm.warn[[j]] <- fit.out$fit.warn
neg.eta[[j]] <- if (htype[j] == "Chao") fit.out$neg.eta else "removed later"
# Calculs a faire seulement si glm a produit une sortie
# (on laisse dans tableau et param les NA mis lors de l'initialisation
# en cas d'erreur lors de l'ajustement du modele)
if (is.null(fit.out$fit.err)) {
# On met les statistiques d'ajustement du modele dans tableau
tableau[j, 3:6] <- fit.out$resultsFit[-1]
# Sauf le bias que l'on place dans un vecteur a part
bias[j] <- fit.out$resultsFit[1]
# Calcul de N et de son erreur type
coeff <- coef(glmo)
varcov <- vcov(glmo)
if (smn[j]=="Mb") {
N <-(exp(coeff[1])*(1+exp(coeff[3]))^t)/(1+exp(coeff[3])-exp(coeff[2]))
tableau[j, 1] <- N
v1 <- 1
v2 <- exp(coeff[2])/(1+exp(coeff[3])-exp(coeff[2]))
v3 <- (t*exp(coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[3]))-exp(coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[3])-exp(coeff[2])))
v <- N*c(v1,v2,v3)
tableau[j, 2] <- sqrt((t(v)%*%varcov%*%v)-N)
} else if (smn[j]=="Mbh") {
N <- exp(coeff[1])*((1+exp(coeff[4]))^(t-1))*(1+exp(coeff[2]+coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[4])-exp(coeff[3])))
tableau[j, 1] <- N
v1 <- (1+exp(coeff[2]+coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[4])-exp(coeff[3])))
v2 <- exp(coeff[2]+coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[4])-exp(coeff[3]))
v3 <- exp(coeff[2]+coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[4])-exp(coeff[3])) + exp(coeff[2]+2*coeff[3])/((1+exp(coeff[4])-exp(coeff[3]))^2)
v4 <- (t-1)*exp(coeff[4])/(1+exp(coeff[4]))-exp(coeff[2]+coeff[3]+coeff[4])/((1+exp(coeff[4])-exp(coeff[3]))^2)
v <- exp(coeff[1])*((1+exp(coeff[4]))^(t-1))*c(v1,v2,v3,v4)
tableau[j, 2] <- sqrt((t(v)%*%varcov%*%v) - N)
} else {
tableau[j, 1:2] <- getN(n = n, intercept = coeff[1], stderr.intercept = varcov[1,1])
N <- tableau[j, 1]
# Avertissement pour grand biais au besoin
biasWarn <- getBiasWarn(N = N, bias = bias[j])
if(!is.null(biasWarn)) glm.warn[[j]] <- c(glm.warn[[j]], biasWarn)
# Calcul des probabilites de capture
if (smn[j]=="M0") {
param[[j]][1,] <- c(N,exp(coeff[2])/(1+exp(coeff[2])))
if (smn[j]=="Mt") {
param[[j]][1,] <- c(N,exp(coeff[2:(t+1)])/(1+exp(coeff[2:(t+1)])))
if (smn[j]%in%c("MhC","MhP","MhD","MhG")) {
# ifirstcap <- rep(1:t,2^(t-1:t))
# param[[j]]<-c(N,sum(na.rm=TRUE,glmo$fitted.values[ifirstcap==1])/N)
param[[j]][1,] <- c(N,sum(fi*1:t.)/(t.*N))
##### a verifier avec Louis-Paul
if (smn[j]%in%c("MthC","MthP","MthD","MthG")) {
ifirstcap <- rep(1:t,2^(t-1:t))
upred <- rep(0,t)
for ( i in 1:t ) { upred[i] <- sum(na.rm=TRUE,glmo$fitted.values[ifirstcap==i]) }
deno <- N
for ( i in 2:t ) { deno <- c(deno,N-sum(na.rm=TRUE,upred[1:(i-1)])) }
param[[j]][1,] <- c(N,upred/deno)
if (smn[j]=="Mb") {
param[[j]][1,] <- c(N,1-exp(coeff[2])/(1+exp(coeff[3])), exp(coeff[3])/(1+exp(coeff[3])))
if (smn[j]=="Mbh") {
ifirstcap <- rep(1:t,2^(t-1:t))
p <- sum(na.rm=TRUE,glmo$fitted.values[ifirstcap==1])/N
cpar <- (glmo$fitted.values[1]/(N*p))^(1/(t-1))
param[[j]][1,] <- c(N,p,cpar)
# code pour les conditions mis dans le tableau
tableau[j, 7] <- getInfo(err = glm.err[[j]], warn = glm.warn[[j]])
# Preparation des sorties
neg.eta <- neg.eta[htype == "Chao"] # afin de ne conserver que les elements pertinents
ans <- list(n=n, t=t, t0=t0, results=tableau, bias = bias, glm=glm., glm.err=glm.err,
glm.warn=glm.warn, parameters=param, neg.eta=neg.eta, X=X, dfreq=dfreq)
if (typet) ans$t0 <- NULL
class(ans) <- if (typet) c("closedp", "closedp.t") else "closedp"
#### Methodes pour objets de type closedp ####
print.closedp <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nNumber of captured units:",x$n,"\n\n")
if (!is.null(x$results)) {
cat("Abundance estimations and model fits:\n")
tabprint(tab = x$results, digits = c(1,1,3,0,3,3,NA), warn = x$glm.warn, ...)
### 22 mai 2012 : On a decide de ne plus imprimer ces notes car l'utilisateur ne comprend pas quel
### impact des parametres eta fixes a zero ont sur ses resultats. ca l'embete plus qu'autre chose.
#if (length(x$neg.eta$MhC)==1) cat("\nNote:",length(x$neg.eta$MhC),"eta parameter has been set to zero in the Mh Chao model")
#if (length(x$neg.eta$MhC)>1) cat("\nNote:",length(x$neg.eta$MhC),"eta parameters have been set to zero in the Mh Chao model")
#if (length(x$neg.eta$MthC)==1) cat("\nNote:",length(x$neg.eta$MthC),"eta parameter has been set to zero in the Mth Chao model")
#if (length(x$neg.eta$MthC)>1) cat("\nNote:",length(x$neg.eta$MthC),"eta parameters have been set to zero in the Mth Chao model")
if (dim(x$results)[1]==3) cat("\nNote: When there is 2 capture occasions, only models M0, Mt and Mb are fitted.\n")
if (dim(x$results)[1]==1) cat("\nNote: When there is 2 capture occasions, only model M0 is fitted.\n")
boxplot.closedp <- function(x,main="Boxplots of Pearson Residuals", ...){
model <- which(x$results[, "infoFit"] %in% c(0,2,3))
nmodel <- length(model)
if (nmodel>0) {
liste <- vector("list",length=nmodel)
names(liste) <- names(x$glm)[model]
for (i in 1:nmodel) liste[[i]] <- pres2(x$glm[[model[i]]])
cex.axis <- if (nmodel>10) 0.75 else 1
boxplot.default(liste, main=main, cex.axis=cex.axis, ...)
} else {
cat("Note: There is no residuals to plot.\n")
plot.closedp <- function(x,main="Residual plots for some heterogeneity models", ...){
typet <- inherits(x, "closedp.t")
t <- if(typet) x$t else x$t0
converge <- x$results[c("Mh Poisson2","Mh Darroch","Mh Gamma3.5"), "infoFit"] %in% c(0,2,3)
if (sum(converge)==0) stop("models did not converge, there is no data to plot")
plotres<-function(res,main) {
op <- par(mfrow=c(sum(converge),1),mar=c(2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 2.1),oma=c(3,2,3,0))
if(converge[1]) plotres(pres(x$glm$MhP,typet,t),main="Mh Poisson2")
if(converge[2]) plotres(pres(x$glm$MhD,typet,t),main="Mh Darroch")
if(converge[3]) plotres(pres(x$glm$MhG,typet,t),main="Mh Gamma3.5")
ylab <- if(typet) "Pearson residuals in terms of fi (number of units captured i times)" else "Pearson residuals"
mtext("number of captures",side=1,line=1.5,outer=TRUE)
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