
#'clean --- Produces more transparent code.
#'OUTPUT = The essential code needed to produce a result.
#'Produces simplifed, "cleaned" code that is needed to create a result. 
#'Make sure that your working directory is set to the location of your script
#'and that you have loaded data provenance for that script into R's option system, and
#'Rclean takes care of the rest.
#'@param result A desired output present in the script.
#'@param tidy LOGICAL: should the cleaned script be formatted using syntax best practices?
#'@return Cleaned code as a vector of strings ordered by line number. 
#'@seealso write.code
#'@importFrom formatR tidy_source
#'@importFrom utils capture.output
#'@importFrom utils tail
#'@export clean
#'@author Matthew K. Lau
#' data(prov_json)
#' options(prov.json = prov_json)
#' clean() # Pick from the list of possible results

clean <- function(result = "Name of desired result",
                   tidy = TRUE){
    ## Make sure result is of length 1
    result <- as.character(substitute(result))
    if (length(result) != 1){
        warning("Please enter one result at a time.", quote = FALSE)
        result <- result[1]
    ## Get provenance for script
    ## Check if the provenance is in memory
    if ("prov.json" %in% names(options())){
        prov <- read.prov(options()$prov.json)
        warning("No provenance loaded. Please assign W3C PROV-JSON to options (i.e. options(prov.json = PROV.JSON))")
    ## Check that the prov matches a file in the current working directory
    if (!(any(dir() == prov$info$activity[1,1]))){
        print("No scripts matching current provenance.")
        script <- readLines(prov$info$activity[1,1][[1]])
    ## Get result options
    ## Output files
    result.files <- unlist(
        prov$info$entity[prov$info$entity[,4] == "File", 1]
    ## Remove files that are inputs
    result.files <- result.files[names(result.files) %in% names(which(apply(prov$graph,2,sum) == 0))]
    result.files <- as.character(result.files)
    ## Get objects for suggested results    
    result.obj <- unlist(prov$info$entity[,1])
    ## Removing dev.off calls
    result.obj <- result.obj[!(grepl("dev.", result.obj) &  prov$info$entity[,2] == "\"graph\"")]
    ## Remove output files
    result.obj <- result.obj[names(result.obj) %in% rownames(prov$info$entity)[prov$info$entity[,4] != "File"]]
    result.obj <- as.character(result.obj)
    ## Combine vectors
    result.opts <- list(Files = unique(result.files), Objects = unique(result.obj))
    ## If result is NULL then prompt
    if ((result == "Name of desired result") | !(result %in% unlist(result.opts))){
        print("Possible results:", 
              quote = FALSE)
        ## Convert to simple character vector
        ## Get the node that matches the result name
        node.id <- tail(n = 1,
                        rownames(prov$info$entity)[prov$info$entity[,1] == result][]
        ## Graph search for the path from the result to inputs
        spine <- get.spine(node.id, prov$g)
        ## min.script == the minimum code to produce the output
        ## Get the line numbers from the original source code
        lines <- prov$info$activity[grep("p",spine, value = TRUE),
                                    grep("Line", colnames(prov$info$activity))]
        ### If the result is created on a single line, coerce to a matrix
        if (length(grep("p", spine)) == 1){
            lines <- as.numeric(lines)
            lines <- t(as.matrix(lines))
        }else{lines <- apply(lines, 2, as.numeric)}
        rownames(lines) <- grep("p", spine, value = TRUE)
        ## Remove processes which don't involve the creation of data
        rm.p <- sapply(prov$info$activity[,1], 
                       function(p, d) any(sapply(d, grepl, x = p)), 
                       d = prov$info$entity[,1])
        rm.p <- names(rm.p)[!(rm.p)]
        lines <- lines[!(rownames(lines) %in% rm.p),]
        ## If a single process, re-matricize, else re-order ascending 
        if (length(grep("p", spine)) == 1){
            lines <- as.numeric(lines)
            lines <- t(as.matrix(lines))
            node.rank <- as.numeric(gsub("p", "", rownames(lines)))
            lines <- lines[order(node.rank),]
        ### Extract the minimal code
        min.script <- apply(lines, 1, function(line, src)  
            src[seq(line[1], line[2])],
                            src = script)
        min.script <- unlist(min.script)
        min.script <- as.character(min.script)
        ## Check for graphics out
        plot.code <- sapply(c("jpeg", "png", "tiff", "pdf", "bmp"), grepl, x = min.script)
        if (any(plot.code)){
            min.script <- c(min.script, "dev.off()")
        ### Tidying the code using formatR
        if (tidy){
                min.script <- 
                    tidy_source(text = min.script)$text.tidy
        ### Return to user
        ## Signoff
        print("These codes are clean!", quote = FALSE)

Try the Rclean package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Rclean documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:18 a.m.