
Defines functions listHclustSolutions listKmeansSolutions

# this code originally by Dan Putler, used with permission 

# last modified 2023-08-07 by J. Fox

listKmeansSolutions <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects, 
						function(.x) {
							.x <- get(.x, envir=envir)
							if (mode(.x) != "list")
							else "cluster" == names(.x)[1] && "centers" == names(.x)[2]

kmeansClustering <- function () {
    defaults <- list(initial.x = NULL, initial.subset  = gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>"), 
                     initial.nClusters = "2", initial.seeds  = "10", initial.iters = "10", 
                     initial.clusterSummary  = 1, initial.clusterPlot = 1, initial.clusterAssign = 0, 
                     initial.clusterVariable = "KMeans", initial.tab=0)
    dialog.values <- getDialog ("kmeansClustering", defaults)
    initializeDialog (title = gettextRcmdr("KMeans Clustering"), use.tabs=TRUE)
    dataFrame <- tkframe(dataTab)
    xBox <- variableListBox(dataFrame, Numeric(), selectmode = "multiple", 
                            initialSelection = varPosn(dialog.values$initial.x, "numeric"), 
                            title = gettextRcmdr("Variables (pick one or more)"))
    subsetBox(dataTab, subset.expression = dialog.values$initial.subset)
    optionsFrame <- tkframe(optionsTab)
    clusterNumber <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.nClusters)
    clusterNumSlider <- tkscale(optionsFrame, from = 2, to = 10, 
                                showvalue = TRUE, variable = clusterNumber, resolution = 1, 
                                orient = "horizontal")
    seedNumber <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.seeds)
    seedNumSlider <- tkscale(optionsFrame, from = 1, to = 20, 
                             showvalue = TRUE, variable = seedNumber, resolution = 1, 
                             orient = "horizontal")
    iterNumber <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.iters)
    iterNumSlider <- tkscale(optionsFrame, from = 5, to = 30, 
                             showvalue = TRUE, variable = iterNumber, resolution = 5, 
                             orient = "horizontal")
    summaryClusters <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusterSummary)
    checkbuttonframe <- tkframe(optionsFrame)
    summaryCB <- ttkcheckbutton(checkbuttonframe)
    tkconfigure(summaryCB, variable = summaryClusters)
    plotClusters <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusterPlot)
    plotCB <- ttkcheckbutton(checkbuttonframe)
    tkconfigure(plotCB, variable = plotClusters)
    assignClusters <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusterAssign)
    assignCB <- ttkcheckbutton(checkbuttonframe)
    tkconfigure(assignCB, variable = assignClusters)
    assignName <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusterVariable)
    assignField <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width = "15", textvariable = assignName)
    onOK <- function() {
        tab <- if (as.character(tkselect(notebook)) == dataTab$ID) 0 else 1
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        nvar <- length(x)
        subset <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(subsetVariable))
        nClusters <- tclvalue(clusterNumber)
        seeds <- tclvalue(seedNumber)
        iters <- tclvalue(iterNumber)
        clusterSummary <- tclvalue(summaryClusters)
        clusterPlot <- tclvalue(plotClusters)
        clusterAssign <- tclvalue(assignClusters)
        clusterVariable <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(assignName))
        putDialog("kmeansClustering", list(initial.x = x, initial.subset  = subset, 
                                           initial.nClusters = nClusters, initial.seeds  = seeds, initial.iters = iters, 
                                           initial.clusterSummary  = clusterSummary,  initial.clusterPlot = clusterPlot, 
                                           initial.clusterAssign = clusterAssign, initial.clusterVariable = clusterVariable,
        if (clusterAssign == "1") {
            if (is.element(clusterVariable, Variables())) {
                if ("no" == tclvalue(checkReplace(clusterVariable))) {
                    if (getRcmdr("onApplyCalled")){
                        putRcmdr("onApplyCalled", FALSE)
        if (length(x) == 0) {
            errorCondition(recall = kmeansClustering, message = gettextRcmdr("No variables selected."))
        varFormula <- paste(x, collapse = " + ")
        vars <- paste(x, collapse = ",", sep = "")
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
        dset <- if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) 
        else {
            paste(.activeDataSet, "[", .activeDataSet, "$", subset, 
                  ", ]", sep = "")
        xmat <- paste("model.matrix(~-1 + ", varFormula, ", ", 
                      dset, ")", sep = "")
        command <- paste("KMeans(", xmat, ", centers = ", nClusters, 
                         ", iter.max = ", iters, ", num.seeds = ", seeds, 
                         ")", sep = "")
        doItAndPrint(paste(".cluster <- ", command))
        insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("K-Means Clustering: "),
                                paste(x, collapse = ", ")))
        if (clusterSummary == "1") {
            doItAndPrint(paste(".cluster$size # Cluster Sizes"))
            doItAndPrint(paste(".cluster$centers # Cluster Centroids"))
            doItAndPrint(paste(".cluster$withinss # Within Cluster Sum of Squares"))
            doItAndPrint(paste(".cluster$tot.withinss # Total Within Sum of Squares"))
            doItAndPrint(paste(".cluster$betweenss # Between Cluster Sum of Squares"))
        if (clusterPlot == "1") {
            plotCommand <- paste("biplot(princomp(", xmat, "), xlabs = as.character(.cluster$cluster))", 
                                 sep = "")
        if (clusterAssign == "1") {
            assignCommand <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", clusterVariable, 
                                   " <- assignCluster(", xmat, ", ", .activeDataSet, 
                                   ", .cluster$cluster)", sep = "")
            activeDataSet(.activeDataSet, flushDialogMemory=FALSE)
    OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "KMeans", reset = "kmeansClustering", apply="kmeansClustering")
    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky = "nw")
    tkgrid(dataFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Number of clusters:")), 
           clusterNumSlider, sticky = "sw")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Number of starting seeds:")), 
           seedNumSlider, sticky = "sw")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Maximum iterations:")), 
           iterNumSlider, sticky = "sw")
    tkgrid(summaryCB, labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Print cluster summary")), 
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(plotCB, labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Bi-plot of clusters")), 
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(assignCB, labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Assign clusters to\nthe data set         ")), 
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Assignment variable: ")), 
           assignField, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(checkbuttonframe, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="w")
    dialogSuffix(use.tabs=TRUE, grid.buttons=TRUE)

listHclustSolutions <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) {
	objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...)
	if (length(objects) == 0) NULL
	else objects[sapply(objects,
						function(.x) "hclust" == class(get(.x, envir=envir))[1]) ]

hierarchicalCluster <- function () {
	solutionNumber = length(listHclustSolutions())
	defaults <- list(initial.x = NULL, initial.clusMethod = "ward", initial.distance = "euc",  
			initial.subset = gettextRcmdr ("<all valid cases>"),
			initial.dendro = 1, initial.tab=0)
	dialog.values <- getDialog("hierarchicalCluster", defaults)
	initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Hierarchical Clustering"), use.tabs=TRUE)
	solutionFrame <- tkframe(dataTab)
	solutionName <- tclVar(paste("HClust.", (solutionNumber + 
								1), sep = ""))
	solutionField <- ttkentry(solutionFrame, width = "20", textvariable = solutionName)
	dataFrame <- tkframe(dataTab)
	xBox <- variableListBox(dataFrame, Numeric(), selectmode = "multiple", 
			title = gettextRcmdr("Variables (pick one or more)"), 
			initialSelection = varPosn (dialog.values$initial.x, "numeric"))
	subsetBox(dataFrame, subset.expression = dialog.values$initial.subset)
	radioButtons(optionsTab, name = "method", buttons = c("ward", "single", 
					"complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid"), 
			labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Ward's Method", "Single Linkage", 
							"Complete Linkage", "Average Linkage", "McQuitty's Method", 
							"Median Linkage", "Centroid Linkage")), title = gettextRcmdr("Clustering Method"), 
			initialValue = dialog.values$initial.clusMethod,
	optionsFrame <- tkframe(optionsTab)
	radioButtons(optionsFrame, name = "distanceType", buttons = c("euc", 
					"euc2", "city", "none"), labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Euclidean", 
							"Squared-Euclidian", "Manhattan (City Block)", "No Transformation")), 
			title = gettextRcmdr("Distance Measure"), 
			initialValue = dialog.values$initial.distance)
	checkFrame <- tkframe(optionsFrame)
	plotDendro <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.dendro)
	plotCB <- ttkcheckbutton(checkFrame)
	tkconfigure(plotCB, variable = plotDendro)
	onOK <- function() {
	    tab <- if (as.character(tkselect(notebook)) == dataTab$ID) 0 else 1
		x <- getSelection(xBox)
		nvar <- length(x)
		clusMethod <- tclvalue(methodVariable)
		distance <- tclvalue(distanceTypeVariable)
		subset <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(subsetVariable))
		dendro <- tclvalue(plotDendro)
		solution <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(solutionName))
		if (length(x) == 0) {
			errorCondition(recall = hierarchicalCluster, message = gettextRcmdr("No variables selected."))
		putDialog("hierarchicalCluster", list(initial.x = x, initial.clusMethod = clusMethod, 
						initial.distance = distance, initial.subset = subset,
						initial.dendro = dendro, initial.tab = tab))
		varFormula <- paste(x, collapse = "+")
		vars <- paste(x, collapse = ", ", sep = "")
		.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
		dset <- if (subset == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) 
				else {
					paste(.activeDataSet, "[", .activeDataSet, "$", subset, 
							", ]", sep = "")
		xmat <- paste("model.matrix(~-1 + ", varFormula, ", ", 
				dset, ")", sep = "")
		if (distance == "euc") {
			dx <- paste("dist(", xmat, ")", sep = "")
			distlab <- "euclidian"
		else if (distance == "euc2") {
			dx <- paste("dist(", xmat, ")^2", sep = "")
			distlab <- "squared-euclidian"
		else if (distance == "city") {
			dx <- paste("dist(", xmat, ", method= ", "\"manhattan\"", 
					")", sep = "")
			distlab <- "city-block"
		else {
			dx <- xmat
			distlab <- "untransformed"
		command <- paste("hclust(", dx, " , method= ", "\"", 
				clusMethod, "\"", ")", sep = "")
        doItAndPrint(paste(solution, " <- ", command, sep = ""))
		if (dendro == "1") {
			justDoIt(paste("plot(", solution, ", main= ", "\"", 
							"Cluster Dendrogram for Solution ", solution, 
							"\"", ", xlab= ", "\"", "Observation Number in Data Set ", 
							dset, "\"", ", sub=", "\"", "Method=", clusMethod, 
							"; Distance=", distlab, "\"", ")", sep = ""))
			logger(paste("plot(", solution, ", main= ", "\"", 
							"Cluster Dendrogram for Solution ", solution, 
							"\"", ", xlab= ", "\"", "Observation Number in Data Set ", 
							dset, "\"", ", sub=", "\"", "Method=", clusMethod, 
							"; Distance=", distlab, "\"", ")", sep = ""))
        insertRmdSection(paste0(gettextRmdHeader("Hiearchical Cluster Analysis: "),
                                paste(vars, collapse = ", ")))
	OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "hclust", reset = "hierarchicalCluster", 
                 apply = "hierarchicalCluster", model = TRUE)
	tkgrid(solutionField, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(dataTab, text = gettextRcmdr("Clustering solution name:")), 
			solutionFrame, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky = "nw")
	tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(distanceTypeFrame, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(checkFrame, text = "  "), sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(plotCB, labelRcmdr(checkFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Plot Dendrogram  ")), 
			sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(checkFrame, sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(dataFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(methodFrame, optionsFrame, sticky="nw")
	dialogSuffix(use.tabs=TRUE, grid.buttons=TRUE)

hclustSummary <- function () {
	defaults <- list(initial.clusters = 2, initial.clusterSummary = 1, initial.clusterPlot = 1)
	dialog.values <- getDialog("hclustSummary", defaults)
	parseDataSet <- function(x) {
		y <- get(x)$call
		string1 <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(y)[2], "\\("))
		string2 <- unlist(strsplit(string1[3], ","))
		if (length(grep("\\[", string2[2])) == 0) {
			out <- gsub(")", "", gsub(" ", "", gsub("\\^2", "", 
		else {
			string3 <- unlist(strsplit(string2[2], "\\["))
			out <- gsub(" ", "", string3[1])
	hclustObjects <- listHclustSolutions()
	testDataSet <- tapply(hclustObjects, as.factor(1:length(hclustObjects)), 
	.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
	validHclust <- hclustObjects[testDataSet == .activeDataSet]
	initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Hierarchical Cluster Summary"))
	hclustBox <- variableListBox(top, validHclust, selectmode = "single", 
			title = gettextRcmdr("Select One Clustering Solution"))
	optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
	clusterNumber <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusters)
	slider <- tkscale(optionsFrame, from = 2, to = 10, showvalue = TRUE, 
			variable = clusterNumber, resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
	summaryClusters <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusterSummary)
	summaryCB <- ttkcheckbutton(optionsFrame)
	tkconfigure(summaryCB, variable = summaryClusters)
	plotClusters <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusterPlot)
	plotCB <- ttkcheckbutton(optionsFrame)
	tkconfigure(plotCB, variable = plotClusters)
	if (length(hclustObjects) == 0) {
		errorCondition(message = gettextRcmdr("There are no hierachical clustering solutions"))
	if (length(validHclust) == 0) {
		errorCondition(message = gettextRcmdr("No hierachical clustering solutions are associated with this data set."))
	onOK <- function() {
		solution <- getSelection(hclustBox)
		if (length(solution) == 0) {
			errorCondition(recall = hclustSummary, message = gettextRcmdr("A clustering solution has not been selected."))
		clusters <- as.numeric(tclvalue(clusterNumber))
		clusterVar <- paste("cutree(", solution, ", k = ", clusters, 
				")", sep = "")
		clusterSummary <- tclvalue(summaryClusters)
		clusterPlot <- tclvalue(plotClusters)
		putDialog ("hclustSummary", list(initial.clusters = clusters, 
						initial.clusterSummary = clusterSummary, initial.clusterPlot = clusterPlot))
		hclustCall <- get(solution)$call
		string1 <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(hclustCall)[2], 
		string2 <- unlist(strsplit(string1[3], ","))
		form.vars <- string2[1]
		if (length(grep("\\[", string2[2])) == 0) {
			xmat <- paste("model.matrix(", form.vars, ", ", .activeDataSet, 
					")", sep = "")
		else {
			string3 <- unlist(strsplit(string2[2], "\\["))
			xmat <- paste("model.matrix(", form.vars, ", ", .activeDataSet, 
					"[", string3[2], ", ]", ")", sep = "")
		if (clusterSummary == "1") {
			doItAndPrint(paste("summary(as.factor(", clusterVar, 
							")) # Cluster Sizes", sep = ""))
			centroidsCommand <- paste("by(", xmat, ", as.factor(", 
					clusterVar, "), colMeans) # Cluster Centroids", sep = "")
		if (clusterPlot == "1") {
			plotCommand <- paste("biplot(princomp(", xmat, "), xlabs = as.character(", 
					clusterVar, "))", sep = "")
	OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "biplot", reset = "hclustSummary", apply = "hclustSummary")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Number of clusters:")), 
			slider, sticky = "sw")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Print cluster summary")), 
			summaryCB, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Bi-plot of clusters")), 
			plotCB, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(getFrame(hclustBox), optionsFrame, sticky = "nw")
	tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan = 2, sticky = "w")

appendHclustGroup <- function () {
	defaults <- list(initial.clusters = 2, initial.label = gettextRcmdr ("hclus.label"))
	dialog.values <- getDialog("appendHclustGroup", defaults)
	parseDataSet <- function(x) {
		y <- get(x)$call
		string1 <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(y)[2], "\\("))
		string2 <- unlist(strsplit(string1[3], ","))
		if (length(grep("\\[", string2[2])) == 0) {
			out <- gsub(")", "", gsub(" ", "", gsub("\\^2", "", 
		else {
			string3 <- unlist(strsplit(string2[2], "\\["))
			out <- gsub(" ", "", string3[1])
	hclustObjects <- listHclustSolutions()
	if (length(hclustObjects) == 0) {
		Message(message = gettextRcmdr("There are no hierachical clustering solutions"), 
				type = "error")
	testDataSet <- tapply(hclustObjects, as.factor(1:length(hclustObjects)), 
	.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
	validHclust <- hclustObjects[testDataSet == .activeDataSet]
	if (length(validHclust) == 0) {
		Message(message = gettextRcmdr("No hierachical clustering solutions are associated with this data set."), 
				type = "error")
	initializeDialog(title = gettextRcmdr("Append Cluster Groups to the Active Data Set"))
	hclustBox <- variableListBox(top, validHclust, selectmode = "single", 
			title = gettextRcmdr("Select One Clustering Solution"))
	optionsFrame <- tkframe(top)
	labelName <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.label)
	labelNameField <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width = "15", textvariable = labelName)
	clusterNumber <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.clusters)
	slider <- tkscale(optionsFrame, from = 2, to = 10, showvalue = TRUE, 
			variable = clusterNumber, resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
	onOK <- function() {
		clusters <- as.numeric(tclvalue(clusterNumber))
		label <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(labelName))
		putDialog ("appendHclustGroup", list(initial.clusters = tclvalue(clusterNumber), initial.label = label))
		solution <- getSelection(hclustBox)
		if (length(solution) == 0) {
			errorCondition(recall = appendHclustGroup, message = gettextRcmdr("A clustering solution has not been selected."))
		if (is.element(label, Variables())) {
			if ("no" == tclvalue(checkReplace(label))) {
			    if (getRcmdr("onApplyCalled")){
			        putRcmdr("onApplyCalled", FALSE)
		hclustCall <- get(solution)$call
		string1 <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(hclustCall)[2], 
		string2 <- unlist(strsplit(string1[3], ","))
		form.vars <- string2[1]
		if (length(grep("\\[", string2[2])) == 0) {
			xmat <- paste("model.matrix(", form.vars, ", ", .activeDataSet, 
					")", sep = "")
		else {
			string3 <- unlist(strsplit(string2[2], "\\["))
			xmat <- paste("model.matrix(", form.vars, ", ", .activeDataSet, 
					"[", string3[2], ", ]", ")", sep = "")
		clusterVar <- paste("cutree(", solution, ", k = ", clusters, 
				")", sep = "")
		command <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", label, " <- assignCluster(", 
				xmat, ", ", .activeDataSet, ", ", clusterVar, ")", 
				sep = "")
		result <- justDoIt(command)
		if (class(result)[1] != "try-error") 
			activeDataSet(.activeDataSet, flushDialogMemory=FALSE)
	OKCancelHelp(helpSubject = "assignCluster", reset = "appendHclustGroup", apply = "appendHclustGroup")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("  Assigned cluster label:")), 
			labelNameField, sticky = "w")
	tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("  Number of clusters:")), 
			slider, sticky = "sw")
	tkgrid(getFrame(hclustBox), optionsFrame, sticky = "nw")
	tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan = 2, sticky = "w")

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Rcmdr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:52 p.m.