is_url <- function(x) any(grepl("^(http|ftp)s?://", x), grepl("^(http|ftp)s://", x))
cgal_predownloader <- function(cgal_path, pkg_path, DL) {
overwrite <- TRUE
# increase timeout because of downloads
old_options <- options(timeout = getOption("timeout"))
options(timeout = 1e4)
# warn if overwrite
if(!is.logical(overwrite) || length(overwrite) != 1L || stop("`overwrite` must be TRUE or FALSE")
cgal_path_isdir <- isTRUE(nzchar(cgal_path) && !is_url(cgal_path))
dest_folder <- file.path(pkg_path, "inst", "include")
dl_folder <- file.path(pkg_path, "inst")
if (!file.exists(dest_folder)) {
# create desitination folder
dir.create(dest_folder, recursive = TRUE)
} else if (overwrite) {
# delete old files if overwriting
unlink(dest_folder, recursive = TRUE)
if (cgal_path_isdir) {
if (!file.exists(cgal_path)) {
stop(sprintf("Environment variable CGAL_DIR is set to '%s' but file does not exists, unset environment variable or provide valid path to CGAL file.", cgal_path))
file.copy(from = cgal_path, to = dest_folder, recursive = TRUE)
# check if need to rename
cgal_copy <- list.files(dest_folder)
if(cgal_copy != "CGAL") {
cur_file <- file.path(dest_folder, cgal_copy)
final_file <- file.path(dest_folder, "CGAL")
file.rename(from = cur_file, to = final_file)
temp_file <- download_tarball(".", cgal_path, pkg_path, overwrite)
target_file <- untar_tarball(temp_file,
download_tarball <- function(dest_folder, cgal_path, pkg_path, overwrite = FALSE) {
# Check for CGAL file in 'inst/include' directory.
# if (! overwrite && ! cgal_path_isdir) {
# possible_file <- file.path(pkg_path, "inst", "include", "CGAL")
# if (file.exists(possible_file)) {
# cgal_pkg_state$VERSION <- cgal_pkg_state$OLD_VERSION
# return(possible_file)
# }
# }
# buildnumFile <- file.path(pkg_path, "VERSION")
# version <- readLines(buildnumFile)
# cgal_pkg_state$CLEANED <- FALSE
dest_file <- file.path(pkg_path, dest_folder, "CGAL_zip")
# Download if CGAL doesn't already exist or user specifies force overwrite
if ( nzchar(cgal_path) && is_url(cgal_path) ) {
cgal_url <- cgal_path
} else {
stop("Path is not a valid character or URL. Please check your entry.")
# Save to temporary file first to protect against incomplete downloads
temp_file <- paste(dest_file, "tar.xz", sep = ".")
message(paste0("Performing one-time download of CGAL from\n ", cgal_url, "\n"))
utils::download.file(url = cgal_url, destfile = temp_file, mode = "wb", cacheOK = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
# Apply sanity checks
if ( !file.exists(temp_file) )
stop("Error: Transfer failed. Please download ", cgal_url, " and place CGAL include directory in ", dest_folder)
untar_tarball <- function(temp_file, dest_folder, own = FALSE) {
# message(" Unzipping the CGAL file\n")
if (!file.exists(dest_folder)) {
target_file <- file.path(dest_folder, "CGAL")
tmp_dir_ <- file.path("uz_tmp90") # can add "~" for root file.path("~","uz_tmp90")
whichtar <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
"internal" #windows server tar function fails for some reason
} else {
utils::untar(tarfile = temp_file, exdir = tmp_dir_, tar = whichtar)
# using system TAR causes windwos server builds to hang
# utils::untar(tarfile = temp_file, exdir = tmp_dir_)
unzip_file <- list.dirs(tmp_dir_,
recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(own)) {
source_file <- file.path(tmp_dir_, unzip_file)
} else {
source_file <- file.path(tmp_dir_, unzip_file, "include","CGAL")
# message(" Moving CGAL folder to its final location\n")
# Move good file into final position
# if (!file.exists(target_file)) dir.create(target_file)
file.rename(source_file, target_file)
# Delete temp files
unlink(tmp_dir_, recursive = TRUE)
if(isFALSE(own)) unlink(temp_file, recursive = TRUE)
#' Removes std::cerr references from files.
#' @param pkg_path character giving path to the package
#' @return None.
#' @details changes the downloaded files to R outputs
#' @keywords internal
.cgal.cerr.remover <- function(pkg_path = NULL) {
if (is.null(pkg_path)) {
pkg_path <- dirname(system.file(".", package = "RcppCGAL"))
dest_folder <- file.path(pkg_path, "include", "CGAL")
# change files
message("\nChanging CGAL's message output to R's output...\n")
files <- list.files(path = dest_folder, all.files = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
tx <- first <- search <- NULL
for (f in files) {
# append new line to all files
cat("\n", file = f, append = TRUE) # only two files are problematic but easier than searching in R
# read in header file to search for problems
tx <- readLines(f, warn = TRUE)
# # test code to avoid having to add new line to all files...may not be worth it.
# # setup warning environment
# warnlist <- list2env(list(w = FALSE))
# no_endline <- FALSE
# # check for warning AND get file
# tx <- withCallingHandlers(
# tryCatch(readLines(f, warn = TRUE)),
# warning = function(w){warnlist$w <- TRUE; invokeRestart("muffleWarning")})
# if (isTRUE(warnlist$w)) {
# no_endline <- TRUE
# }
# search for problem functions
search <- grep(pattern = "std::cerr|std::cout|abort\\(|exit\\(", x = tx)
abn_end <- length(search) > 0 # returns true if any found
if(!abn_end) next
# search for problematic functions if present
tx[1] <- paste0("#include <Rcpp.h>\n", tx[1])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::tuple<Locate_type, int, int> exit\\(\\) const",
replacement="std::tuple<Locate_type, int, int\\> exit_tmp\\(\\) const",
x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::cerr", replacement = "Rcpp::Rcerr", x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::cout", replacement = "Rcpp::Rcout", x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::abort\\(\\)", replacement = 'Rcpp::stop("Error")', x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = " abort\\(\\)", replacement = 'Rcpp::stop("Error")', x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::exit\\(\\)", replacement = 'Rcpp::stop("Error")', x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = " exit\\(\\)", replacement = 'Rcpp::stop("Error")', x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::exit\\(0\\)", replacement = 'Rcpp::stop("Success")', x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::exit\\(1\\)", replacement = 'Rcpp::stop("Error")', x = tx[search])
tx[search] <- gsub(pattern = "std::tuple<Locate_type, int, int> exit_tmp\\(\\) const",
replacement="std::tuple<Locate_type, int, int\\> exit\\(\\) const",
x = tx[search])
writeLines(tx, con=f)
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