
Defines functions fload

Documented in fload

#' @rdname fparse
#' @order 2
#' @param verbose Whether to display status messages.
#'   \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param temp_dir Directory path to use for any temporary files.
#'   \code{character(1L)}, default: \code{tempdir()}
#' @param keep_temp_files Whether to remove any temporary files created by
#'   \code{fload()} from \code{temp_dir}.
#'   \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, default: \code{TRUE}
#' @param compressed_download Whether to request server-side compression on
#'   the downloaded document, default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Optional arguments which can be use \emph{e.g.} to pass additional
#' header settings
#' @examples
#' # load JSON files ===========================================================
#' single_file <- system.file("jsonexamples/small/demo.json", package = "RcppSimdJson")
#' fload(single_file)
#' multiple_files <- c(
#'   single_file,
#'   system.file("jsonexamples/small/smalldemo.json", package = "RcppSimdJson")
#' )
#' fload(multiple_files)
#' \dontrun{
#' # load remote JSON ==========================================================
#' a_url <- "https://api.github.com/users/lemire"
#' fload(a_url)
#' multiple_urls <- c(
#'   a_url,
#'   "https://api.github.com/users/eddelbuettel",
#'   "https://api.github.com/users/knapply",
#'   "https://api.github.com/users/dcooley"
#' )
#' fload(multiple_urls, query = "name", verbose = TRUE)
#' # download compressed (faster) JSON =========================================
#' fload(multiple_urls, query = "name", verbose = TRUE,
#'       compressed_download = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
fload <- function(json,
                  query = NULL,
                  empty_array = NULL,
                  empty_object = NULL,
                  single_null = NULL,
                  parse_error_ok = FALSE,
                  on_parse_error = NULL,
                  query_error_ok = FALSE,
                  on_query_error = NULL,
                  max_simplify_lvl = c("data_frame", "matrix", "vector", "list"),
                  type_policy = c("anything_goes", "numbers", "strict"),
                  int64_policy = c("double", "string", "integer64", "always"),
                  always_list = FALSE,
                  verbose = FALSE,
                  temp_dir = tempdir(),
                  keep_temp_files = FALSE,
                  compressed_download = FALSE,
                  ...) {
    # validate arguments =======================================================
    stopifnot("'json=' must be a non-empty character vector, raw vector, or a list containing raw vectors" = .is_valid_json_arg(json),
              "'query=' must be 'NULL', a non-empty character vector, or a list containing non-empty character vectors" = .is_valid_query_arg(query),
              "'query=' is a list (nested query), but is not the same length as 'json='" = !is.list(query) || length(json) == length(query),
              "'parse_error_ok=' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'" = .is_scalar_lgl(parse_error_ok),
              "'query_error_ok=' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'" = .is_scalar_lgl(query_error_ok),
              "'always_list=' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'" = .is_scalar_lgl(always_list),
              "'verbose=' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'" = .is_scalar_lgl(verbose),
              "'keep_temp_files=' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'" = .is_scalar_lgl(keep_temp_files),
              "'compressed_download=' must be either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'" = .is_scalar_lgl(compressed_download),
              "'temp_dir=' does not exist." = dir.exists(temp_dir))

    # prep options =============================================================
    # max_simplify_lvl ---------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.character(max_simplify_lvl)) {
        max_simplify_lvl <- switch(match.arg(max_simplify_lvl, c("data_frame", "matrix", "vector", "list")),
                                   data_frame = 0L,
                                   matrix = 1L,
                                   vector = 2L,
                                   list = 3L,
                                   stop("Unknown `max_simplify_lvl=`."))
    } else if (is.numeric(max_simplify_lvl)) {
        stopifnot(max_simplify_lvl %in% 0:3)
    } else {
        stop("`max_simplify_lvl=` must be of type `character` or `numeric`.")
    # type_policy --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.character(type_policy)) {
        type_policy <- switch(match.arg(type_policy, c("anything_goes", "numbers", "strict")),
                              anything_goes = 0L,
                              numbers = 1L,
                              strict = 2L,
                              stop("Unknown `type_policy=`."))
    } else if (is.numeric(type_policy)) {
        stopifnot(max_simplify_lvl %in% 0:2)
    } else {
        stop("`type_policy=` must be of type `character` or `numeric`.")
    # int64_policy -------------------------------------------------------------
    if (is.character(int64_policy)) {
        int64_policy <- switch(match.arg(int64_policy, c("double", "string", "integer64", "always")),
                               double = 0L,
                               string = 1L,
                               integer64 = 2L,
                               always = 3L,
                               stop("Unknown `int64_policy=`."))
    } else if (is.numeric(int64_policy)) {
        stopifnot(int64_policy %in% 0:3)
    } else {
        stop("`int64_policy` must be of type `character` or `numeric`.")

    if (int64_policy == 2L && !requireNamespace("bit64", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop(r"('int64_policy="integer64"', but the 'bit64' package is not installed.)") # nocov

    diagnosis <- .prep_input(json,
                             temp_dir = temp_dir,
                             compressed_download = compressed_download,
                             verbose = verbose,
    if (!keep_temp_files) {
        on.exit(unlink(diagnosis$input[diagnosis$is_from_url]), add = TRUE)

    input <- diagnosis$input

    # prep names ===============================================================
    if (length(names(json))) {
        names(input) <- names(json)
    } else if (!anyNA(base_names <- basename(json))) {
        names(input) <- base_names

    # load =====================================================================
    out <- .load_json(
        json = input,
        query = query,
        empty_array = empty_array,
        empty_object = empty_object,
        parse_error_ok = parse_error_ok,
        on_parse_error = on_parse_error,
        query_error_ok = query_error_ok,
        on_query_error = on_query_error,
        single_null = single_null,
        simplify_to = max_simplify_lvl,
        type_policy = type_policy,
        int64_r_type = int64_policy

    if (always_list && length(json) == 1L) {
        `names<-`(list(out), names(json))
    } else {

Try the RcppSimdJson package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RcppSimdJson documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:08 a.m.