
Defines functions .toFF RLBigDataLinkage RLBigDataDedup

Documented in RLBigDataDedup RLBigDataLinkage

# internal variables to store supported string comparison and phonetic functions

.supportedStrcmp <- c("jarowinkler", "levenshtein")
.supportedPhonetic <- c("soundex") # soundex directly by sqlite


#' Abstract class for large datasets
#' Base class for large datasets (millions of record pairs). Each object holds
#' a database connection to store records and perform the generation of
#' comparison patterns. The database resides in a temporary RSQLite file
#' which is deleted on exit.
#' @slot frequencies Relative frequency of attribute values
#' @slot blockFld Blocking definition
#' @slot excludeFld Indices of attributes to exclude from comparison
#' @slot drv Database driver. Points to a single SQLite instance
#' @slot con Database connection. Exclusive to one object
  Class = "RLBigData",
  representation = representation(
    frequencies = "numeric",
    blockFld = "list",
    excludeFld = "numeric",
    strcmpFld = "numeric",
    strcmpFun = "character",
    phoneticFld = "numeric",
    phoneticFun ="character",
    #    drv = "DBIDriver",
    #    con = "DBIConnection",
    #    dbFile = "character",
    pairs = "ffdf",
    Wdata = "ff_vector",
    WdataInd = "ff_vector",
    M = "ff_vector",
    U = "ff_vector",
  prototype = prototype(
    M = ff(0),
    U = ff(0),
    Wdata = ff(0),
    WdataInd = ff(0)

#' Large deduplication data set
#' Realization of RLBigData for deduplication of a single data set. Records are
#' stored as rows in \code{data}. Two records \code{data[i,]} and {data[j,]} are 
#' considered equal if and only if \code{identity[i]==identity[j]}
#' @slot data Records to deduplicate
#' @slot identity Identity vector. 
  Class = "RLBigDataDedup",
  contains = "RLBigData",
  representation = representation(
    data = "data.frame",
    identity = "factor"
#' Large linkage data set
#' Realization of RLBigData for linkage of two data sets. Records are
#' stored as rows in \code{data1} and \code{data2}. Two records \code{data1[i,]} 
#' and {data2[j,]} are considered equal if and only if 
#' \code{identity1[i]==identity2[j]}
#' @slot data Records to deduplicate
#' @slot identity Identity vector. 
  Class = "RLBigDataLinkage",
  contains = "RLBigData",
  representation = representation(
    data1 = "data.frame",
    data2 = "data.frame",
    identity1 = "factor",
    identity2 = "factor"

# constructor
# TODO withProgressBar
RLBigDataDedup <- function(dataset, identity = NA, blockfld = list(), 
                           exclude = numeric(0), strcmp = numeric(0), 
                           strcmpfun = "jarowinkler", phonetic=numeric(0), phonfun = "soundex")
  # error checking
  if (!is.data.frame(dataset) && !is.matrix(dataset))
    stop("dataset must be a matrix or data frame!") 
  nfields <- ncol(dataset)
  # if strings are used to identify columns, convert to numeric indices
  if (is.character(exclude)) exclude <- match(exclude, colnames(dataset))
  if (is.character(strcmp)) strcmp <- match(strcmp, colnames(dataset))
  if (is.character(phonetic)) phonetic <- match(phonetic, colnames(dataset))
  if (any(exclude <=0 | exclude > nfields)) stop ("exclude contains out-of-bounds value!")  
  if (any(strcmp <=0 | strcmp > nfields)) stop ("strcmp contains out-of-bounds value!")  
  if (any(phonetic <=0 | phonetic > nfields)) stop ("phonetic contains out-of-bounds value!")  
  if (is.list(identity)) stop("identity must not be a list!")
  if (!missing(identity) && nrow(dataset) != length(identity))
    stop("length of identity differs from number of records!")
  # if strcmp or phonetic is TRUE, set it to all existing columns
  # excluded fields are omitted during construction of SQL commands
  if (isTRUE(strcmp)) strcmp = 1:nfields
  if (isTRUE(phonetic)) phonetic = 1:nfields
  # at this point, strcmp, exclude and phonetic should be numeric vectors
  if (!is.numeric(strcmp)) stop("strcmp has wrong type!")
  if (!is.numeric(phonetic)) stop("strcmp has wrong type!")
  if (!is.numeric(exclude)) stop("exclude has wrong type!")
  # issue a warning if both string metric and phonetic code is used on one field
  if (length(intersect(phonetic,strcmp)) > 0)
    warning("Both phonetics and string metric are used on some fields!")
  # check if string comparison / phonetic function is supported and
  # has the correct format
  if (!is.character(strcmpfun)) stop(paste("Wrong type of strcmpfun:", class(strcmpfun)))
  if (!is.character(phonfun)) stop(paste("Wrong type of phonfun:", class(phonfun)))
  if (length(strcmpfun) > 1) stop("strcmpfun must have length 1!")
  if (length(phonfun) > 1) stop("phonfun must have length 1!")
  if (!(strcmpfun %in% .supportedStrcmp))
    stop ("unkown string comparison function!")
  if (!(phonfun %in% .supportedPhonetic))
    stop ("unkown phonetic function!")
  # put blockfld into list if necessary, check format, 
  # convert string indices to numeric indices
  if (!is.list(blockfld) && !is.null(blockfld)) blockfld <- list(blockfld)
  if (!all(sapply(blockfld, function(x) class(x) %in% c("character", "integer", "numeric"))))
    stop("blockfld has wrong format!")
  blockfld <- lapply(blockfld, 
                     function(x) {if (is.character(x)) match(x, colnames(dataset)) else (x)})
  if(any(unlist(blockfld) <= 0 | unlist(blockfld) > nfields))
    stop("blockfld countains out-of-bounds value!")
  # cast dataset to data.frame
  # also constructs column names
  dataset <- as.data.frame(dataset)
  # construct column names if not assigned 
  #  if (is.null(names(dataset)))
  #    names(dataset) <- paste("V", 1:nfields, sep="")
  # set up database
  tmpfile <- tempfile()
  drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
  con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname=tmpfile, loadable.extensions=TRUE)
  # Replace make.db.names(con,colnames(dataset)); dbQuoteIdentifier(ANSI(),colnames(dataset))
  coln <- colnames(dataset)
  # write records to database
  dbWriteTable(con, "data", data.frame(row_names = 1:nrow(dataset), dataset, identity = identity),
  # create indices to speed up blocking
  for (blockelem in blockfld)
    # include names in '' because they might be keywords, before dbGetQuery
    query <- sprintf("create index 'index_%s' on data (%s)",
                     paste(coln[blockelem], collapse="_"),
                     paste("'", coln[blockelem], "'", sep="", collapse=", "))
    res <- dbSendStatement(con, query)
  # create index on identity vector to speed up identifying true matches, before dbGetQuery
  res <-dbSendStatement(con, "create index index_identity on data (identity)")
  # create index on id to speed up join operations (in getTable), before dbGetQuery
  res <- dbSendStatement(con, "create index index_data_id on data (row_names)")
  # init extension functions (string comparison, phonetic code) for SQLite
  # generate pairs
  sql <- getSQLStatement(data1 = dataset, con = con,
                         type = "deduplication", blockFld = blockfld, excludeFld = exclude,
                         strcmpFld = strcmp, strcmpFun = strcmpfun, phoneticFld = phonetic,
                         phoneticFun = phonfun)
  query <- sprintf("select %s from %s where %s", sql$select_list,
                   sql$from_clause, sql$where_clause)
  res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
  expectedSize <- getExpectedSize(dataset, blockfld)
  pairsff <- .toFF(res, withProgressBar = (sink.number()==0), expectedSize)
  # column names may have changed due to SQL conform conversion, reset them
  colnames(pairsff)[-c(1,2,ncol(pairsff))] <-
    if(length(exclude) > 0) colnames(dataset)[-exclude]
  else colnames(dataset)
  # create empty weight vectors
  Wdata <- WdataInd <- ff(length = nrow(pairsff), vmode = "double")
  M <- U <- ff(length = 2^(ncol(pairsff) - 3), vmode="double")
  # construct object  
  object <- new("RLBigDataDedup", data=dataset, identity=factor(identity),
                blockFld = blockfld, excludeFld = exclude, strcmpFld = strcmp,
                strcmpFun = strcmpfun, phoneticFld = phonetic, phoneticFun = phonfun,
                frequencies = sapply(dataset, function(x) 1/length(unique(x))),
                pairs = pairsff, Wdata = Wdata, WdataInd = WdataInd, M = M, U = U)

# constructor for RLBigDataLinkage (linking two datasets)
RLBigDataLinkage <- function(dataset1, dataset2, identity1 = NA, 
                             identity2 = NA, blockfld = list(), exclude = numeric(0), strcmp = numeric(0), 
                             strcmpfun = "jarowinkler", phonetic=numeric(0), phonfun = "soundex")
  if (!is.data.frame(dataset1) && !is.matrix(dataset1))
    stop("dataset1 must be a matrix or data frame!") 
  nfields <- ncol(dataset1)
  if (!is.data.frame(dataset2) && !is.matrix(dataset2))
    stop("dataset2 must be a matrix or data frame!") 
  if (nfields != ncol(dataset2))
    stop("dataset1 and dataset2 have different numbers of columns!")
  # if strings are used to identify columns, convert to numeric indices
  if (is.character(exclude)) exclude <- match(exclude, colnames(dataset1))
  if (is.character(strcmp)) strcmp <- match(strcmp, colnames(dataset1))
  if (is.character(phonetic)) phonetic <- match(phonetic, colnames(dataset1))
  if (any(exclude <=0 | exclude > nfields)) stop ("exclude contains out-of-bounds value!")  
  if (any(strcmp <=0 | strcmp > nfields)) stop ("strcmp contains out-of-bounds value!")  
  if (any(phonetic <=0 | phonetic > nfields)) stop ("phonetic contains out-of-bounds value!")  
  if (is.list(identity1)) stop("identity1 must not be a list!")
  if (!missing(identity1) && nrow(dataset1) != length(identity1))
    stop("length of identity1 differs from number of records!")
  if (is.list(identity2)) stop("identity2 must not be a list!")
  if (!missing(identity2) && nrow(dataset2) != length(identity2))
    stop("length of identity2 differs from number of records!")
  # if strcmp or phonetic is TRUE, set it to all existing columns
  # excluded fields are omitted during construction of SQL commands
  if (isTRUE(strcmp)) strcmp = 1:nfields
  if (isTRUE(phonetic)) phonetic = 1:nfields
  # at this point, strcmp, exclude and phonetic should be numeric vectors
  if (!is.numeric(strcmp)) stop("strcmp has wrong type!")
  if (!is.numeric(phonetic)) stop("strcmp has wrong type!")
  if (!is.numeric(exclude)) stop("exclude has wrong type!")
  # issue a warning if both string metric and phonetic code is used on one field
  if (length(intersect(phonetic,strcmp))>0)
    warning("Both phonetics and string metric are used on some fields!")
  # check if string comparison / phonetic function is supported and
  # has the correct format
  if (!is.character(strcmpfun)) stop(paste("Wrong type of strcmpfun:", class(strcmpfun)))
  if (!is.character(phonfun)) stop(paste("Wrong type of phonfun:", class(phonfun)))
  if (length(strcmpfun) > 1) stop("strcmpfun must have length 1!")
  if (length(phonfun) > 1) stop("phonfun must have length 1!")
  if (!(strcmpfun %in% .supportedStrcmp))
    stop ("unkown string comparison function!")
  if (!(phonfun %in% .supportedPhonetic))
    stop ("unkown phonetic function!")
  # put blockfld into list if necessary, check format, 
  # convert string indices to numeric indices
  if (!is.list(blockfld) && !is.null(blockfld)) blockfld <- list(blockfld)
  if (!all(sapply(blockfld, function(x) class(x) %in% c("character", "integer", "numeric"))))
    stop("blockfld has wrong format!")
  blockfld <- lapply(blockfld, 
                     function(x) {if (is.character(x)) match(x, colnames(dataset1)) else (x)})
  if(any(unlist(blockfld) <= 0 | unlist(blockfld) > nfields))
    stop("blockfld countains out-of-bounds value!")
  # cast data sets to data.frame
  # also constructs missing column names
  dataset1 <- as.data.frame(dataset1)
  dataset2 <- as.data.frame(dataset2)
  # enforce same column names for dataset2
  names(dataset2) <- names(dataset1)
  # set up database
  tmpfile <- tempfile()
  drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
  con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname=tmpfile, loadable.extensions=TRUE)
  # Replace  make.db.names(con,colnames(dataset1)); dbQuoteIdentifier(ANSI(),colnames(dataset1))
  coln <- colnames(dataset1)

  # convert identity to factors (so that only level indices are used in the
  # database), enforce same levels
  if (class(identity1) != class(identity2))
    warning("identity1 and identity2 have different types!")
  identLevels <- as.character(unique(c(identity1, identity2)))
  identity1 <- factor(identity1, levels = identLevels)
  identity2 <- factor(identity2, levels = identLevels)
  # write records to database
  dbWriteTable(con, "data1", data.frame(row_names = 1:nrow(dataset1), dataset1, identity = identity1),
  dbWriteTable(con, "data2", data.frame(row_names = 1:nrow(dataset2), dataset2, identity = identity2),
  # create indices to speed up blocking
  for (tablename in c("data1", "data2"))
    for (blockelem in blockfld)
      # Replace dbGetQuery with dbSendStatement if there is no SELECT
      query <- sprintf("create index 'index_%s_%s' on '%s' (%s)",
                       paste(coln[blockelem], collapse="_"),
                       paste("'", coln[blockelem], "'", sep="", collapse=", "))
      res <- dbSendStatement(con, query)
    # create index on identity vector to speed up identifying true matches
    res <- dbSendStatement(con, sprintf("create index index_identity_%s on %s (identity)",
                            tablename, tablename))
  # init extension functions (string comparison, phonetic code) for SQLite
  # generate pairs
  sql <- getSQLStatement(data1 = dataset1, data2 = dataset2, con = con,
                         type = "linkage", blockFld = blockfld, excludeFld = exclude,
                         strcmpFld = strcmp, strcmpFun = strcmpfun, phoneticFld = phonetic,
                         phoneticFun = phonfun)
  query <- sprintf("select %s from %s where %s", sql$select_list,
                   sql$from_clause, sql$where_clause)
  res <- dbSendQuery(con, query)
  expectedSize <- getExpectedSize(rbind(dataset1, dataset2), blockfld)
  pairsff <- .toFF(res, withProgressBar = (sink.number()==0), expectedSize)
  # column names may have changed due to SQL conform conversion, reset them
  colnames(pairsff)[-c(1,2,ncol(pairsff))] <-
    if(length(exclude) > 0) colnames(dataset1)[-exclude]
  else colnames(dataset1)
  # create empty weight vectors
  Wdata <- WdataInd <- ff(length = nrow(pairsff), vmode = "double")
  M <- U <- ff(length = 2^(ncol(pairsff) - 3), vmode="double")
  # calculate average value frequency
  frequencies = sapply(rbind(dataset1, dataset2),
                       function(x) 1/length(unique(x)))
  # construct object
  object <- new("RLBigDataLinkage", data1=dataset1, data2=dataset2,
                identity1=factor(identity1), identity2=factor(identity2),
                blockFld = blockfld, excludeFld = exclude, strcmpFld = strcmp,
                strcmpFun = strcmpfun, phoneticFld = phonetic, phoneticFun = phonfun,
                frequencies = frequencies,
                pairs = pairsff, Wdata = Wdata, WdataInd = WdataInd, M = M, U = U)

.toFF <- function(res, withProgressBar, expectedSize)
  n <- 20000
  slice <- dbFetch(res, n)
  if(nrow(slice)==0) stop("No pairs generated. Check blocking criteria.")
  # expected size can be 0 when there is really 1 record pair, make
  # sure txtProgressBar gets a legal value
  if (withProgressBar) pgb <- txtProgressBar(0, max(expectedSize, nrow(slice)))
  # Spalten, die nur NA enthalten, werden als character ausgegeben, deshalb
  # Umwandlung nicht-numerischer Spalten in numeric
  for (i in 1:ncol(slice))
    if (!is.numeric(slice[,i]))
      slice[,i] <- as.numeric(slice[,i])
  # getOption("fftempdir"); do a options(fftempdir = "path/to/your/folder") if "cannot change working directory"
  pairsff <- do.call(ffdf, lapply(slice, ff))
  while(nrow(slice <- dbFetch(res, n)) > 0)
    currentLength <- nrow(pairsff)
    newLength <- currentLength + nrow(slice)
    nrow(pairsff) <- newLength
    pairsff[(currentLength + 1):newLength,] <- slice
    if (withProgressBar) setTxtProgressBar(pgb, newLength)
  if (withProgressBar) close(pgb)

# Function to check (implementation-independent) if RL object has weights
  name = "hasWeights",
  def = function(object) standardGeneric("hasWeights")

  f = "hasWeights",
  signature = "RecLinkData",
  def = function(object) !is.null(object$Wdata)

  f = "hasWeights",
  signature = "RLBigData",
  def = function(object) !isTRUE(all.equal(range(object@Wdata), c(0,0)))

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RecordLinkage documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:42 p.m.