
Defines functions FindBibEntry `[.BibEntry` MatchName MatchDate

Documented in FindBibEntry

# Search for a date in a BibEntry object
# Find a date in a date field of a BibEntry object
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom lubridate is.interval year month int_end int_start
MatchDate <- function(x, pattern, match.date = .BibOptions$match.date){
  if (is.null(x))

  if (identical(match.date, "year.only")){
    if (is.interval(x)  && is.interval(pattern)){
      return(year(int_start(x)) >= year(int_start(pattern)) &&
             year(int_end(x)) <= year(int_end(pattern)))
    }else if (is.interval(x)){
      return(year(int_start(x)) >= year(pattern) &&
             year(int_end(x)) <= year(pattern))
    }else if (is.interval(pattern)){
      return(year(x) >= year(int_start(pattern)) &&
             year(x) <= year(int_end(pattern)))
      return(year(x) == year(pattern))
    if (is.interval(pattern)){
      return(x %within% pattern)
      if (is.interval(x)){
        return(pattern %within% x)
        return(x == pattern)

# Search for a name in a BibEntry object
# Find name in a name field of a BibEntry object
#' @keywords internal
MatchName <- function(nom, pattern, match.author=.BibOptions$match.author,
                      ign.case = .BibOptions$ignore.case,
                      regx = .BibOptions$use.regex){
  if (is.null(nom))
  if (identical(match.author, "exact")){
    nom <- as.character(nom)
  }else if (identical(match.author, 'family.with.initials')){
    nom <- vapply(nom, function(x) paste0(paste0(substring(x$given, 1L, 1L),
                                                 collapse = ''),
                                          paste0(x$family, collapse = '')), "")
    nom <- vapply(nom$family, paste0, "", collapse = '')
  nom <- cleanupLatexSearch(nom)
  if (!regx && ign.case){
    return(all(pattern %in% tolower(nom)))
      return(all(vapply(pattern, function(pat) any(grepl(pat, x = nom,
                                                         fixed = !regx,
                                                         ignore.case = ign.case,
                                                         useBytes = FALSE)),

#' Search BibEntry objects by field
#' Allows for searching and indexing a BibEntry object by fields, including
#' names and dates.  The extraction operator and the \code{SearchBib} function
#' simply provide different interfaces to the same search functionality.
#' @param x an object of class BibEntry
#' @param i A named list or character vector of search terms with names
#' corresponding to the field to search for the
#' search term.  Alternatively, a vector of entry key values or numeric or
#' logical indices specifying which entries to extract.
#' @param j A named list or character vector, as \code{i}.  Entries matching the
#' search specified by i \emph{OR} matching
#' the query specified by \code{j} will be return
#' @param ... arguments in the form \code{bib.field = search.term}, or as \code{j}
#' list\emph{s} or character vector\emph{s} for additional searches.  For
#' \code{SearchBib}, can alternatively have same form as \code{i}.
#' @param drop logical, should attributes besides class be dropped from result?
#' @return an object of class BibEntry (the results of the search/indexing),
#' \emph{or} if \code{BibOptions()$return.ind=TRUE}, the indices in \code{x} that
#' match the search terms.
#' @note The arguments to the SearchBib function that control certain search
#' features can also be changed for the extraction
#' operator by changing the corresponding option in the .BibOptions object; see
#' \code{\link{BibOptions}}.
#' @method [ BibEntry
#' @aliases [.BibEntry
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate int_start int_end year month is.interval %within%
#' @keywords database manip list
#' @family operators
#' @rdname SearchBib
#' @examples
#' file.name <- system.file("Bib", "biblatexExamples.bib", package="RefManageR")
#' bib <- suppressMessages(ReadBib(file.name))
#' ## author search, default is to use family names only for matching
#' bib[author = "aristotle"]
#' ## Aristotle references before 1925
#' bib[author="aristotle", date = "/1925"]
#' ## Aristotle references before 1925 *OR* references with editor Westfahl
#' bib[list(author="aristotle", date = "/1925"),list(editor = "westfahl")]
#' ## Change some searching and printing options and search for author
#' old.opts <- BibOptions(bib.style = "authoryear", match.author = "exact",
#'                        max.names = 99, first.inits = FALSE)
#' bib[author="Mart\u00edn, Jacinto and S\u00e1nchez, Alberto"]
#' BibOptions(old.opts)  ## reset options
#' \dontrun{
#'   ## Some works of Raymond J. Carroll's
#'   file.name <- system.file("Bib", "RJC.bib", package="RefManageR")
#'   bib <- ReadBib(file.name)
#'   length(bib)
#'   ## index by key
#'   bib[c("chen2013using", "carroll1978distributions")]
#'   ## Papers with someone with family name Wang
#'   length(SearchBib(bib, author='Wang', .opts = list(match.author = "family")))
#'   ## Papers with Wang, N.
#'   length(SearchBib(bib, author='Wang, N.', .opts = list(match.author = "family.with.initials")))
#'   ## tech reports with Ruppert
#'   length(bib[author='ruppert',bibtype="report"])
#'   ##Carroll and Ruppert tech reports at UNC
#'   length(bib[author='ruppert',bibtype="report",institution="north carolina"])
#'   ## Carroll and Ruppert papers since leaving UNC
#'   length(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date="1987-07/",
#'                    .opts = list(match.date = "exact")))
#'   ## Carroll and Ruppert papers NOT in the 1990's
#'  length(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date = "!1990/1999"))
#'  identical(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date = "!1990/1999"),
#'           SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', year = "!1990/1999"))
#'  table(unlist(SearchBib(bib, author='ruppert', date="!1990/1999")$year))
#'  ## Carroll + Ruppert + Simpson
#'  length(bib[author="Carroll, R. J. and Simpson, D. G. and Ruppert, D."])
#'  ## Carroll + Ruppert OR Carroll + Simpson
#'  length(bib[author=c("Carroll, R. J. and Ruppert, D.", "Carroll, R. J. and Simpson, D. G.")])
#'  ## Carroll + Ruppert tech reports at UNC "OR" Carroll and Ruppert JASA papers
#'  length(bib[list(author='ruppert',bibtype="report",institution="north carolina"),
#'             list(author="ruppert",journal="journal of the american statistical association")])
#' }
`[.BibEntry` <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE){

  if (!length(x) || (missing(i) && missing(...)))
  ind <- NULL
  if (missing(i)){
    dots <- list(...)
  }else if (is.numeric(i)){  # obvious indices
    ind <- i
  }else if (is.logical(i)){
    ind <- which(i)
  }else if (is.character(i) && missing(j) && missing(...)){
    if (is.null(names(i))){  # assume keys
      ind <- match(i, names(x))
      ind <- ind[!is.na(ind)]
      dots <- as.list(i)  # names correspond to fields, value to search terms
  }else if (is.list(i)  && missing(j) && missing(...)){
    dots <- i
  }else if (is.list(i) || is.character(i)){
    kall <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    if (!missing(j)){
      kall$j <- NULL
    if (!missing(...)){
      kall$`...` <- NULL
    if (is.list(i[[1L]])){
      kall$i <- i[[1L]]
      kall$j <- i[[-1L]]
    ret.ind <- .BibOptions$return.ind
    .BibOptions$return.ind <- TRUE
      ## needed so that repeated calls don't cause testthat and check errors
      kall$x <- force(x)  # bquote(.(x))
      ind <- suppressMessages(eval(kall))
      if (!missing(j)){
        if (is.list(j[[1L]])){  # original call had at least two lists in ...
          kall$i <- j[[1L]]
          kall$j <- j[[-1L]]
          kall$i <- j
          if (!missing(...)){
            kall$j <- list(...)
        ind <- unique(c(ind, suppressMessages(eval(kall))))
      }else if (!missing(...)){
        kall$i <- list(...)
        ind <- unique(c(ind, suppressMessages(eval(kall))))
    }, error = function(e){
      .BibOptions$return.ind <- ret.ind
    .BibOptions$return.ind <- ret.ind
    stop("Invalid index.")
  if (exists("dots", inherits = FALSE)){
    add <- function(x) suppressMessages(Reduce("|", x))
    y <- .BibEntry_expand_crossrefs(x)
    fields <- names(dots)
    ind <- seq_along(x)
    for (i in seq_along(dots)){
      ind <- ind[add(lapply(dots[[i]], function(trm, bib, fld){
          len <- nchar(trm)
          if (len > 2L && substr(trm, 1L, 1L) == "!"){
            trm <- substr(trm, 2L, len)
            !FindBibEntry(bib, trm, fld)
            FindBibEntry(bib, trm, fld)
        }, bib = y[[ind]], fld = fields[i]))]
      if (!length(ind))

  if (.BibOptions$return.ind)
  if (!length(ind)){
    message("No results.")
  y <- .BibEntry_expand_crossrefs(unclass(x[[ind]]), unclass(x[[-ind]]))
  if (!drop)
    attributes(y) <- attributes(x)[bibentry_list_attribute_names]
  class(y) <- c('BibEntry', 'bibentry')

#' Find a search term in the specified field of a BibEntry object
#' Workhorse function for SearchBib
#' @keywords internal
FindBibEntry <- function(bib, term, field){
  usereg <- .BibOptions$use.regex
  ignorec <- .BibOptions$ignore.case
  if (d.yr <- field %in% c('date', 'year')){
    vals <- do.call('$', list(x = bib, name = 'dateobj'))
    vals <- do.call('$', list(x = bib, name = field))
  if (length(bib) == 1)
    vals <- list(vals)
  if (!length(unlist(vals))){
    res <- logical(length(bib))
  }else if (field %in% .BibEntryNameList){
    match.aut <- .BibOptions$match.author
    if (TRUE){  # !usereg
      term <- ArrangeAuthors(term)
      if (match.aut == 'exact'){
        term <- as.character(term)
      }else if (match.aut == 'family.with.initials'){
        term <- vapply(term, function(x)
            paste0(paste0(substring(x$given, 1L, 1L), collapse = ''),
                   paste0(x$family, collapse = '')), "")
        term <- vapply(term$family, paste0, "", collapse = ' ')
    if (ignorec)
      term <- tolower(term)
    res <- vapply(vals, MatchName, FALSE, pattern = term,
                  match.author = match.aut, regx = usereg, ign.case = ignorec)
  }else if (field %in% .BibEntryDateField){
    if (field == 'month'){
      res <- vapply(vals, pmatch, FALSE, table = term, nomatch = FALSE)
      if (d.yr){
        match.dat <- ifelse(field == 'year', 'year.only',
      }else{  # eventdate, origdate, urldate
        vals <- lapply(vals, function(x){
          res <- try(ProcessDate(x), TRUE)
          if (inherits(res, 'try-error'))
        match.dat <- .BibOptions$match.date
      term <- try(ProcessDate(term, NULL, TRUE))
      if (is.null(term) || inherits(term, 'try-error')){
        res <- logical(length(bib))
        res <- vapply(vals, MatchDate, FALSE, pattern = term,
                      match.date = match.dat)
  }else if (field == "dateobj"){
    if (.BibOptions$match.date == 'year.only'){
      vals <- lapply(vals, year)
      term <- year(term)
    res <- vapply(vals, `==`, FALSE, term)
    res[vapply(res, length, 0L) == 0] <- FALSE
    res <- logical(length(bib))
    not.nulls <- which(!vapply(vals, is.null, FALSE))
    vals <- gsub('\\n[[:space:]]*', ' ', unlist(vals[not.nulls]),
                 useBytes = FALSE)
    vals <- unlist(strsplit(cleanupLatexSearch(vals), '\n') )

    if (!usereg && ignorec){
        res[not.nulls[grepl(tolower(term), tolower(vals), fixed = TRUE,
                            useBytes = FALSE)]] <- TRUE
        res[not.nulls[grepl(term, vals, fixed = !.BibOptions$use.regex,
                            ignore.case = .BibOptions$ignore.case,
                            useBytes = FALSE)]] <- TRUE

cleanupLatexSearch <- function (x){
  if (!length(x))
  if (any(grepl('mkbib', x, useBytes = FALSE))){
    x <- gsub('\\\\mkbibquote[{]([^}]+)[}]', "\\1", x, useBytes = FALSE)
    x <- gsub('\\\\mkbibemph[{]([^}]+)[}]', "\\1", x, useBytes = FALSE)
    x <- gsub('\\\\mkbibbold[{]([^}]+)[}]', "\\1", x, useBytes = FALSE)
  x <- gsub('\\\\hyphen', '-', x, useBytes = FALSE)
  x <- gsub("\\\\textquotesingle", "'", x, useBytes = FALSE)

  latex <- try(tools::parseLatex(x), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(latex, "try-error")) {
  }else {
    latex <- tryCatch({
            on.exit(setTimeLimit(cpu = Inf, elapsed = Inf, transient = FALSE))
            setTimeLimit(cpu = .5, elapsed = .5, transient = TRUE)
        }, error = function(e){
            ## message(gettextf("Unrecognized macro in %s", x))
    x <- tools::deparseLatex(latex, dropBraces = TRUE)
    if (grepl("\\\\[[:punct:]]", x, useBytes = FALSE)){
      x <- gsub("\\\\'I", '\u00cd', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub("\\\\'i", '\u00ed', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub('\\\\"I', '\u00cf', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub('\\\\"i', '\u00ef', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub("\\\\\\^I", '\u00ce', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub("\\\\\\^i", '\u00ee', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub("\\\\`I", '\u00cc', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      x <- gsub("\\\\`i", '\u00ec', x, useBytes = FALSE)
      Encoding(x) <- 'UTF-8'

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