
### R code from vignette source 'RegressionFactory.Rnw'
### Encoding: UTF-8

### code chunk number 1: RegressionFactory.Rnw:101-102
options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+  ", width = 70, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)

### code chunk number 2: RegressionFactory.Rnw:232-245 (eval = FALSE)
## regfac.expand.1par <- function(beta, X, y, fbase1, fgh = 2, ...) {
##   # obtain base distribution derivatives
##   ret <- fbase1(X %*% beta, y, fgh, ...)
##   # expand base derivatives
##   f <- sum(ret$f)
##   if (fgh == 0) return (f)
##   g <- t(X) %*% ret$g
##   if (fgh == 1) return (list(f = f, g = g))
##   xtw <- 0*X
##   for (k in 1:ncol(X)) xtw[, k] <- X[, k] * ret$h
##   h <- t(xtw) %*% X
##   return (list(f = f, g = g, h = h))
## }

### code chunk number 3: RegressionFactory.Rnw:256-295 (eval = FALSE)
## regfac.expand.2par <- function(coeff, X
##   , Z=matrix(1.0, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = 1)
##   , y, fbase2, fgh = 2, block.diag = FALSE
##   , ...) {
##   # extracting coefficients of X and Z
##   K1 <- ncol(X); K2 <- ncol(Z)
##   beta <- coeff[1:K1]
##   gamma <- coeff[K1 + 1:K2]
##   # obtain base distribution derivatives
##   ret <- fbase2(X %*% beta, Z %*% gamma, y, fgh, ...)
##   # expand base derivatives
##   # function
##   f <- sum(ret$f)
##   if (fgh == 0) return (f)
##   # gradient
##   g <- c(t(X) %*% ret$g[, 1], t(Z) %*% ret$g[, 2])
##   if (fgh == 1) return (list(f = f, g = g))
##   # Hessian
##   h <- array(0, dim=c(K1+K2, K1+K2))
##   # XX block
##   xtw <- 0 * X
##   for (k in 1:K1) xtw[, k] <- X[, k] * ret$h[, 1]
##   h[1:K1, 1:K1] <- t(xtw) %*% X
##   # ZZ block
##   ztw <- 0 * Z
##   for (k in 1:K2) ztw[, k] <- Z[, k] * ret$h[, 2]
##   h[K1 + 1:K2, K1 + 1:K2] <- t(ztw) %*% Z
## 	# XZ and ZX blocks
##   if (!block.diag) {
## 	  ztw2 <- 0*Z
## 	  for (k in 1:K2) ztw2[,k] <- Z[,k]*ret$h[,3]
## 	  h[K1 + 1:K2, 1:K1] <- t(ztw2)%*%X
## 	  h[1:K1, K1 + 1:K2] <- t(h[K1 + 1:K2, 1:K1])
## 	}
##   return (list(f = f, g = g, h = h))
## }

### code chunk number 4: RegressionFactory.Rnw:350-351

### code chunk number 5: RegressionFactory.Rnw:354-357
loglike.logistic <- function(beta, X, y, fgh) {
  regfac.expand.1par(beta, X, y, fbase1.binomial.logit, fgh, n=1)

### code chunk number 6: RegressionFactory.Rnw:360-368
logprior.logistic <- function(beta, mu.beta, sd.beta, fgh) {
  f <- sum(dnorm(beta, mu.beta, sd.beta, log=TRUE))
  if (fgh==0) return (f)
  g <- -(beta-mu.beta)/sd.beta^2
  if (fgh==1) return (list(f=f, g=g))
  h <- diag(-1/sd.beta^2, nrow=length(beta))
  return (list(f=f, g=g, h=h))

### code chunk number 7: RegressionFactory.Rnw:371-376
logpost.logistic <- function(beta, X, y, mu.beta, sd.beta, fgh) {
  ret.loglike <- loglike.logistic(beta, X, y, fgh)
  ret.logprior <- logprior.logistic(beta, mu.beta, sd.beta, fgh)
  regfac.merge(ret.loglike, ret.logprior, fgh=fgh)

### code chunk number 8: RegressionFactory.Rnw:381-387
N <- 1000
K <- 5
X <- matrix(runif(N*K, min=-0.5, max=+0.5), ncol=K)
beta <- runif(K, min=-0.5, max=+0.5)
y <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = 1/(1+exp(-X%*%beta)))
beta.glm <- glm(y~X-1, family="binomial")$coefficients

### code chunk number 9: RegressionFactory.Rnw:390-403
nsmp <- 10
mu.beta <- 0.0
sd.beta <- 1000
beta.smp <- array(NA, dim=c(nsmp,K)) 
beta.tmp <- rep(0,K)
for (n in 1:nsmp) {
  beta.tmp <- sns(beta.tmp, fghEval=logpost.logistic, X=X, y=y
    , mu.beta=mu.beta, sd.beta=sd.beta, fgh=2, rnd=FALSE)
  beta.smp[n,] <- beta.tmp
beta.sns <- colMeans(beta.smp[(nsmp/2+1):nsmp,])
cbind(beta.glm, beta.sns)

### code chunk number 10: RegressionFactory.Rnw:406-419
J <- 20
mu.beta.hb <- runif(K, min=-0.5, max=+0.5)
sd.beta.hb <- runif(K, min=0.5, max=1.0)
X.hb <- list()
y.hb <- list()
beta.hb <- array(NA, dim=c(J,K))
for (k in 1:K) {
  beta.hb[,k] <- rnorm(J, mu.beta.hb[k], sd.beta.hb[k])
for (j in 1:J) {
  X.hb[[j]] <- matrix(runif(N*K, min=-0.5, max=+0.5), ncol=K)
  y.hb[[j]] <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob=1/(1+exp(-X%*%beta.hb[j,])))

### code chunk number 11: RegressionFactory.Rnw:422-427
beta.glm.all <- array(NA, dim=c(J,K))
for (j in 1:J) {
  beta.glm.all[j,] <- glm(y.hb[[j]]~X.hb[[j]]-1
    , family="binomial")$coefficients

### code chunk number 12: RegressionFactory.Rnw:430-441
beta.smp.hb <- array(NA, dim=c(nsmp,J,K)) 
beta.tmp.hb <- array(0.0, dim=c(J,K))
for (n in 1:nsmp) {
  for (j in 1:J) {
    beta.tmp.hb[j,] <- sns(beta.tmp.hb[j,], fghEval=logpost.logistic
      , X=X.hb[[j]], y=y.hb[[j]]
      , mu.beta=mu.beta.hb, sd.beta=sd.beta.hb, fgh=2, rnd=F)
  beta.smp.hb[n,,] <- beta.tmp.hb
beta.sns.hb <- apply(beta.smp.hb[(nsmp/2+1):nsmp,,], c(2,3), mean)

### code chunk number 13: RegressionFactory.Rnw:444-446

### code chunk number 14: shrinkage_plot
plot(beta.glm.all[,1], beta.sns.hb[,1]
     , xlab="Unpooled Coefficients"
     , ylab="Pooled Coefficients")
abline(a=0, b=1)

### code chunk number 15: fig1
plot(beta.glm.all[,1], beta.sns.hb[,1]
     , xlab="Unpooled Coefficients"
     , ylab="Pooled Coefficients")
abline(a=0, b=1)

### code chunk number 16: RegressionFactory.Rnw:480-485
N <- 1000
K <- 5
X <- matrix(runif(N*K, min=-0.5, max=+0.5), ncol=K)
beta <- runif(K, min=-0.5, max=+0.5)
y <- rgeom(N, prob = 1/(1+exp(-X%*%beta)))

### code chunk number 17: RegressionFactory.Rnw:488-497
loglike.geometric <- function(beta, X, y, fgh) {
  regfac.expand.1par(beta, X, y, fbase1.geometric.logit, fgh)
beta.est <- rep(0,K)
for (n in 1:10) {
  beta.est <- sns(beta.est, fghEval=loglike.geometric
    , X=X, y=y, fgh=2, rnd = F)
cbind(beta, beta.est)

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RegressionFactory documentation built on Oct. 26, 2020, 9:07 a.m.