
Defines functions nonParBayesSystemInferencePriorSets

Documented in nonParBayesSystemInferencePriorSets

nonParBayesSystemInferencePriorSets <- function(at.times, survival.signature, test.data, nLower=2, nUpper=2, yLower=0.5, yUpper=0.5, cores=NA) {
  # Sanity checks
  K <- ncol(survival.signature)-1 # number of types of component
  if( any(at.times<0) ) {
    stop("all at.times must be non-negative")
  if( !any(prob.col <- (names(survival.signature)=="Probability")) ) {
    stop("survival signature must contain a variable named 'Probability'")
  if( !is.list(test.data) || length(test.data) != K ) {
    stop("test.data must be a named list containing the same number of components as specified by the survival signature")
  if( !all(sort(names(test.data)) == sort(names(survival.signature)[!prob.col])) ) {
    stop("component names in survival.signature and test.data must match exactly")
  if( is.vector(nLower) && is.vector(nUpper) && is.vector(yLower) && is.vector(yUpper) ) {
    # If the prior is identical for all components it will be a vector
    # If constant over time too, a one element vector
    if( !all.equal(length(nLower), length(nUpper), length(yLower), length(yUpper)) ) {
      stop("nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper prior parameter vectors must be the same length")
    if( length(nLower)!=1 && length(nLower)!=length(at.times) ) {
      stop("prior parameter vectors, nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper, must be either length 1 (for time homogeneous prior) or of the same length as at.times argument (where the prior parameters at time at.times[i] are now nLower[i], nUpper[i], yLower[i] and yUpper[i])")
    # Now reform the one or more element vector into the data frame format
    # Repetition is somewhat wasteful of memory, but unless ludicrously high
    # time resolution probably not noticably so and will make the code much
    # simpler
    nLower <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(nLower, K), nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=FALSE))
    names(nLower) <- names(survival.signature[!prob.col])
    nUpper <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(nUpper, K), nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=FALSE))
    names(nUpper) <- names(survival.signature[!prob.col])
    yLower <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(yLower, K), nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=FALSE))
    names(yLower) <- names(survival.signature[!prob.col])
    yUpper <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(yUpper, K), nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=FALSE))
    names(yUpper) <- names(survival.signature[!prob.col])
  } else if( is.data.frame(nLower) && is.data.frame(nUpper) && is.data.frame(yLower) && is.data.frame(yUpper) ) {
    # If the prior is (possibly) different for all components it will be a data frame
    # If constant over time, a one row data frame
    if( ncol(nLower) != K || ncol(nUpper) != K || ncol(yLower) != K || ncol(yUpper) != K ) {
      stop("nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper must have priors for the same number of components as specified by the survival signature")
    rowsMin <- min(c(nrow(nLower), nrow(nUpper), nrow(yLower), nrow(yUpper)))
    rowsMax <- max(c(nrow(nLower), nrow(nUpper), nrow(yLower), nrow(yUpper)))
    if( rowsMin != rowsMax ) {
      stop("nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper must have matching size (they differ in number of rows)")
    if( !all(sort(names(nLower)) == sort(names(survival.signature)[!prob.col])) ||
        !all(sort(names(nUpper)) == sort(names(survival.signature)[!prob.col])) ||
        !all(sort(names(yLower)) == sort(names(survival.signature)[!prob.col])) ||
        !all(sort(names(yUpper)) == sort(names(survival.signature)[!prob.col])) ) {
      stop("component names in survival.signature and nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper prior lists must match exactly")
    if( nrow(nLower)!=1 && nrow(nLower)!=length(at.times) ) {
      stop("prior parameter vectors, nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper, must be either length 1 (for time homogeneous prior) or of the same length as at.times argument (where the prior parameters at time at.times[i] are now nLower[i,j], nUpper[i,j], yLower[i,j] and yUpper[i,j]).")
    # Now reform format.  Here all we need to do is:
    # i) rearrange the columns to match the survival signature ordering
    nLower <- nLower[,names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]]
    nUpper <- nUpper[,names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]]
    yLower <- yLower[,names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]]
    yUpper <- yUpper[,names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]]
    # and ii) grow the row dimension if it is 1
    if( nrow(nLower)==1 ) {
      nLower <- as.data.frame(matrix(nLower, nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=TRUE))
      names(nLower) <- names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]
      nUpper <- as.data.frame(matrix(nUpper, nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=TRUE))
      names(nUpper) <- names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]
      yLower <- as.data.frame(matrix(yLower, nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=TRUE))
      names(yLower) <- names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]
      yUpper <- as.data.frame(matrix(yUpper, nrow=length(at.times), ncol=K, byrow=TRUE))
      names(yUpper) <- names(survival.signature)[!prob.col]
  } else {
    stop("nLower, nUpper, yLower and yUpper arguments must be either a vector or data frame and must match in type")

  # Detect cores
  if(is.na(cores)) {
    if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
      cores <- detectCores()
      cores <- ifelse(is.na(cores), 1, cores)
    } else {
      cores <- 1L

  # Go through the times from smallest to biggest so that we have the best
  # possible ordering for priors
  pLower <- simplify2array(mclapply(order(at.times), function(i, at.times, nLower, nUpper, yLower, yUpper, sig, prob.col, test.data, m, N, K) {
    t <- at.times[i]
    nLower <- unlist(nLower[i,])
    nUpper <- unlist(nUpper[i,])
    yLower <- unlist(yLower[i,])
    s <- sapply(test.data, function(t_i, t) { sum(t_i>t) }, t=t)

    # Using Theorems & Lemmas in paper
    n <- split(cbind(nLower, nUpper), 1:K)
    if(all(N+m-1>0)) { # Can get zero if doing prior predictive, in which case just optimise
      yl <- s/(N+m-1)
      yu <- (s+m-1)/(N+m-1)
      for(k in 1:K) {
        if(yLower[k] < yl[k]) {
          n[[k]] <- nUpper[k]
        } else if(yLower[k] > yu[k]) {
          n[[k]] <- nLower[k]
        } else if((lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]*(1-yLower[k])+N[k]-s[k])+
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) >= 0) &&
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) <= 0)) {
          n[[k]] <- nUpper[k]
        } else if((lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]*(1-yLower[k])+N[k]-s[k])+
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) <= 0) &&
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) >= 0)) {
          n[[k]] <- nLower[k]
    if(max(sapply(n, length)) > 1) { # In here the theorems or lemmas were not enough, so grid search over what is left
      nGrid <- expand.grid(split(cbind(nLower, nUpper), 1:K))
      res <- apply(nGrid, 1, function(n, sig, prob.col, s, m, N, K, yLower) {
        sum(apply(sig, 1, function(sigvec, prob.col, s, m, N, n, yLower) {
          l <- sigvec[!prob.col]
          sig <- sigvec[prob.col]

          sig * prod(choose(m,l) * beta(l+n*yLower+s, m-l+n*(1-yLower)+N-s) / beta(n*yLower+s, n*(1-yLower)+N-s))
        }, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, n=n, yLower=yLower))
      }, sig=sig, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, K=K, yLower=yLower)
      res <- min(res)
    } else { # Otherwise theory gave us an exact n so we do the same on that one option
      res <- apply(matrix(unlist(n, use.names=FALSE), nrow=1), 1, function(n, sig, prob.col, s, m, N, K, yLower) {
        sum(apply(sig, 1, function(sigvec, prob.col, s, m, N, n, yLower) {
          l <- sigvec[!prob.col]
          sig <- sigvec[prob.col]

          sig * prod(choose(m,l) * beta(l+n*yLower+s, m-l+n*(1-yLower)+N-s) / beta(n*yLower+s, n*(1-yLower)+N-s))
        }, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, n=n, yLower=yLower))
      }, sig=sig, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, K=K, yLower=yLower)

  }, at.times=at.times, nLower=nLower, nUpper=nUpper, yLower=yLower, yUpper=yUpper, sig=survival.signature, prob.col=prob.col, test.data=test.data, m=apply(survival.signature[,-length(survival.signature),drop=FALSE], 2, max), N=sapply(test.data, length), K=K, mc.cores=cores))[rank(at.times)]

  pUpper <- simplify2array(mclapply(order(at.times), function(i, at.times, nLower, nUpper, yLower, yUpper, sig, prob.col, test.data, m, N, K) {
    t <- at.times[i]
    nLower <- unlist(nLower[i,])
    nUpper <- unlist(nUpper[i,])
    yUpper <- unlist(yUpper[i,])
    s <- sapply(test.data, function(t_i, t) { sum(t_i>t) }, t=t)

    # Using Theorems & Lemmas in paper
    n <- split(cbind(nLower, nUpper), 1:K)
    if(all(N+m-1>0)) { # Can get zero if doing prior predictive, in which case just optimise
      yl <- s/(N+m-1)
      yu <- (s+m-1)/(N+m-1)
      for(k in 1:K) {
        if(yUpper[k] < yl[k]) {
          n[[k]] <- nLower[k]
        } else if(yUpper[k] > yu[k]) {
          n[[k]] <- nUpper[k]
        } else if((lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]*(1-yUpper[k])+N[k]-s[k])+
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) >= 0) &&
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) <= 0)) {
          n[[k]] <- nLower[k]
        } else if((lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]*(1-yUpper[k])+N[k]-s[k])+
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) <= 0) &&
                   lgamma(m[k]+nUpper[k]+N[k]) >= 0)) {
          n[[k]] <- nUpper[k]
    if(max(sapply(n, length)) > 1) { # In here the theorems or lemmas were not enough, so grid search over what is left
      nGrid <- expand.grid(split(cbind(nLower, nUpper), 1:K))
      res <- apply(nGrid, 1, function(n, sig, prob.col, s, m, N, K, yUpper) {
        sum(apply(sig, 1, function(sigvec, prob.col, s, m, N, n, yUpper) {
          l <- sigvec[!prob.col]
          sig <- sigvec[prob.col]

          sig * prod(choose(m,l) * beta(l+n*yUpper+s, m-l+n*(1-yUpper)+N-s) / beta(n*yUpper+s, n*(1-yUpper)+N-s))
        }, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, n=n, yUpper=yUpper))
      }, sig=sig, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, K=K, yUpper=yUpper)
      res <- max(res)
    } else { # Otherwise theory gave us an exact n so we do the same on that one option
      res <- apply(matrix(unlist(n, use.names=FALSE), nrow=1), 1, function(n, sig, prob.col, s, m, N, K, yUpper) {
        sum(apply(sig, 1, function(sigvec, prob.col, s, m, N, n, yUpper) {
          l <- sigvec[!prob.col]
          sig <- sigvec[prob.col]

          sig * prod(choose(m,l) * beta(l+n*yUpper+s, m-l+n*(1-yUpper)+N-s) / beta(n*yUpper+s, n*(1-yUpper)+N-s))
        }, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, n=n, yUpper=yUpper))
      }, sig=sig, prob.col=prob.col, s=s, m=m, N=N, K=K, yUpper=yUpper)

  }, at.times=at.times, nLower=nLower, nUpper=nUpper, yLower=yLower, yUpper=yUpper, sig=survival.signature, prob.col=prob.col, test.data=test.data, m=apply(survival.signature[,-length(survival.signature),drop=FALSE], 2, max), N=sapply(test.data, length), K=K, mc.cores=cores))[rank(at.times)]
  list(lower=pLower, upper=pUpper)

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