
Defines functions RelimpPCR

Documented in RelimpPCR

#' A Relative Importance PCA Regression Function
#' This function performs a relative importance PCA regression. It performs PCA and then applys a relative
#' importnace measure on each additional factor. The output shows optimal PCA factor selection for a given
#' regression.
#' @param Y (list/vector): This a list/vector of Y values for the regression.
#' @param X (data frame): This is the input data for the regression.
#' @param target_r2 (float 0-1): The algorithm will attempt to return to you the simplest model (i.e. with fewest predictors) that satisfies
#' your target_r2 value; If no model satisfies this condition, then the full model (with all predictors) will be returned.
#' @param validation_split (float 0-1): This determines how much of your data set will be in the train data set. The remainder will be
#' allocated to the test data set. If set to 1, train and test samples will be identical.
#' @param relimp_algorithm (string): This is the "type" of relative importance that will be used for measuring
#' raw predictors (not PCA factors).
#' @param max_predictors (int): The maximum number of predictors/factors you want reviewed. Note: For importance
#' measures all predictors/factors will be analyzed for relative importance. Rather, this limits how many
#' predictors/factors are added onto the model to show iteratively increasing R-Suared.
#' @param remove_factors (bool): If any eigenvalue, resulting from performing PCA on your data set, is too small for relative
#' importance, it can be removed automatically if this is TRUE. If FALSE, the same situation will produce an error.
#' @param factors_to_remove (int): If remove_factors is TRUE, you can either a) set this to 0 to have the script iteratively
#' remove PCA factors until the relative importance calculation works (recommended if you do not know how many PCA factors to
#' remove, but takes longer), or b) set this to any positive integer smaller than the number of factors. In condition b, the
#' script will go ahead and remove the X smallest factors (X being the number this argument is set to).
#' @param max_factors_to_remove (int): If remove_factors is TRUE and factors_to_remove is 0, then this will determine how many
#' factors the script will delete before "giving up". This is to prevent a possible very long process. This can be set to 0
#' to iterate through all columns (not recommended).
#' @param normalize_data (bool): Whether or not to normalize (subtract mean and divide by standard deviation) before analysis.
#' @param plot_this (bool): Whether or not to plot the r-squared values. Default is TRUE.
#' @param verbose (bool): Whether or not to include some additional narration around the status of the process.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param multicore (bool): Whether or not to use mclapply instead of sapply. Default is TRUE.
#' @param cores (int): The number of cores to distribute work across for multicore operations.
#' @param random_seed (int): Random seed (if you wish to use one). NA indicates no random seed.
#' @return out (list): A list containing all of the below components...
#' @return $pca_loadings: The PCA loadings.
#' @return $pca_object: The trained PCA object.
#' @return $pca_factors_rank: The numerical ranking of the PCA factors.
#' @return $original_r2_train: The r-squared values when iteratively adding unordered training predictors.
#' @return $pca_r2_train: The r-squared values when iteratively adding unordered training PCA factors.
#' @return $relimp_pca_r2_train: The r-squared values when iteratively adding ordered training PCA factors (ordered by relative importance of the training data set).
#' @return $best_model: The model with the fewest predictors that has r-squared equal to or above the "target_r2" argument.
#' @return $num_factors: The number of PCA factors used in the best model.
#' @return $scaling_factors: The mean and standard deviations used to scale the X columns and Y column.
#' @return $relimp_r2_train: ONLY RETURNED IF relative importance for ordered predictors is successful. This contains the r-squared values when iteratively adding ordered predictors (ordered by relative importance of the training data set).
#' @return $ranked_features: ONLY RETURNED IF relative importance for ordered predictors is successful. This contains the numerical ranking of predictors.
#' @return $original_r2_test: ONLY RETURNED IF validation_split argument is not equal to 1. This contains the r-squared values when iteratively adding unordered testing predictors.
#' @return $pca_r2_test: ONLY RETURNED IF validation_split argument is not equal to 1: This contains the r-squared values when iteratively adding unordered testing PCA factors.
#' @return $relimp_pca_r2_test: ONLY RETURNED IF validation_split argument is not equal to 1. This contains the r-squared values when iteratively adding ordered testing PCA factors (ordered by relative importance of the training data set).
#' @return $relimp_r2_test: ONLY RETURNED IF validation_split argument is not equal to 1 AND relative importance for ordered predictors is successful. This contains the r-squared values when iteratively adding ordered testing predictors (ordered by relative importance of the training data set).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #Below performs single core relative importance principal 
#' #components regression of mpg against cyl, disp, and hp (all from the mtcars 
#' #sample data set), optimizing for a r-squared value of 0.75.
#' y = mtcars$mpg[1:20]; x = mtcars[1:20,c("cyl","disp")]
#' pcr_object = RelimpPCR(Y = y, X = x,target_r2 = 0.75, multicore = FALSE,
#' remove_factors = FALSE, normalize_data = FALSE, plot_this = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export

RelimpPCR = function(
  validation_split = 1,
  relimp_algorithm = "last",
  max_predictors = 0,
  remove_factors = TRUE,
  factors_to_remove = 0,
  max_factors_to_remove = 15,
  normalize_data = TRUE,
  plot_this = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  multicore = TRUE,
  cores = 2,
  random_seed = NA
  ) {

  if (is.na(random_seed) == FALSE) {

  pr <- function(prompt, verbose) {
      print(paste0(Sys.time(), " | ", prompt))

  initial_colnames <- colnames(X)

  data <- train_test_split(X, Y, validation_split)
  trainX <- data$train_x
  trainY <- data$train_y
  testX <- data$test_x
  testY <- data$test_y

  data <- NULL
  X <- NULL
  Y <- NULL

  if(normalize_data == FALSE) {
      "WARN: Using non-normalized data in PCA can cause sub-optimal results")
  } else {
    pr("Standardizing data", verbose)
    train_means <- c()
    train_sds <- c()

    for (z in 1:dim(trainX)[2]) {
      this_mean <- mean(trainX[, z])
      this_sd <- sd(trainX[, z])

      train_means[length(train_means) + 1] <- this_mean
      train_sds[length(train_sds) + 1] <- this_sd

      trainX[, z] <- (trainX[, z] - this_mean) / this_sd
      testX[, z] <- (testX[, z] - this_mean) / this_sd
    Y_mean <- mean(trainY)
    Y_sd <- sd(trainY)

    trainY <- (trainY - Y_mean) / Y_sd
    testY <- (testY - Y_mean) / Y_sd

  pr("Running PCA", verbose)

  pca <- prcomp(trainX)
  trainX_PCA <- pca$x
  testX_PCA <- predict(pca,testX)
  pca_loadings <- pca$rotation

    "Ranking predictors against Y using calc.relimp ",

  #Ranking Features
  ranking_successful <- FALSE
    fit <- lm(Y ~ ., data = data.frame(Y = unlist(trainY), trainX))
    relimp_factors <- relaimpo::calc.relimp(fit, type = "last")
    ranked_factors <- relimp_factors@last.rank

    trainX_ordered <- trainX[, order(ranked_factors)]
    testX_ordered <- testX[, order(ranked_factors)]
    ranking_successful <- TRUE

  if (ranking_successful == FALSE) {
      "Ranking predictors against Y using calc.relimp FAILED. 
      Continuing with other measures", verbose)
    fit <- NULL
    relimp_factors <- NULL
    ranked_factors <- NULL

  pr("Ranking PCA factors against Y using calc.relimp", verbose)

  if (max_factors_to_remove == 0) {
    max_factors_to_remove <- ncol(trainX_PCA)

  #PCA Ranking
  if (remove_factors == TRUE) {
    if(factors_to_remove == 0){
      for (x in 0:max_factors_to_remove) {
        pca_factor_subset <- trainX_PCA[, 1:(ncol(trainX_PCA) - x)]
        pca_fit <- lm(
          Y ~ .,
          data = data.frame(Y = unlist(trainY),
          pca_relimp_factors <- relaimpo::calc.relimp(
            type = "last"
            "PCA factor relative importance calculation successful; 
            Removed ", x, " PCA factor(s)"), verbose)

          "ERROR in calculating relative importance of PCA factors; 
          Removing last ", x, " PCA factor(s)"), verbose)
        if (x == max_factors_to_remove) {
          stop("Could not create non-singular matrix. 
          Try increasing max_factors_to_remove.")
    } else {
      pca_factor_subset <- trainX_PCA[
        , 1:(ncol(trainX_PCA) - factors_to_remove)]
      pca_fit <- lm(
        Y ~ .,
        data = data.frame(Y = unlist(trainY),pca_factor_subset))
      pca_relimp_factors <- relaimpo::calc.relimp(pca_fit, type = "last")
      pr(paste0("Removed ", factors_to_remove, " PCA factor(s)."), verbose)
  } else {
    pca_factor_subset <- trainX_PCA
    pca_fit <- lm(
      Y ~ .,
      data = data.frame(Y = unlist(trainY),
    pca_relimp_factors <- relaimpo::calc.relimp(pca_fit, type = "last")

  pca_fit <- NULL

  pca_ranked_factors <- pca_relimp_factors@last.rank
  trainX_PCA_ordered <- trainX_PCA[, order(pca_ranked_factors)]
  testX_PCA_ordered <- testX_PCA[, order(pca_ranked_factors)]

  if (max_predictors > dim(pca_factor_subset)[2]) {
    stop("ERROR: You cannot have 'max_predictors' be greater 
    than the total number of remaining PCA factors.")

  if (max_predictors <= 0) {
    predictors_range <- 1:dim(pca_factor_subset)[2]
  } else {
    predictors_range <- 1:max_predictors

  pr("Iteratively adding predictors according to order/ranking for...", verbose)

  get_r2s <- function(z, trainX, trainY, testX, testY) {
    if (z == 1 ){
      trainX_df <- data.frame(trainX[, 1:z])
      testX_df <- data.frame(testX[, 1:z])
      colnames(trainX_df) <- "X1"
      colnames(testX_df) <- "X1"
    } else {
      trainX_df <- data.frame(trainX[, 1:z])
      testX_df <- data.frame(testX[, 1:z])
    this_fit <- caret::train(
      x = as.data.frame(trainX_df),
      y = as.vector(trainY),
      method = "lm"
    train_r2 <- cor(predict(this_fit, trainX_df), trainY)^2
    test_r2 <- cor(predict(this_fit, testX_df), testY)^2

    return(c(train_r2, test_r2))

  get_best_model <- function(
  ) {
    best_r2 <- which.max(train_r2)
        Y ~ .,
        data = data.frame(
          Y = trainY,
          trainX[, 1:best_r2]

  if (multicore == TRUE) {
    pr("Original Features", verbose)
    original_r2 <- parallel::mclapply(
      X = predictors_range,
      FUN = get_r2s,
      trainX = trainX,
      trainY = trainY,
      testX = testX,
      testY = testY,
      mc.cores = cores
    if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
      pr("Ordered Features", verbose)
      relimp_r2 <- parallel::mclapply(
        X = predictors_range,
        FUN = get_r2s,
        trainX = trainX_ordered,
        trainY = trainY,
        testX = testX_ordered,
        testY = testY,
        mc.cores = cores
    pr("PCA Factors", verbose)
    pca_r2 <- parallel::mclapply(
      X = predictors_range,
      FUN = get_r2s,
      trainX = trainX_PCA,
      trainY = trainY,
      testX = testX_PCA,
      testY = testY,
      mc.cores = cores
    pr("Ordered PCA Factors", verbose)
    pca_relimp_r2 <- parallel::mclapply(
      X = predictors_range,
      FUN = get_r2s,
      trainX = trainX_PCA_ordered,
      trainY = trainY,
      testX = testX_PCA_ordered,
      testY = testY,
      mc.cores = cores
  } else {
    pr("Original Features", verbose)
    original_r2 <- lapply(
      X = predictors_range,
      FUN = get_r2s,
      trainX = trainX,
      trainY = trainY,
      testX = testX,
      testY = testY
    if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
      pr("Ordered Features", verbose)
      relimp_r2 <- lapply(
        X = predictors_range,
        FUN = get_r2s,
        trainX = trainX_ordered,
        trainY = trainY,
        testX = testX_ordered,
        testY = testY
    pr("PCA Factors",verbose)
    pca_r2 <- lapply(
      X = predictors_range,
      FUN = get_r2s,
      trainX = trainX_PCA,
      trainY = trainY,
      testX = testX_PCA,
      testY = testY
    pr("Ordered PCA Factors", verbose)
    pca_relimp_r2 <- lapply(
      X = predictors_range,
      FUN = get_r2s,
      trainX = trainX_PCA_ordered,
      trainY = trainY,
      testX = testX_PCA_ordered,
      testY = testY

  r2_values <- list(
    "original_r2" = original_r2,
    "pca_r2" = pca_r2,
    "pca_relimp_r2" = pca_relimp_r2
  if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
    r2_values[["relimp_r2"]] <- relimp_r2
  r2_values_out <- list()

  for (r2 in names(r2_values)) {
    this_r2_train <- c()
    this_r2_test <- c()

    for(x in r2_values[[r2]]){
      this_r2_train[length(this_r2_train) + 1] <- x[[1]]
      this_r2_test[length(this_r2_test) + 1] <- x[[2]]

    r2_values_out[[paste0(r2, "_train")]] <- this_r2_train
    r2_values_out[[paste0(r2, "_test")]] <- this_r2_test

  pr("Determining optimal model", verbose)
  best_model <- get_best_model(
    trainX = trainX_PCA_ordered,
    trainY = trainY,
    train_r2 = r2_values_out[["pca_relimp_r2_train"]], 
    test_r2 = r2_values_out[["pca_relimp_r2_test"]]

  if (plot_this == TRUE) {

    p1_data <- cbind(
    p1_data <- as.data.frame(p1_data)
    if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
      colnames(p1_data) <- c(
        "Original_R2", "Relimp_R2", "PCA_R2",
        "PCA_Relimp_R2", "Num_Predictors")
    } else {
      colnames(p1_data) <- c(
        "Original_R2", "PCA_R2", "PCA_Relimp_R2", "Num_Predictors")
    p1_data <- reshape2::melt(data = p1_data, id = "Num_Predictors")

    p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(
      data = p1_data,
        x = Num_Predictors, y = value, group = variable, color = variable)) +
      ggplot2::geom_line() +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("Improvement of Fit W/ # of Predictors (Train)")+
      ggplot2::labs(x = "Number of Predictors", y = "Determination Coefficient")

    Num_Predictors <- NULL
    value <- NULL
    variable <- NULL

    if (validation_split != 1) {
      p2_data <- cbind(
      p2_data <- as.data.frame(p2_data)
      if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
        colnames(p2_data) <- c(
          "Original_R2", "Relimp_R2", "PCA_R2",
          "PCA_Relimp_R2", "Num_Predictors")
      } else {
        colnames(p2_data) <- c(
          "Original_R2", "PCA_R2", "PCA_Relimp_R2", "Num_Predictors")
      p2_data <- reshape2::melt(data = p2_data, id = "Num_Predictors")

      p2 <- ggplot2::ggplot(
        data = p2_data,
          x = Num_Predictors,
          y = value,
          group = variable,
          color = variable
      ) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::ggtitle("Improvement of Fit W/ # of Predictors (Test)")+
          x = "Number of Predictors",
          y = "Determination Coefficient")

      Rmisc::multiplot(p1, p2, cols = 2)
    } else {

  out <- list()

  out[["pca_loadings"]] <- pca_loadings
  out[["pca_object"]] <- pca
  out[["pca_factors_rank"]] <- pca_ranked_factors

  out[["original_r2_train"]] <- r2_values_out[["original_r2_train"]]
  out[["pca_r2_train"]] <- r2_values_out[["pca_r2_train"]]
  out[["relimp_pca_r2_train"]] <- r2_values_out[["pca_relimp_r2_train"]]

  out[["best_model"]] <- best_model
  out[["num_factors"]] <- length(best_model$coefficients) - 1

  if (normalize_data == TRUE) {
    out[["scaling_factors"]] <- list(
      "X_means" = train_means,
      "X_st_devs" = train_sds,
      "Y_mean" = Y_mean,
      "Y_st_dev" = Y_sd

  out[["initial_colnames"]] <- initial_colnames

  if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
    out[["relimp_r2_train"]] <- r2_values_out[["relimp_r2_train"]]
    out[["ranked_features"]] <- ranked_factors

  if (validation_split != 1) {
    out[["pca_ordered_factors_test"]] <- testX_PCA_ordered
    out[["original_r2_test"]] <- r2_values_out[["original_r2_test"]]
    out[["pca_r2_test"]] <- r2_values_out[["pca_r2_test"]]
    out[["relimp_pca_r2_test"]] <- r2_values_out[["pca_relimp_r2_test"]]

    if (ranking_successful == TRUE) {
      out[["relimp_r2_test"]] <- r2_values_out[["relimp_r2_test"]]

  pr("Process complete", verbose)

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RelimpPCR documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:22 p.m.