
Defines functions ppc.step2step3

Documented in ppc.step2step3

ppc.step2step3 <- function(step1, y.r, model=model, H0,s.i=NULL,H0check=TRUE,y.o,
                           ordered = NULL, sample.cov = NULL, sample.mean = NULL, sample.nobs = NULL,
                           group = NULL, cluster = NULL, constraints = "", WLS.V = NULL, NACOV = NULL,

  #compute likelihood ratio (i.e., D) for all y.s and for y.r

  #limited number of posterior samples (saves comp. time), replace=TRUE (!)
  #sample.r <- sample(length(y.s),n.sample.r,replace=TRUE)

  y.s <- step1$y.s
  pT1 <- step1$pT

  pT1 <- pT1[which(pT1$free!=0),]
  pT1 <- pT1[!(duplicated(pT1$label))|pT1$label=="",]

  vars <- pT1$plabel             #var names for estimated parameters
  mat <- create_matrices(varnames=c(vars),hyp=H0)
  R <- mat$R
  r <- mat$r
  E <- mat$E

  #y.o check of H0
    fit.o <- step1$fit.o
    BKcov.o <- lavInspect(fit.o,"vcov")
    pT.o <- parameterTable(fit.o)
    free.i <- which(pT.o$free!=0)

    if (sum(duplicated(rownames(BKcov.o)))>0){
      pT.o <- pT.o[free.i,][-which(duplicated(rownames(BKcov.o))),]
      Q.o <- pT.o$est
      BKcov.o <- BKcov.o[!duplicated(rownames(BKcov.o)), !duplicated(colnames(BKcov.o))]
      Q.o <- pT.o$est[free.i]

      s <- vector()
      for (j in 1:length(r)){s[j] <- pT.o$est[ pT.o$id == s.i[j] ]}
      r.e <- r*s
      llratio.o <- llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov.o,Q=Q.o,R=R,r=r.e,E=E)
      llratio.o <- llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov.o,Q=Q.o,R=R,r=r,E=E)}

    if(llratio.o > 1e-20){stop("H0 not true in original data, please adjust")}

  llratio.s <- list()
  print("Calculating likelihood ratio for each y.s",quote=FALSE)
  pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(y.s), initial = 0, style=3, width = 50)

    for (i in 1:length(y.s)){
      fit_l <- bsem(model, data=y.s[[i]],
                    n.chains=nchains, dp=dp,test="none", target="jags",
                    sample.cov = sample.cov, sample.mean = sample.mean, sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
                    group = group, constraints = "", WLS.V = WLS.V, NACOV = NACOV, convergence=convergence)
      pT <- parameterTable(fit_l)
      free.i <- which(pT$free!=0)
      BKcov <- lavInspect(fit_l,"vcov")

      if (sum(duplicated(rownames(BKcov)))>0){
        pT <- pT[free.i,][-which(duplicated(rownames(BKcov))),]
        Q <- pT$est
        BKcov <- BKcov[!duplicated(rownames(BKcov)), !duplicated(colnames(BKcov))]
        Q <- pT$est[free.i]

        s <- vector()
        for (j in 1:length(r)){s[j] <- pT$est[ pT$id == s.i[j] ]}
        r.e <- r*s

        llratio.s[[i]] <-tryCatch(llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov,Q=Q,R=R,r=r.e,E=E),
                                  error=function(e) NA)

        llratio.s <- na.omit(unlist(llratio.s))

        llratio.s[[i]] <-tryCatch(llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov,Q=Q,R=R,r=r,E=E),
                                  error=function(e) NA)

        llratio.s <- na.omit(unlist(llratio.s))}
    for (i in 1:length(y.s)){
      fit_l <- sem(model, data=y.s[[i]],meanstructure=TRUE,
                   ordered = ordered, sample.cov = sample.cov, sample.mean = sample.mean, sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
                   group = group, cluster = cluster, constraints = "", WLS.V = WLS.V, NACOV = NACOV)
      pT.s <- parameterTable(fit_l)
      free.i <- which(pT.s$free!=0)
      BKcov <- lavInspect(fit_l,"vcov")

      if (sum(duplicated(rownames(BKcov)))>0){
        pT <- pT.s[free.i,][-which(duplicated(rownames(BKcov))),]
        Q <- pT$est
        BKcov <- BKcov[!duplicated(rownames(BKcov)), !duplicated(colnames(BKcov))]
        Q <- pT.s$est[free.i]

        s <- vector()
        for (j in 1:length(r)){s[j] <- pT.s$est[ pT.s$id == s.i[j] ]}
        r.e <- r*s

        llratio.s[[i]] <-tryCatch(llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov,Q=Q,R=R,r=r.e,E=E),
                                  error=function(e) NA)

        llratio.s[[i]] <-tryCatch(llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov,Q=Q,R=R,r=r,E=E),
                                  error=function(e) NA)


    llratio.s <- na.omit(unlist(llratio.s))

      print(paste(length(attr(llratio.s,"na.action")),"datasets could not be analyzed properly, this may relate to non-positive definite variance-covariance matrices."))}

    pT.s <- pT.s[free.i,]
    pT.s <- pT.s[!(duplicated(pT.s$label))|pT.s$label=="",]
      print("Warning: the Bayesian parameter table of step1 is not equal to that of step2step3. Check pT.1 and pT.s in the results to see if this affects parameter labels for parameters in H0. If so, specify all model parameters in the model syntax.")

    #for y.r
    fit.r <- sem(model, data=y.r,meanstructure=TRUE,
                 ordered = ordered, sample.cov = sample.cov, sample.mean = sample.mean, sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
                 group = group, cluster = cluster, constraints = "", WLS.V = WLS.V, NACOV = NACOV)
    BKcov.r <- lavInspect(fit.r,"vcov")
    pT.r <- parameterTable(fit.r)
    free.i <- which(pT.r$free!=0)

    if (sum(duplicated(rownames(BKcov.r)))>0){
      pT.r <- pT.r[free.i,][-which(duplicated(rownames(BKcov.r))),]
      Q.r <- pT.r$est
      BKcov.r <- BKcov.r[!duplicated(rownames(BKcov.r)), !duplicated(colnames(BKcov.r))]
      Q.r <- pT.r$est[free.i]

      s <- vector()
      for (j in 1:length(r)){s[j] <- pT.r$est[ pT.r$id == s.i[j] ]}
      r.e <- r*s
      llratio.r <- llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov.r,Q=Q.r,R=R,r=r.e,E=E)
      llratio.r <- llratio.f(BKcov=BKcov.r,Q=Q.r,R=R,r=r,E=E)}

    #plot results
    llratio.s <<- llratio.s

    #prior predictive p
    if(all(is.na(llratio.s)==TRUE)){stop("No valid llratio's were computed for the simulated data")}
    p <- sum((llratio.s)>=llratio.r)/length(llratio.s) #prior predictive p-value
    results <- list("llratio.r"=llratio.r,"p-value"=p,"llratio.s"=llratio.s,"H0 matrices"=mat,
    results <- list("llratio.s"=llratio.s,"H0 matrices"=mat,

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Replication documentation built on April 14, 2020, 6:15 p.m.