
Defines functions doInstalledPackages doLibPaths checkLibPaths dealWithMissingLibPaths pkgSnapshot2 pkgSnapshot

Documented in checkLibPaths dealWithMissingLibPaths doLibPaths pkgSnapshot pkgSnapshot2

#' Take a snapshot of all the packages and version numbers
#' This can be used later by `Require` to install or re-install the correct versions. See examples.
#' @details
#' A file is written with the package names and versions of all packages within `libPaths`.
#' This can later be passed to `Require`.
#' `pkgSnapshot2` returns a vector of package names and versions, with no file output. See
#' examples.
#' @return
#' Will both write a file, and (invisibly) return a vector of packages with the
#' version numbers. This vector can be used directly in `Require`, though it should likely
#' be used with `require = FALSE` to prevent attaching all the packages.
#' @param packageVersionFile A filename to save the packages and their currently
#'        installed version numbers. Defaults to `"packageVersions.txt"`.
#'        If this is specified to be `NULL`, the function will return the exact
#'        `Require` call needed to install all the packages at their current
#'        versions. This can be useful to add to a script to allow for reproducibility of
#'        a script.
#' @param libPaths The path to the local library where packages are installed.
#'        Defaults to the `.libPaths()[1]`.
#' @param exact Logical. If `TRUE`, the default, then for GitHub packages, it
#'        will install the exact SHA, rather than the head of the `account/repo@branch`. For
#'        CRAN packages, it will install the exact version. If `FALSE`, then GitHub
#'        packages will identify their branch if that had been specified upon installation,
#'        not a SHA. If the package had been installed with reference to a SHA, then it
#'        will return the SHA as it does not know what branch it came from.
#'        Similarly, CRAN packages will report their version and specify with a `>=`,
#'        allowing a subsequent user
#'        to install with a minimum version number, as opposed to an exact version number.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom data.table fwrite
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
#'   opts <- Require:::.setupExample()
#'   # install one archived version so that below does something interesting
#'   libForThisEx <- tempdir2("Example")
#'   Require("crayon (==1.5.1)", libPaths = libForThisEx, require = FALSE)
#'   # Normal use -- using the libForThisEx for example;
#'   #    normally libPaths would be omitted to get all
#'   #    packages in user or project library
#'   tf <- tempfile()
#'   # writes to getOption("Require.packageVersionFile")
#'   # within project; also returns a vector
#'   # of packages with version
#'   pkgs <- pkgSnapshot(
#'     packageVersionFile = tf,
#'     libPaths = libForThisEx, standAlone = TRUE # only this library
#'   )
#'   # Now move this file to another computer e.g. by committing in git,
#'   #   emailing, googledrive
#'   #   on next computer/project
#'   Require(packageVersionFile = tf, libPaths = libForThisEx)
#'   # Using pkgSnapshot2 to get the vector of packages and versions
#'   pkgs <- pkgSnapshot2(
#'     libPaths = libForThisEx, standAlone = TRUE
#'   )
#'   Install(pkgs) # will install packages from previous line
#'   Require:::.cleanup(opts)
#'   unlink(getOption("Require.packageVersionFile"))
#' }
#' }
#' @rdname pkgSnapshot
pkgSnapshot <-
  function(packageVersionFile = getOption("Require.packageVersionFile"),
           libPaths = .libPaths(),
           standAlone = FALSE,
           purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
           exact = TRUE,
           includeBase = FALSE,
           verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
    libPaths <- checkLibPaths(libPaths = libPaths, exact = TRUE)
    libPaths <- doLibPaths(libPaths, standAlone)

    ip <- doInstalledPackages(libPaths, purge, includeBase)
    rv <- versionMajorMinor()
    rv <- cbind(Package = "R", Version = rv)
    ip <- rbind(rv, ip, fill = TRUE)

      file = packageVersionFile,
      row.names = FALSE,
      na = NA
      "package version file saved in ",
      verbose = verbose,
      verboseLevel = 1


#' @rdname pkgSnapshot
#' @export
pkgSnapshot2 <-
  function(packageVersionFile = getOption("Require.packageVersionFile"),
           standAlone = FALSE,
           purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
           exact = TRUE,
           includeBase = FALSE,
           verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
    libPaths <- doLibPaths(libPaths, standAlone)

    ip <- doInstalledPackages(libPaths, purge, includeBase)

    if (isTRUE(exact)) {
      ref <- ip$GithubSHA1
      ineq <- "=="
    } else {
      ref <- ip$GithubRef
      ineq <- ">="
    thePkgAndVers <- paste0(ifelse(
      paste0(ip$GithubUsername, "/", ip$GithubRepo, "@", ref),
      # github
      paste0(ip$Package, " (", ineq, ip$Version, ")") # cran

#' Only checks for deprecated libPath argument (singular)
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @param ... Checks for the incorrect argument `libPath` (no s)
dealWithMissingLibPaths <- function(libPaths, standAlone = getOption("Require.standAlone", FALSE),
                                    ...) {
  missingLP <- missing(libPaths)
  if (missingLP) {
    if (!is.null(list(...)[["libPath"]])) {
      libPaths <- list(...)[["libPath"]]
  libPaths <- doLibPaths(libPaths, standAlone)

#' Creates the directories, and adds version number
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @param ifMissing An alternative path if `libPaths` argument is missing.
#' @param exact Logical. If `FALSE`, the default, then `checkLibPaths` will
#'   append the R version number on the `libPaths` supplied. If `TRUE`, `checkLibPaths`
#'   will return exactly the `libPaths` supplied.
#' @param ... Not used, but allows other functions to pass through arguments.
checkLibPaths <- function(libPaths, ifMissing, exact = FALSE, ...) {
  missLP <- missing(libPaths)
  if (missLP) {
    if (missing(ifMissing)) {
    } else {
      pathsToCheck <- ifMissing
  } else {
    pathsToCheck <- libPaths
  unlist(lapply(pathsToCheck, function(lp) {
    checkPath(rpackageFolder(lp, exact = exact), create = TRUE)

#' Deals with missing libPaths arg, and takes first
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @importFrom utils head tail
doLibPaths <- function(libPaths, standAlone = FALSE) {
  if (missing(libPaths)) {
    libPaths <- .libPaths()
  if (standAlone) {
    libPaths <- c(head(libPaths, 1), tail(.libPaths(), 1))
  } else {
    libPaths <- unique(c(head(libPaths, 1), .libPaths()))

  # if (isTRUE(standAlone)) {
  #   libPaths <- libPaths[1]
  # }

doInstalledPackages <- function(libPaths, purge, includeBase) {
  ip <-
      .installed.pkgs(lib.loc = libPaths, which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Remotes"),
        other = c("GitHubSha", "Repository", "GitSubFolder"), purge = purge
  if (isFALSE(includeBase)) {
    ip <- ip[!Package %in% .basePkgs]


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Require documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:55 p.m.