
# Test app "Hello, World!"

# source helpers

# import application example
app = ex_app("content-handlers")

backend = RestRserve:::BackendRserve$new()

request_json = Request$new(path = "/json")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_json))
expect_equal(rs[[1]], "{\"answer\":\"json\"}")

request_text = Request$new(path = "/text")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_text))
expect_equal(rs[[1]], "text")

request_xwfu = Request$new(path = "/x-www-form-urlencoded", method = "POST",
                           content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                           body = "foo=bar&a=b")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_xwfu))
rs = unserialize(rs[[1]])
expect_equal(rs, list(answer = "x-www-form-urlencoded"))

request_uct = Request$new(path = "/unknown-content-type")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_uct))

request_rds = Request$new(path = "/rds")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_rds))
rs = unserialize(rs[[1]])
expect_equal(rs, list(answer = "rds"))

request_rds2 = Request$new(path = "/rds2")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_rds2))
rs = unserialize(rs[[1]])
expect_equal(rs, list(answer = "rds2"))

ContentHandlers = RestRserve:::ContentHandlersFactory$new()
request_404 = Request$new(path = "/404")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_404))
expect_equal(rs[[1]], "{\"error\":\"404 Not Found\"}")
expect_equal(rs[[2]], "application/json")

# Test reset method
rq = Request$new(
  path = "/json",
  method = "POST",
  body = charToRaw("{\"hello\" : \"world\"}"),
  content_type = "application/json"
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(rq))
expect_equal(unserialize(rs[[1]]), list(hello = "world"))

# Test decode invalid JSON decode
rq = Request$new(
  path = "/json",
  method = "POST",
  body = charToRaw("{\"bad\" : json}"),
  content_type = "application/json"
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(rq))
err_msg = paste0("lexical error: invalid char in json text.\n",
                 "                              {\"bad\" : json}\n",
                 "                     (right here) ------^\n")
expect_equal(rs[[1]], err_msg)
expect_equal(rs[[2]], "text/plain")

# Test static files
files = c("test.R", "test.txt", "testdata.csv", "testdata.rds", "testplot.jpg",
          "testplot.pdf", "testplot.png")
request_static_files = Request$new(path = "/list_static_files")
rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_static_files))
expect_equal(sort(jsonlite::fromJSON(rs[[1]])), sort(files))

for (file in files) {
  request_file = Request$new(path = paste0("/static/", file))
  rs = backend$convert_response(app$process_request(request_file))
  expect_true(grepl(paste0(file, "$"), rs[[1]]))
  mime = mime::guess_type(file)
  expect_equal(rs[[2]], mime)


Try the RestRserve package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RestRserve documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:18 a.m.