
Defines functions forecast.rlgtfit

Documented in forecast.rlgtfit

#' @title Rlgt forecast
#' @description  produce forecasts from an \code{\link{rlgtfit}} object
#' @param object rlgtfit object
#' @param xreg input regression matrix
#' @param h forecasting horizon (the default is 10 for annual and 2*periods otherwise)
#' @param level confidence levels for prediction intervals a.k.a. coverage percentiles. Musat be between 0 and 100.
#' @param NUM_OF_TRIALS number of simulations to run. Suggested range is between (1000,5000), but it needs 
#' to be higher for good coverage for very high levels, e.g. 99.8. 
#' @param ... currently not used
#' @return returns a forecast object compatible with the forecast package in R
#' @exportS3Method forecast rlgtfit
#' @method forecast rlgtfit
#' @importFrom forecast forecast 
#' @examples 
# \dontrun{
#' # The following is a toy example that runs within a few seconds. To get good 
#' # fitting results the number of iterations should be set to at least 2000, and 
#' # 4 chains should be used (the default). To speed up computation the number of 
#' # cores should also be adjusted (default is 4).
#' rlgt_model <- rlgt(lynx, 
#'        control=rlgt.control(MAX_NUM_OF_REPEATS=1, NUM_OF_ITER=50, NUM_OF_CHAINS = 1, 
#'                             NUM_OF_CORES = 1), verbose=TRUE)
#' # print the model details
#' print(rlgt_model)
#' # Produce Forecasts for the next 10 years
#' forecast_result <- forecast(rlgt_model, h = 10, level=c(80, 95, 98))
#' plot(forecast_result,main="Forecasting lynx dataset with LGT model")
# }
#' @export

#object=regModel; xreg=regTrain; level=c(80,95); NUM_OF_TRIALS=2000 
#object=rstanmodel; h = length(actuals); level=c(80,95); NUM_OF_TRIALS=2000;xreg=NULL
forecast.rlgtfit <- function(object, 
                                      2*frequency(object$x), 10),
                             NUM_OF_TRIALS=2000, ...) {
  if (any(level>100) || any(level<0)) {
    message("Warning: levels must be between 0 and 100. Assuming defaults.")
  if (length(level)==1 && level==50) {
  } else {
    if (50 %in% level) {
    percentiles=c(lowerPercentiles,50,upperPercentiles) #this follows convention of forecast package where forecast$lower are from higher to lower

  if(!is.null(object$method) && object$method == "Custom_Gibbs") {
    fcast = blgt.forecast(object, h, NUM_OF_TRIALS)
    # Presenting Schmidt's result as a forecast package object
    result = list()
    result$model = object
    result$x = object$x
    result$yf = fcast$yf

    #' @importFrom stats quantile
    avgYfs <- apply(result$yf,2,quantile,probs=quantiles)
    #out$mean <- apply(result$yf, 2, mean)
    result$mean <- avgYfs[indexOfMedian,]  # Median is safer. We want to be compatible with Forecast package, but there Point Forecast==mean
    if (indexOfMedian > 1) {
      result$lower <- t(avgYfs[1:(indexOfMedian-1),])
      result$upper <- t(avgYfs[(indexOfMedian+1):(indexOfMedian+length(upperPercentiles)),])

    result$level <- level
    class(result) <- "forecast"

  if (!is.null(xreg) && is.null(dim(xreg))) { # convert non-matrix to matrix
    xreg <- as.matrix(xreg)
  # check if you have non-null and names matched xreg...
  has.regression <- !is.null(xreg)
  # this is different from object$use.regression.  
  # use.regression makes final decision whether to use use.regression
  use.regression <- FALSE
  if (has.regression) {
    # regression components detected
    if (object$use.regression) {
      use.regression <- TRUE
      # override horizon input h here
      h <- nrow(xreg)
    } else {
      message("Current model do not support regression. Regression variables will be ignored.")  #actually, all models currently support regression, but maybe leave for future
  } else {
    if (object$use.regression) {
      stop("Model expects a regression component.")
  seasonality <- object$seasonality
  seasonality2 <- object$seasonality2
  out <- list(model=object,x=object$x)
  #' @importFrom stats tsp
  # start.f is the next(first) forecast period
  tspx <- tsp(out$x)
  if ( (inherits(out$x,'msts') || inherits(out$x,'ts')) && !is.null(tspx)) {
    start.f <- tspx[2] + 1/frequency(out$x)  
	} else {#this can be seasonal, but numeric, with seasonality(ies) specified in control
    start.f <- length(out$x)+1
  # extracting all of the params
  nu <- object$params[["nu"]]
  lastB <- object$params[["lastB"]]
	lastLevel0<- object$params[["lastLevel0"]]
  lastSmoothedInnovSize <- object$params[["lastSmoothedInnovSize"]]
  powx <- object$params[["powx"]]
    regCoef <- object$params[["regCoef"]]
    regOffset <- object$params[["regOffset"]]
    if(ncol(xreg) != ncol(regCoef)){
      stop("Error: Number of regression coefficients does not match matrix supplied.")
  #these initializations are important, do not remove. (at least some of them :-)
  nuS=Inf; bSmS=0; bS=0; locTrendFractS=0; #t=1; irun=1
  if (seasonality>1) {
    s  <- object$params[["s"]]
    sS <- rep(1,seasonality_int+h+1)
		if (object$levelMethodId>0) movingSum0=sum(object$x[(length(object$x)-seasonality_int+1):length(object$x)])	
  if (seasonality2>1) {
    if (seasonality>seasonality2) {
      stop("seasonality has to be smaller than seasonality2")
      return (NULL)  #for good measure
    s2  <- object$params[["s2"]]
    sS2 <-rep(1,seasonality2_int+h+1)
		if (object$levelMethodId>0) movingSum0=sum(object$x[(length(object$x)-seasonality2_int+1):length(object$x)])	
  # Initialise a matrix which contains the last level value
  yf <- matrix(0,nrow=NUM_OF_TRIALS, ncol=h)
  # For each forecasting trial
  for (irun in 1:NUM_OF_TRIALS) {
    # Obtain the relevant parameters & use bootstrap sampling
    indx <- sample(nrow(object$params[["l"]]),1)
		prevLevel <- object$params[["lastLevel"]][indx]
		if (!is.null(lastLevel0)) {
			prevLevel0 <- object$params[["lastLevel0"]][indx]
			llevSmS <- object$params[["llevSm"]][indx]
    levSmS <- object$params[["levSm"]][indx]
		if (use.regression) {
      regCoefS <- regCoef[indx,]
      regOffsetS <- regOffset[indx]
    if (!is.null(nu)) {
      nuS <- nu[indx]
    powTrendS  <- object$params[["powTrend"]][indx]
    coefTrendS <- object$params[["coefTrend"]][indx]
    if (!is.null(lastB)) {
      bS <- lastB[indx]
      bSmS <- object$params[["bSm"]][indx]
      locTrendFractS <- object$params[["locTrendFract"]][indx]
    sigmaS <- object$params[["sigma"]][indx]
    offsetsigmaS <- object$params[["offsetSigma"]][indx]
    if (!is.null(lastSmoothedInnovSize)) {
      innovSize <- lastSmoothedInnovSize[indx] # we are not updating innovSize in simulation 
    } else if (!is.null(powx)) {
      powxS <- powx[indx]      
    #t=1; irun=1
    if (use.regression) {
      r=xreg %*% regCoefS + regOffsetS  #r = (xreg[t,:] * regCoef + regOffset)*USE_REGRESSION;	
    } else {
    if (seasonality > 1) { #seasonal
			if (object$levelMethodId>0) movingSum=movingSum0
      powSeasonS <- object$params[["powSeason"]][indx]
      if (fractSeasonality>0) {
      } else {
        sS[1:seasonality_int]=s[indx,(ncol(s)-seasonality_int):(ncol(s)-1)]  #last element is empty	
      if (seasonality2>1) {
        if (fractSeasonality2>0) {
        } else {
        powSeasonS2 <- object$params[["powSeason2"]][indx]
					if (object$levelMethodId>0) movingSum= movingSum0-sum(regFittedS[(length(regFittedS)-seasonality2_int+1):length(regFittedS)])
      } else {#SGT
				if(use.regression) {
					if (object$levelMethodId>0) movingSum= movingSum0-sum(regFittedS[(length(regFittedS)-seasonality_int+1):length(regFittedS)])	
      for (t in 1:h) {
        if (seasonality2>1) {
          if (is.null(powSeasonS)) {#multiplicative
            season <- sS[t]*sS2[t]
          } else {
            season <- sS[t]*abs(prevLevel)^powSeasonS + sS2[t]*abs(prevLevel)^powSeasonS2
        } else { #if (seasonality > 1) 
          if (is.null(powSeasonS)) {#multiplicative
            season <- sS[t]
          } else {#generalized
            season <- sS[t]*abs(prevLevel)^powSeasonS 
        if (is.null(powSeasonS)) {
					expVal <-(prevLevel + coefTrendS*abs(prevLevel)^powTrendS)* season + r[t];	
        } else {#generalized
          expVal <- prevLevel + coefTrendS*abs(prevLevel)^powTrendS + season + r[t];
        if (!is.null(powx)) {
          omega <- sigmaS*(abs(expVal))^powxS+offsetsigmaS
        } else if (!is.null(lastSmoothedInnovSize)) {
          omega <- sigmaS*innovSize + offsetsigmaS
        } else {
          omega <- sigmaS
        # Generate the t-dist error
        error <- rst(n=1, xi=0 ,omega=omega, alpha=0, nu=nuS)
        # Fill in the matrix of predicted value
        yf[irun,t] <- min(MAX_VAL,max(MIN_VAL,expVal+error))

        # find the currLevel
				if (is.null(powSeasonS)){
				} else {#generalized
        if (seasonality2>1) {
					if (object$levelMethodId>0) {
						if (t>seasonality2) {
						} else {
								movingSum=movingSum+(yf[irun,t]-r[t])-(object$x[length(object$x)+(t-seasonality2)]-regFittedS[length(regFittedS)+(t-seasonality2)]);    #
							} else {
								movingSum=movingSum+yf[irun,t]-object$x[length(object$x)+(t-seasonality2)];    #
					if (object$levelMethodId==0) {
						currLevel=max(MIN_VAL, levSmS*newLevelP + (1-levSmS)*prevLevel) ;
					} else if (object$levelMethodId==2) {
						currLevel=max(MIN_VAL, levSmS*movingSum/seasonality2+(1-levSmS)*prevLevel) ;
					} else {	# levelMethodId==3
						currLevel0=max(MIN_VAL, levSmS*newLevelP + (1-levSmS)*prevLevel0) ;
						currLevel=max(MIN_VAL, llevSmS*currLevel0 + (1-llevSmS)*movingSum/seasonality2) ;
        } else { #SGT
					if (object$levelMethodId>0) {
						if (t>seasonality) {
						} else {
								movingSum=movingSum+(yf[irun,t]-r[t])-(object$x[length(object$x)+(t-seasonality)]-regFittedS[length(regFittedS)+(t-seasonality)]);    #
							} else {
								movingSum=movingSum+yf[irun,t]-object$x[length(object$x)+(t-seasonality)];    #
					if (object$levelMethodId==0) {
						currLevel=max(MIN_VAL, levSmS*newLevelP + (1-levSmS)*prevLevel) ;
					} else if (object$levelMethodId==2) {
						currLevel=max(MIN_VAL, levSmS*movingSum/seasonality+(1-levSmS)*prevLevel) ;
					} else {	# levelMethodId==3
						currLevel0=max(MIN_VAL, levSmS*newLevelP + (1-levSmS)*prevLevel0) ;
						currLevel=max(MIN_VAL, llevSmS*currLevel0 + (1-llevSmS)*movingSum/seasonality) ;
        if (currLevel>MIN_VAL) {
          prevLevel <- currLevel
					if (object$levelMethodId==3 && currLevel0>MIN_VAL) {
				#we are just repeating, not updating seasonality
        if (fractSeasonality>0) {
          sS[t+seasonality_int+1] <- sS[t]
        } else {
          sS[t+seasonality_int] <- sS[t];
        if (seasonality2>1) {
          if (fractSeasonality2>0) {
            sS2[t+seasonality2_int+1] <- sS2[t]
          } else {
            sS2[t+seasonality2_int] <- sS2[t];	
      }	#through horizons
      # yf[irun,]
    } else { #nonseasonal
      for (t in 1:h) {
        if(object$model.type == "noglobal" || object$model.type == "ets") {
          expVal <- prevLevel + locTrendFractS * bS + r[t]
        } else {
          expVal <- prevLevel + coefTrendS*(abs(prevLevel)) ^ powTrendS + locTrendFractS * bS + r[t]
        if (!is.null(powx)) {
          omega <- sigmaS*(abs(expVal))^powxS+offsetsigmaS
        } else if (!is.null(lastSmoothedInnovSize)) {
          omega <- sigmaS * innovSize + offsetsigmaS
        } else {
          omega <- sigmaS
        if(object$model.type == "nostudent") {
          error <- rnorm(n=1, mean=0, sd=omega)
        } else if(object$model.type == "nohet") {
          error <- rst(n=1, xi=0, omega=offsetsigmaS, alpha=0, nu=nuS)
        } else if(object$model.type == "ets") {
          error <- rnorm(n=1, mean=0, sd=offsetsigmaS)
        } else {
          error <- rst(n=1, xi=0, omega=omega, alpha=0, nu=nuS)
        yf[irun,t] <- min(MAX_VAL,max(MIN_VAL, expVal + error))
        ## update level equation
        currLevel <- max(MIN_VAL, levSmS * (yf[irun,t]-r[t]) + (1-levSmS)*prevLevel) ;  #l[t] = levSm*(y[t]-r) + (1-levSm)*l[t-1]; 
        ## update trend equations
        if (currLevel>MIN_VAL){
          bS <- bSmS * (currLevel - prevLevel) + (1 - bSmS) * locTrendFractS * bS 
          prevLevel <- currLevel
      } # through horizons
    } # end of seasonal and non-seasonal split
    # extract the with regression components
  } #through trials (simulations)
  out$yf <- yf
  #' @importFrom stats quantile
  avgYfs <- apply(yf,2,quantile,probs=quantiles)
  #out$mean <- apply(yf, 2, mean)
  out$mean <- avgYfs[indexOfMedian,]  # Median is safer. We want to be compatible with Forecast package, but there Point Forecast==mean
  if (indexOfMedian > 1) {
    out$lower <- t(avgYfs[1:(indexOfMedian-1),])
    out$upper <- t(avgYfs[(indexOfMedian+1):(indexOfMedian+length(upperPercentiles)),])
  if (inherits(out$x,'msts') && !is.null(tspx)) {
    #' @importFrom forecast msts
    out$mean <- msts(out$mean, seasonal.periods=attributes(out$x)$msts, ts.frequency=tspx[3], start=start.f)  #it is better to get it from the input series and not rely on seasonality(2)  
    if (indexOfMedian > 1) {
      out$lower <- msts(out$lower, seasonal.periods=attributes(out$x)$msts, ts.frequency=tspx[3], start=start.f)
      out$upper <- msts(out$upper, seasonal.periods=attributes(out$x)$msts, ts.frequency=tspx[3], start=start.f)
  } else if (inherits(out$x,'ts') && !is.null(tspx)) {
    #' @importFrom stats ts
    out$mean <- ts(out$mean, frequency=seasonality, start=start.f) 
    if (indexOfMedian > 1) {
      out$lower <- ts(out$lower, frequency=seasonality, start=start.f)
      out$upper <- ts(out$upper, frequency=seasonality, start=start.f)
  out$level <- level
  #str(out, max.level=1)
  class(out) <- "forecast"

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Rlgt documentation built on Sept. 16, 2023, 1:08 a.m.