
Defines functions rexpsmooth.grid.sample.rho.gaussian.mix rexpsmooth.grid.sample.rho rexpsmooth.grid.sample.phi rexpsmooth.grid.sample.tau.phi blgt.expsmooth mgrad.ilogit mgrad.logit mgrad.Sample mgrad.tune mgrad.initialise blgt.sMAPE blgt.forecast bayes.exp.h.mh bayes.exp.L.mh bayes.exp.grid.sample blgt

# Bayesian exponential smoothing -- R/C++ implementation (no Stan needed)
# @title Fit a Bayesian exponential smoothing model
# @param y.full A vector containing the time series to smooth
# @param n.samples Number of posterior samples to generate.
# @param burnin Number of burn-in samples.
# @section Details:
# Draws a series of samples from the posterior distribution of a Bayesian exponential smoothing model.
# @return An object containing the results of the sampling process, plus some additional information.
#' @importFrom truncnorm rtruncnorm
#' @importFrom stats binomial glm predict rgamma rmultinom rt
# @examples 
# \dontrun{
## Build data and test
# library(Mcomp)
# M3.data <- subset(M3,"yearly")
# train.data = list()
# future.data = list()
# for (i in 1:645)
# {
#   train.data[[i]] = as.numeric(M3.data[[i]]$x)
#   future.data[[i]] = as.numeric(M3.data[[i]]$xx)  
# }
# ## Test -- change below to test more series
# w.series = 1:20
# # w.series = 1:645        # uncomment to test all series
# # use 10,000 posterior samples; change n.samples to 20,000 to test that as well if you want
# s = system.time({rv=blgt.multi.forecast(train.data[w.series], future.data[w.series], n.samples=1e4)})
# s                         # overall timing info
# s[[3]] / length(w.series) # per series time
# mean(rv$sMAPE)            # performance in terms of mean sMAPE
# mean(rv$InCI)/6           # coverage of prediction intervals -- should be close to 95%
# }
# @export
blgt <- function(y.full, burnin = 1e4, n.samples = 1e4, nu.prop = c(0.47,0.53,0.6,0.68,0.77,0.875,1,1.15,1.35,1.6,1.95, 2.4, 3, 4, 5.6, 8.84, 18.63, 1e3))
  # Process data
  max.y  = max(y.full)
  n.full = length(y.full)
  y      = y.full[2:length(y.full)]
  y.diff = y.full[2:length(y.full)] - y[1:(length(y.full)-1)] # TODO: Tell Daniel about probable error here
  n      = length(y)
  # Initialise variables
  b1        = y.diff[1]
  alpha     = 0.7
  beta      = 0.7
  rho       = 0.5
  rv.smooth = blgt.expsmooth(y.full, alpha, beta, y.full[1], 0)
  l         = rv.smooth$l[1:n]
  b         = rv.smooth$b[1:n]
  lambda2.w1 = 1
  lambda2.w2 = 1
  lambda2.b1 = 1
  phi        = 1
  tau        = 0
  chi2       = 0.5
  sigma2     = 0
  xi2        = 1
  nu         = 5
  omega2     = matrix(1, n, 1)
  ar         = 0
  e1         = 0
  l1         = y[1]
  e          = matrix(0, n, 1)
  # Hyperparameters
  max.y.diff = max(abs(y.diff))
  # Initialise weights with least-squares solution
  X     = matrix(0, n, 2)
  X[,1] = l^rho
  X[,2] = b
  w     = solve(t(X) %*% X, t(X) %*% (y-l))
  mu    = l + X %*% w
  # Sample storage
  rv = list()
  rv$n.samples = n.samples
  rv$sigma2    = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$xi2       = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$phi       = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$chi2      = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$w         = matrix(0, n.samples, 2)
  rv$alpha     = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$beta      = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$rho       = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$tau       = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$nu        = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$l1        = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$b1        = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$lt        = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$bt        = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$et        = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$L         = matrix(0, n.samples, 1)
  rv$y         = y.full
  mu.hat       = matrix(0, n, 1)
  l.hat        = matrix(0, n, 1)
  b.hat        = matrix(0, n, 1)
  theta        = c(mgrad.logit(alpha,c(0,1)), mgrad.logit(beta,c(0,1)));  
  # Sampling setup
  #theta = ...
  mh.tune.theta = mgrad.initialise(2, bayes.exp.L.mh, bayes.exp.h.mh, 75, 1e-20, 1e20, n.samples, burnin, F)
  #nu.prop  = seq(from = 4, to = 30, length.out = 20)
  #nu.prop = c(4, 5.6, 8.84, 18.63, 1e3)
  rho.prop = seq(from = -2, to = 0.9, length.out = 10)
  tau.prop = seq(from=-1, to=1, length.out=30)
  #tau.prop = -1
  #tau.prop = exp(seq(from=-3,to=0,length.out=30))
  phi.prop = seq(from=0, to=1, length.out=30)
  iter     = 0
  k        = 0
  tau = 0
  phi = 1
  # Hyperparameters
  sigma2.B     = 0
  sigma2.lv    = 1
  chi2.scale   = max.y/100
  w1.scale     = (max.y/100)
  w2.scale     = 1
  w1.delta     = 1
  w2.delta     = 1
  b1.scale     = max.y/100
  b1.delta     = 1
  sample.tau = F
  sample.phi = F
  # Precompute random variables
  rng.gam = matrix(0, burnin+n.samples, 5)
  rng.gam[,1] = rgamma(burnin + n.samples, shape = (w1.delta+1)/2, rate = 1)
  rng.gam[,2] = rgamma(burnin + n.samples, shape = (w2.delta+1)/2, rate = 1)
  rng.gam[,3] = rgamma(burnin + n.samples, shape = (b1.delta+1)/2, rate = 1)
  rng.gam[,4] = rgamma(burnin + n.samples, shape = (n)/2, rate = 1)
  rng.gam[,5] = rgamma(burnin + n.samples, shape = 1, rate = 1)
  # Main sampling loop
  while (k < n.samples)
    ## Noise model
    e[1]   = y[1] - mu[1] + ar*e1
    e[2:n] = (y[2:n] - mu[2:n]) + ar*(y[1:n-1]-mu[1:n-1])
    l2.tau = l^(2*tau)
    # Sample chi2
    v2   = phi^2 + (1-phi)^2*l2.tau
    V    = sum(e^2/v2/omega2)/2 + sigma2.B/2
    chi2 = V / rng.gam[iter+1,4]
    #chi2 = V / stats::rgamma(1, shape=n/2, scale=1)
    # If using half-Cauchy ...    
    #V = sum(e^2/v2/omega2)/2 + 1/sigma2.lv
    #chi2 = V / rng.gam[iter+1,4]
    #V = 1/chi2 + 1/chi2.scale^2
    #sigma2.lv = V / rng.gam[iter+1,5]
    # Sample the l.v.s
    #shape = (nu + 1)/2
    #scale = (e^2/(chi2*v2) + nu)/2
    #omega2 = as.matrix(1 / stats::rgamma(n, shape=shape, scale=1/scale), n, 1)
    omega2 = as.matrix( ((e^2/(chi2*v2) + nu)/2) / stats::rgamma(n, shape=(nu+1)/2, scale=1), n, 1)
    # Convert to xi2/sigma2
    xi2    = chi2*phi^2
    sigma2 = chi2*(1-phi)^2
    ## Sample nu
    logOmega2 = sum(log(omega2))
    OneOverOmega2 = sum(1/omega2)
    L.prop = -n*(nu.prop/2)*log(nu.prop/2) + (nu.prop/2+1)*logOmega2 + (nu.prop/2)*OneOverOmega2 + n*lgamma(nu.prop/2)
    #L.prop = L.prop - (2/2)*log( (nu.prop+1)/(nu.prop+3) ); 
    #L.prop = L.prop - (1/2)*log( psigamma(nu.prop/2,1) 
    #                - psigamma((nu.prop+1)/2, 1) - 2*(nu.prop+5)/nu.prop/(nu.prop+1)/(nu.prop+3) ); 
    nu = bayes.exp.grid.sample(nu.prop, L.prop)
    ## Linear combination model
    #l2.tau = l^(2*tau)
    v2 = omega2*(xi2 + l2.tau*sigma2)
    e  = y - l - w[2]*b
    l.rho = l^rho
    # Sample w(2)
    Q2 = lambda2.w1*w1.scale^2
    XY = sum(e*l.rho/v2)
    X2 = sum(l.rho^2/v2)
    mu.w = (Q2*XY)/(Q2*X2+1);
    s2.w = 1/(X2 + 1/Q2);
    w[1] = rnorm(1, mu.w, sqrt(s2.w))
    ## Sample w(2)
    e = y - l - l.rho*w[1]
    Q2 = lambda2.w2*w2.scale^2
    XY = sum(e*b/v2)
    X2 = sum(b^2/v2)
    mu.w = (Q2*XY)/(Q2*X2+1);
    s2.w = 1/(X2+1/Q2);
    w[2] = rtruncnorm(1, a=-100, b=1, mean=mu.w, sd=sqrt(s2.w))
    # Form mu
    mu   = l + l.rho*w[1] + b*w[2]
    # Cauchy for w(1) and w(2)
    lambda2.w1 = (w[1]^2/2/w1.scale^2 + w1.delta/2) / rng.gam[iter+1,1]
    lambda2.w2 = (w[2]^2/2/w2.scale^2 + w2.delta/2) / rng.gam[iter+1,2]
    ## Sample b1
    db.db1  = (1-beta)^(0:(n-1))
    dmu.db1 = w[2]*db.db1
    g       = sum(-(y-mu)*dmu.db1/v2)
    H       = sum(dmu.db1^2/v2)
    Q2      = lambda2.b1*b1.scale^2
    mu.b1   = Q2*(H*b1 - g)/(H*Q2 + 1)
    s2.b1   = 1/(H + 1/Q2)
    # Sample b1 & lambda2.b1
    b1 = rnorm(1, mu.b1, sd=sqrt(s2.b1))
    lambda2.b1 = ((b1^2/b1.scale^2 + b1.delta)/2) / rng.gam[iter+1,3]
    ## Sample alpha/beta
    approx.c  = c(1,1) * 12
    approx.mu = 0
    rv.sample = mgrad.Sample(theta, approx.c, y.full, mh.tune.theta, w, sigma2, xi2, omega2, nu, tau, b1, rho, ar, e1, approx.mu)
    if (rv.sample$accept)    
      alpha = mgrad.ilogit(rv.sample$theta[1]+approx.mu,c(0,1))$x
      beta  = mgrad.ilogit(rv.sample$theta[2]+approx.mu,c(0,1))$x
    mh.tune.theta = rv.sample$tune
    theta   = rv.sample$theta
    # Update
    rv.smooth = blgt.expsmooth(y.full, alpha, beta, l1, b1)
    lt = rv.smooth$l[n.full]
    bt = rv.smooth$b[n.full]
    l  = rv.smooth$l[1:n]
    b  = rv.smooth$b[1:n]
    # Sample tau
    log.l = log(l)
    e = y - l - l^rho*w[1] - b*w[2]
    if (sample.tau)
      P = matrix(0, length(tau.prop), 2)
      P[,1] = phi
      P[,2] = tau.prop
      tau = rexpsmooth.grid.sample.tau.phi(P,chi2,e,log.l,omega2,nu)[2]
    # Sample phi
    if (sample.phi)
      P = matrix(0, length(phi.prop), 2)
      P[,1] = phi.prop
      P[,2] = tau
      phi = rexpsmooth.grid.sample.tau.phi(P,chi2,e,log.l,omega2,nu)[1]
    ## Sample rho
    log.l   = log(l)
    rho = rexpsmooth.grid.sample.rho(rho.prop, y-l-w[2]*b, xi2+sigma2*exp(log.l*2*tau), log.l, w[1], nu)$theta
    ## Store sample
    iter = iter+1
    if (iter > burnin)
      k = k+1
      # Store
      rv$sigma2[k] = sigma2
      rv$xi2[k]    = xi2
      rv$w[k,]     = w
      rv$alpha[k]  = alpha
      rv$beta[k]   = beta
      rv$rho[k]    = rho
      rv$tau[k]    = tau
      rv$nu[k]     = nu
      rv$phi[k]    = phi
      rv$chi2[k]   = chi2
      rv$b1[k]     = b1
      rv$lt[k]     = lt
      rv$bt[k]     = bt
      rv$et[k]     = e[n]

# Simple grid sample
bayes.exp.grid.sample <- function(theta.prop, L.prop)
  p.prop = exp(-L.prop + min(L.prop))
  theta.prop[which(rmultinom(1, 1, p.prop)==1)]

# Likelihood for alpha & beta
# @export
bayes.exp.L.mh <- function(theta, y.full, L.stats, aux.stats, w, sigma2, xi2, omega2, nu, tau, b1, rho, ar, e1, approx.mu)
  n.full = length(y.full)
  n      = n.full-1
  # Extract parameters
  alpha = mgrad.ilogit(theta[1]+approx.mu,c(0,1))$x
  beta  = mgrad.ilogit(theta[2]+approx.mu,c(0,1))$x
  l1 = y.full[1]
  y  = y.full[2:n.full]
  rv = blgt.expsmooth(y.full, alpha, beta, l1, b1)
  # Compute the likelihood of the new model
  l = rv$l[1:n]
  b = rv$b[1:n]
  mu = l + l^rho*w[1] + b*w[2]
  e = y - mu
  v2 = xi2 + sigma2*l^(2*tau)
  #E = [e(1) + e1*ar(1); e(2:end) + e(1:end-1)*ar(1)];
  E = matrix(0,length(l),1)
  E[1]   = e[1] + e1*ar
  E[2:n] = e[2:n] + e[1:n-1]*ar
  q = e^2/nu/v2 + 1
  L = (nu+1)/2*sum(log(q)) + (1/2)*sum(log(v2))
  ## Gradients
  # Gradient of neg-log-likelihood
  #de2.dbeta  = -2*rv$db_dbeta[1:n]*w[2]*e
  #de2.dalpha = 2*(-rv$db_dalpha[1:n]*w[2] - l^(rho-1)*rv$dl_dalpha[1:n]*rho*w[1] - rv$dl_dalpha[1:n])*e
  #A = (nu+1)/2
  #G = nu*xi2
  #dL.dbeta  = A*de2.dbeta / (G*(e^2/G+1))
  #dL.dalpha = A*de2.dalpha / (G*(e^2/G+1))
  #g = c(0,0)
  #g[1] = sum(dL.dalpha)
  #g[2] = sum(dL.dbeta)
  #g[1] = g[1] * exp(theta[1]) / (exp(theta[1]) + 1)^2
  #g[2] = g[2] * exp(theta[2]) / (exp(theta[2]) + 1)^2
  # Gradients of neg-log-prior
  #a = 1;
  #b = 1/2;
  #sum((b+a)*log(exp(theta[1:2])+1) - a*theta[1:2])
  #g = g + (a+b)*exp(theta[1:2]) / (exp(theta[1:2])+1) - a/theta[1:2]
  # Gradients of approx. prior
  #g = g - theta[1:2]/approx.c
  #L = sum(e^2/v2)/2 + (1/2)*sum(log(v2))
  # Gradient for alpha
  list(L = L, g = c(0,0), L.stats = rv, aux.stats = NULL)

# Prior for alpha & beta
# @export
bayes.exp.h.mh <- function(theta)
  # Beta prior on (alpha,beta)
  a = 1;
  b = 1/2;
  sum((b+a)*log(exp(theta[1:2])+1) - a*theta[1:2])

# Forecast
# @export
blgt.forecast <- function(rv, h, ns = 1e6)
  # Sample
  n = length(rv$y)
  n.samples = rv$n.samples
  I = sample(n.samples, ns, replace=T)
  yp = matrix(rv$y[n], ns, 1)
  yf = matrix(0, ns, h)
  # Initialise
  bS = rv$bt[I]
  prev.level = rv$lt[I]
  error = rv$et[I]
  # Forecast
  for (i in 1:h)
    l = prev.level
    exp.val = l + rv$w[I,1]*l^rv$rho[I] + rv$w[I,2]*bS
    scale = sqrt(rv$xi2[I] + rv$sigma2[I]*l^(2*rv$tau[I]))
    e = rt(ns, rv$nu[I]) * scale
    yf[,i] = pmax(pmin(exp.val + e, 1e38), 1e-30)    
    cur.level = pmax(1e-30, rv$alpha[I]*yf[,i] + (1-rv$alpha[I])*prev.level)
    bS = rv$beta[I]*(cur.level-prev.level) + (1-rv$beta[I])*bS
    prev.level = cur.level
  # Return forecasts
  list(yf.med  = apply(yf, 2, function(x){quantile(x,0.5)}),
       yf.CI05 = apply(yf, 2, function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}),
       yf.CI95 = apply(yf, 2, function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}),
       yf      = yf)

# Compute the sMAPE
# @export
blgt.sMAPE <- function(yp, yt)
  mean( abs(yp - yt)/(yp + yt) )*200

# @export
# blgt.multi.forecast <- function(train, future, n.samples = 2e4, burnin = 1e4, parallel = T, nu.prop = c(0.47,0.53,0.6,0.68,0.77,0.875,1,1.15,1.35,1.6,1.95,2.4,3,4,5.6,8.84,18.63,1e3))
# {
#   # 
#   n.cores = Inf
#   n.series = length(train)
#   # If parallel 
#   if (parallel)
#   {
#     # Find out how many cores are available
#     n.available.cores = parallel::detectCores()[1] - 1
#     if (is.na(n.cores))
#     {
#       n.cores = n.available.cores
#     }
#     n.cores = min(n.available.cores, n.cores)
#     # If more than one core available
#     if (n.cores > 1)
#     {
#       #n.samples = ceiling(n.samples/n.cores)
#       ix = list()
#       q = ceiling(n.series/n.cores)
#       j = 1
#       for (i in 1:n.cores)
#       {
#         if (i < n.cores)
#         {
#           ix[[i]] = (j:(j+q-1))
#         }
#         else
#         {
#           ix[[i]] = (j:n.series)
#         }
#         j = j +q;
#       }
#     }
#     else
#     {
#       warning('Only 1 additional core available -- no parallelisation will occur')
#     }
#   }
#   else
#   {
#     n.cores = 1
#   }
#   # Main sampling loop
#   if (n.cores > 1)
#   {  
#     # Register a cluster 
#     cores   = parallel::detectCores()
#     cluster = parallel::makeCluster(n.cores)
#     doParallel::registerDoParallel(cluster)
#     # Sample each chain    
#     rv.p = foreach::foreach(i=1:n.cores, .packages=c("rexpsmooth","truncnorm")) %dopar%
#       {
#         rv = vector("list", length(ix[[i]]))
#         rv$sMAPE = rep(0, length(ix[[i]]))
#         rv$InCI  = rep(0, length(ix[[i]]))
#         for (j in 1:length(ix[[i]]))
#         {
#           k = ix[[i]][j]
#           rv[[j]] = list()
#           rv[[j]]$model    = blgt(train[[k]], burnin = burnin, n.samples = n.samples, nu.prop = nu.prop)
#           rv[[j]]$forecast = blgt.forecast(rv[[j]]$model,length(future[[k]]),1e5)
#           rv[[j]]$sMAPE    = blgt.sMAPE(rv[[j]]$forecast$yf.med, future[[k]])
#           rv[[j]]$InCI     = sum( (future[[k]] > rv[[j]]$forecast$yf.CI05) & (future[[k]] < rv[[j]]$forecast$yf.CI95) )
#         }
#         rv
#       }
#     # Done -- close the cluster
#     parallel::stopCluster(cluster)
#   } 
#   ## Single core
#   else
#   {
#     rv = list()
#     rv$model = vector("list", n.series)
#     rv$forecast = vector("list", n.series)
#     rv$sMAPE = rep(0, n.series)
#     rv$InCI  = rep(0, n.series)
#     for (j in 1:n.series)
#     {
#       rv$model[[j]]    = blgt(train[[j]], burnin = burnin, n.samples = n.samples, nu.prop = nu.prop)
#       rv$forecast[[j]] = blgt.forecast(rv$model[[j]],length(future[[j]]),1e5)
#       rv$sMAPE[j]      = blgt.sMAPE(rv$forecast[[j]]$yf.med, future[[j]])
#       rv$InCI[j]       = sum( (future[[j]] > rv$forecast[[j]]$yf.CI05) & (future[[j]] < rv$forecast[[j]]$yf.CI95) )
#     }
#   }  
#   # If multiple cores, repack into one list
#   if (n.cores > 1)
#   {
#     rv = list()
#     rv$model = vector("list", n.series)
#     rv$forecast = vector("list", n.series)
#     rv$sMAPE = rep(0, n.series)
#     rv$InCI  = rep(0, n.series)
#     for (i in 1:n.cores)
#     {
#       for (j in 1:length(ix[[i]]))
#       {
#         k = ix[[i]][j]
#         rv$model[[k]] = rv.p[[i]][[j]]$model
#         rv$forecast[[k]] = rv.p[[i]][[j]]$forecast
#         rv$sMAPE[k] = rv.p[[i]][[j]]$sMAPE
#         rv$InCI[k] = rv.p[[i]][[j]]$InCI
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   rv
# }

#function tune = mgrad_Initialise(p, L, h, window, delta_min, delta_max, nsamples, burnin, display)
# #' @export
mgrad.initialise <- function(p, L, h, window, delta.min, delta.max, n.samples, burnin, display)
  # Create a tuning object containing relevant data
  tune = list()
  # Likelihood and prior functions
  tune$p         = p
  tune$L         = L
  tune$L.stats   = NULL
  tune$aux.stats = NULL
  tune$h         = h
  # Step-size setup
  tune$M         = 0
  tune$window    = window
  tune$delta.max = delta.max;
  tune$delta.min = delta.min;
  # Start in phase 1
  tune$iter             = 0
  tune$n.samples        = n.samples
  tune$burnin           = burnin
  tune$W.phase          = 1
  tune$W.burnin         = 0
  tune$n.burnin.windows = floor(burnin/window)
  tune$m.window         = rep(0, tune$n.burnin.windows)
  tune$n.window         = rep(0, tune$n.burnin.windows)
  tune$delta.window     = rep(0, tune$n.burnin.windows)
  tune$display          = display
  tune$phase.cnt       = c(0,0)
  tune$M               = 0
  tune$D               = 0
  tune$b.tune          = NULL
  # Start at the maximum delta (phase 1)
  tune$delta           = delta.max

# #' @export
mgrad.tune <- function(tune)
  #MH_TUNE update tuning parameters for a Metropolis-Hastings sampler
  #   tune = mh_Tune(...) updates the adaptive step-size for a 
  #   Metropolis-Hastings sampler
  #   The input arguments are:
  #       tune   - [1 x 1] a Metropolis-Hastings tuning structure
  #   Return values:
  #       tune   - [1 x 1] updated Metropolis-Hastings tuning structure
  #   (c) Copyright Enes Makalic and Daniel F. Schmidt, 2020
  DELTA.MAX   = exp(80)
  DELTA.MIN   = exp(-40)
  NUM.PHASE.1 = 15
  # Perform a tuning step, if necessary
  if ( (tune$iter %% tune$window) == 0)
    # Store the measured acceptance probability
    tune$W.burnin                    = tune$W.burnin + 1;
    tune$delta.window[tune$W.burnin] = log(tune$delta);
    tune$m.window[tune$W.burnin]     = tune$M+1
    tune$n.window[tune$W.burnin]     = tune$D+2
    # If in phase 1, we are exploring the space uniformly
    if (tune$W.phase == 1)
      tune$phase.cnt[1] = tune$phase.cnt[1]+1;
      #d = linspace(log(DELTA_MIN),log(DELTA_MAX),NUM_PHASE_1);
      d = seq(log(DELTA.MIN), log(DELTA.MAX), length.out = NUM.PHASE.1)
      tune$delta = exp(d[tune$phase.cnt[1]]);
      if (tune$delta < tune$delta.min)
        tune$delta.min = tune$delta
      if (tune$delta > tune$delta.max)
        tune$delta.max = tune$delta
      # If we have exhausted 
      if (tune$phase.cnt[1] == NUM.PHASE.1)
        tune$W.phase = 2
    # Else in phase 2, we are probing randomly guided by model
    else {
      tune$phase.cnt[2] = tune$phase.cnt[2]+1
      # Fit a logistic regression to the response and generate new random probe point
      #tune$b.tune = glmfit(tune.delta_window(1:tune.W_burnin), [tune.m_window(1:tune.W_burnin), tune.n_window(1:tune.W_burnin)], 'binomial');
      YY          = matrix(c(tune$m.window[1:tune$W.burnin], tune$n.window[1:tune$W.burnin]), tune$W.burnin, 2)
      tune$b.tune = suppressWarnings(glm(y ~ x, data=data.frame(y=YY[,1]/YY[,2],x=tune$delta.window[1:tune$W.burnin]), family=binomial, weights=YY[,2]))
      probe.p     = runif(1)*0.7 + 0.15
      tune$delta  = exp( -(log(1/probe.p-1) + tune$b.tune$coefficients[1])/tune$b.tune$coefficients[2] )
      tune$delta  = min(tune$delta, DELTA.MAX);
      tune$delta  = max(tune$delta, DELTA.MIN);
      if (tune$delta > tune$delta.max)
        tune$delta.max = tune$delta
      else if (tune$delta < tune$delta.min)
        tune$delta.min = tune$delta
      if (tune$delta == tune$delta.max || tune$delta == tune$delta.min)
        tune$delta = exp(runif(1)*(log(tune$delta.max) - log(tune$delta.min)) + log(tune$delta.min))
    tune$M = 0
    tune$D = 0
  # If we have reached last sample of burn-in, select a suitable delta
  if (tune$iter == tune$burnin)
    # If the algorithm has not grown and shrunk delta, give an error
    if (tune$phase.cnt[2] < 100)
      #error('Metropolis-Hastings sampler has not explored the step-size space sufficiently; please increase the number of burnin samples');
    #tune$b.tune = glmfit(tune.delta_window(1:tune.W_burnin), [tune.m_window(1:tune.W_burnin), tune.n_window(1:tune.W_burnin)], 'binomial');
    YY          = matrix(c(tune$m.window[1:tune$W.burnin], tune$n.window[1:tune$W.burnin]), tune$W.burnin, 2)
    tune$b.tune = suppressWarnings(glm(y ~ x, data=data.frame(y=YY[,1]/YY[,2],x=tune$delta.window[1:tune$W.burnin]), family=binomial, weights=YY[,2]))
    # Select the final delta to use
    tune$delta  = exp( -(log(1/0.55-1) + tune$b.tune$coefficients[1])/tune$b.tune$coefficients[2] )
    #if (tune.delta == 0 || isinf(tune.delta))
    #    tune.delta = log(tune.delta_max)/2;
    if (tune$display)
      df = data.frame(log.delta=tune$delta.window[1:tune$W.burnin], p=YY[,1]/YY[,2])
      df.2 = data.frame(y=predict(tune$b.tune,newdata=data.frame(x=seq(log(tune$delta.min)-5,log(tune$delta.max)+5,length.out=100)),type="response"), x=seq(log(tune$delta.min)-5,log(tune$delta.max)+5,length.out=100))
      #print(ggplot(df, aes(x=log.delta,y=p)) + geom_point() + geom_line(data=df.2,aes(x=x,y=y,color="red")) + labs(title=paste("mGrad Burnin Tuning: Final delta = ", sprintf("%.3g",tune$delta), sep=""), x="log(delta)", y="Estimated Probability of Acceptance") + theme(legend.position = "none"))
      # Produce a diagonostic plot
      #plot(tune.delta_window, tune.m_window./tune.n_window, '.');
      #hold on;
      #de = linspace(log(tune.delta_min)-5, log(tune.delta_max)+5);
      #plot(de, 1./(1+exp(-(de*tune.b_tune(2) + tune.b_tune(1)))), 'LineWidth', 1.5);
      #grid on;
      #ylabel('Estimated Acceptance Probabi lity','Interpreter','Latex');
      #xlim([log(tune.delta_min), log(tune.delta_max)]);
      #title(sprintf('mGrad Burnin Tuning: Final $\\delta=%.3g$', tune.delta),'Interpreter','Latex');
  # Done

# #' @export
mgrad.Sample <- function(theta, c, data, tune, ...)
  # Generate the proposal
  L = tune$L(theta, data, tune$L.stats, tune$aux.stats, ...)
  tune$L.stats = L$L.stats
  tune$aux.stats = L$aux.stats
  #[L, g, tune.Lstats, tune.auxstats] = tune.L(theta, data, tune.Lstats, tune.auxstats, varargin{:});
  delta.p = rep(1,tune$p) * tune$delta
  # Proposal
  prop.v  = c*delta.p*(4*c + delta.p)/(2*c + delta.p)^2
  prop.mu = c*(delta.p*-L$g + 2*theta)/(2*c + delta.p)
  # theta_new = normrnd( prop_mu, sqrt(prop_v) );
  #theta.new = randn(tune.p,1).*sqrt(prop_v) + prop_mu;
  theta.new = rnorm(tune$p) * sqrt(prop.v) + prop.mu
  #L.new = tune.L(theta.new, data, NA, tune$aux.stats, varargin{:});
  L.new = tune$L(theta.new, data, NULL, tune$aux.stats, ...)
  delta.new = rep(1,tune$p) * tune$delta
  prop.mu.new = c*(delta.new * -L.new$g + 2*theta.new)/(2*c + delta.new)
  # Accept/reject?
  # Log-priors
  L.h     = tune$h(theta)
  L.h.new = tune$h(theta.new)
  # Log-proposals
  L.prop = sum( (theta.new - prop.mu)^2/2/prop.v );
  L.prop.new = sum( (theta - prop.mu.new)^2/2/prop.v );  
  accept = F
  tune$D = tune$D + 1
  d = L.new$L + L.h.new + L.prop.new - L$L - L.h - L.prop
  if (is.nan(d))
    # Check which element is 'nan' and report an error
    if (is.nan(L.new$L))
      stop("Likelihood at new proposal is NaN")
    if (is.nan(L.prop.new))
      stop("L.prop.new is NaN -- likely that gradients are NaN")
  if (runif(1) < exp( - (L.new$L + L.h.new + L.prop.new - L$L - L.h - L.prop) ))
    theta = theta.new
    tune$L.stats = L.new$L.stats
    tune$aux.stats = L.new$aux.stats
    #fprintf('Diff=%g; L_old = %g; L_new=%g; L_prop=%g; L_prop_new=%g\n', exp(-(L_new + L_h_new + L_prop_new - L - L_h - L_prop)), L, L_new, L_prop, L_prop_new);
    accept = T
    tune$M = tune$M + 1
  # Are we tuning?
  tune$iter = tune$iter + 1
  if (tune$iter <= tune$burnin)
    tune = mgrad.tune(tune)
  # Return values
  rv = list()
  rv$theta  = theta
  rv$tune   = tune
  rv$accept = accept
  if (accept)
    rv$L = L.new$L
    rv$L = L$L

# #' @export
mgrad.logit <- function(x, bnds)
  # Map to (0,1)
  x = (x-bnds[1]) / (bnds[2]-bnds[1])
  # Map to (-inf, +inf)

# #' @export
mgrad.ilogit <- function(x, bnds)
  # Map to (0,1)
  y = exp(x)/(exp(x)+1)
  y = (y+1e-16)/(1+2e-16)
  # Map to [bnds(1), bnds(2)]
  rv = list()
  rv$x = y * (bnds[2]-bnds[1]) + bnds[1]
  rv$g = (bnds[2]-bnds[1]) * exp(x)/(exp(x)+1)^2

# @export
blgt.expsmooth <- function(y, alpha, beta, l1, b1)

# #' @export
rexpsmooth.grid.sample.tau.phi <- function(theta.prop, chi2, e, log.l, omega2, nu)
  rcpp_GridSampleTauPhi(theta.prop, runif(1), chi2, e, log.l, omega2, nu)

# #' @export
rexpsmooth.grid.sample.phi <- function(phi.prop, chi2, tau, e, logl, nu)
  rcpp_GridSamplePhi(phi.prop, runif(1), chi2, tau, e, logl, nu)

# #' @export
rexpsmooth.grid.sample.rho <- function(rho.prop, ytilde, chi2, log.l, w1, nu, rho.scale = NULL)
  if (is.null(rho.scale))
    rho.scale = rep(1, length(rho.prop))
  rcpp_GridSampleRho(rho.prop, runif(1), ytilde, chi2, log.l, w1, nu, rho.scale)

# #' @export
rexpsmooth.grid.sample.rho.gaussian.mix <- function(rho.prop, ytilde, v2, log.l, w1)
  rcpp_GridSampleRhoGaussianMix(rho.prop, runif(1), ytilde, v2, log.l, w1)

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