
Defines functions ddigamma GEVFamily .define.tau.Dtau .pretreat.of.interest .warningGEVShapeLarge

Documented in GEVFamily

## Class: GEVFamily for positive shape

### some reusable blocks of code (to avoid redundancy):

.warningGEVShapeLarge <- function(xi){
    warning("A shape estimate larger than 4.5 was produced.\n",
            "Shape parameter values larger than 4.5 are critical\n",
            "in the GEV family as to numerical issues. Be careful with \n",
            "ALE results obtained here; they might be unreliable.")

### pretreatment of of.interest
.pretreat.of.interest <- function(of.interest,trafo,withMu=FALSE){
        of.interest <- unique(of.interest)
        if(!withMu && length(of.interest) > 2)
            stop("A maximum number of two parameters resp. parameter transformations may be selected.")
        if(withMu && length(of.interest) > 3)
            stop("A maximum number of three parameters resp. parameter transformations may be selected.")
        if(!withMu && !all(of.interest %in% c("scale", "shape", "quantile", "expected loss", "expected shortfall")))
            stop("Parameters resp. transformations of interest have to be selected from: ",
                "'scale', 'shape', 'quantile', 'expected loss', 'expected shortfall'.")
        if(withMu && !all(of.interest %in% c("loc", "scale", "shape", "quantile", "expected loss", "expected shortfall")))
            stop("Parameters resp. transformations of interest have to be selected from: ",
                "'loc', 'scale', 'shape', 'quantile', 'expected loss', 'expected shortfall'.")

        ## reordering of of.interest
        muAdd <- 0
        if(withMu & "loc" %in% of.interest){
           muAdd <- 1
           muWhich <- which(of.interest=="loc")
           notmuWhich <- which(!of.interest %in% "loc")
           of.interest <- of.interest[c(muWhich,notmuWhich)]
        if(("scale" %in% of.interest) && ("scale" != of.interest[1+muAdd])){
            of.interest[2+muAdd] <- of.interest[1+muAdd]
            of.interest[1+muAdd] <- "scale"
        if(!("scale" %in% of.interest) && ("shape" %in% of.interest) && ("shape" != of.interest[1+muAdd])){
            of.interest[2+muAdd] <- of.interest[1+muAdd]
            of.interest[1+muAdd] <- "shape"
        if(!any(c("scale", "shape") %in% of.interest) && ("quantile" %in% of.interest)
          && ("quantile" != of.interest[1+muAdd])){
            of.interest[2+muAdd] <- of.interest[1+muAdd]
            of.interest[1+muAdd] <- "quantile"
        if(!any(c("scale", "shape", "quantile") %in% of.interest)
          && ("expected shortfall" %in% of.interest)
          && ("expected shortfall" != of.interest[1+muAdd])){
            of.interest[2+muAdd] <- of.interest[1+muAdd]
            of.interest[1+muAdd] <- "expected shortfall"

.define.tau.Dtau <- function(of.interest, btq, bDq, btes,
                     bDes, btel, bDel, p, N){
        tau <- NULL
        if("scale" %in% of.interest){
            tau <- function(theta){ th <- theta[1]; names(th) <- "scale";  th}
            Dtau <- function(theta){ D <- t(c(1, 0)); rownames(D) <- "scale"; D}
        if("shape" %in% of.interest){
               tau <- function(theta){th <- theta[2]; names(th) <- "shape"; th}
               Dtau <- function(theta){D <- t(c(0,1));rownames(D) <- "shape";D}
                tau <- function(theta){th <- theta
                            names(th) <- c("scale", "shape"); th}
                Dtau <- function(theta){ D <- diag(2);
                            rownames(D) <- c("scale", "shape");D}
        if("quantile" %in% of.interest){
            if(is.null(p)) stop("Probability 'p' has to be specified.")
                tau <- function(theta){ }; body(tau) <- btq
                Dtau <- function(theta){ };body(Dtau) <- bDq
                tau1 <- tau
                tau <- function(theta){ }
                body(tau) <- substitute({ btq0
                                          th0 <- tau0(theta)
                                          th <- c(th0, q)
                                          names(th) <- c(names(th0),"quantile")
                                         }, list(btq0=btq, tau0 = tau1))
                Dtau1 <- Dtau
                Dtau <- function(theta){}
                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDq0
                                           D0 <- Dtau0(theta)
                                           D1 <- rbind(D0, D)
                                           rownames(D1) <- c(rownames(D0),"quantile")
                                           }, list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDq0 = bDq))
        if("expected shortfall" %in% of.interest){
            if(is.null(p)) stop("Probability 'p' has to be specified.")
                tau <- function(theta){ };  body(tau) <- btes
                Dtau <- function(theta){ }; body(Dtau) <- bDes
                tau1 <- tau
                tau <- function(theta){ }
                body(tau) <- substitute({ btes0
                                          th0 <- tau0(theta)
                                          th <- c(th0, es)
                                          names(th) <- c(names(th0),"expected shortfall")
                                          th}, list(tau0 = tau1, btes0=btes))
                Dtau1 <- Dtau
                Dtau <- function(theta){}
                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDes0
                                           D0 <- Dtau0(theta)
                                           D1 <- rbind(D0, D)
                                           rownames(D1) <- c(rownames(D0),"expected shortfall")
                                           D1}, list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDes0=bDes))
        if("expected loss" %in% of.interest){
            if(is.null(N)) stop("Expected frequency 'N' has to be specified.")
                tau <- function(theta){ }; body(tau) <- btel
                Dtau <- function(theta){ }; body(Dtau) <- bDel
                tau1 <- tau
                tau <- function(theta){ }
                body(tau) <- substitute({ btel0
                                          th0 <- tau0(theta)
                                          th <- c(th0, el)
                                          names(th) <- c(names(th0),"expected los")
                                          th}, list(tau0 = tau1, btel0=btel))
                Dtau1 <- Dtau
                Dtau <- function(theta){}
                body(Dtau) <- substitute({ bDel0
                                           D0 <- Dtau0(theta)
                                           D1 <- rbind(D0, D)
                                           rownames(D1) <- c(rownames(D0),"expected loss")
                                           D1}, list(Dtau0 = Dtau1, bDel0=bDel))
        trafo <- function(x){ list(fval = tau(x), mat = Dtau(x)) }

## methods
           function(object, param, tol =.Machine$double.eps){
             if (is(param, "ParamFamParameter")) 
                 param <- main(param)
             if (!all(is.finite(param))) 
             if (any(param[1] <= tol)) 
             if(object@param@withPosRestr) if (any(param[2] <= tol))
             if (any(param[2] <= -1/2))

## generating function 
## loc: known/fixed threshold/location parameter
## scale: scale parameter
## shape: shape parameter
## trafo: optional parameter transformation
## start0Est: startEstimator for MLE and MDE --- if NULL HybridEstimator is used;

GEVFamily <- function(loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.5,
                          of.interest = c("scale", "shape"),
                          p = NULL, N = NULL, trafo = NULL,
                          start0Est = NULL, withPos = TRUE,
                          secLevel = 0.7,
                          withCentL2 = FALSE,
                          withL2derivDistr  = FALSE,
                          withMDE = FALSE,
                          ..ignoreTrafo = FALSE,
                          ..withWarningGEV = TRUE){
    theta <- c(loc, scale, shape)
    of.interest <- .pretreat.of.interest(of.interest,trafo)

    distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()

    ## parameters
    names(theta) <- c("loc", "scale", "shape")
    scaleshapename <- c("scale"="scale", "shape"="shape")

    btq <- bDq <- btes <- bDes <- btel <- bDel <- NULL
       btq <- substitute({ q <- loc0 + theta[1]*((-log(p0))^(-theta[2])-1)/theta[2]
                           names(q) <- "quantile"
                           }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))

       bDq <- substitute({ scale <- theta[1];  shape <- theta[2]
                        D1 <- ((-log(p0))^(-shape)-1)/shape
                        D2 <- -scale/shape*(D1 + log(-log(p0))*(-log(p0))^(-shape))
                        D <- t(c(D1, D2))
                        rownames(D) <- "quantile"; colnames(D) <- NULL
                        D }, list(p0 = p))
       btes <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){
                            warning("Expected value is infinite for shape > 1")
                            es <- NA
                            pg <- pgamma(-log(p0),1-theta[2], lower.tail = TRUE)
                            es <- theta[1] * (gamma(1-theta[2]) * pg/ (1-p0) - 1 )/
                                   theta[2]  + loc0 }
                            names(es) <- "expected shortfall"
                            es }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
       bDes <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){ D1 <- D2 <- NA} else {
                            scale <- theta[1]; shape <- theta[2]
                            pg <- pgamma(-log(p0), 1-theta[2], lower.tail = TRUE)
                            dd <- ddigamma(-log(p0),1-theta[2])
                            g0 <- gamma(1-theta[2])
                            D1 <- (g0*pg/(1-p0)-1)/theta[2]
                            D21 <- D1/theta[2]
                            D22 <- dd/(1-p0)/theta[2]
                            D2 <- -theta[1]*(D21+D22)}
                            D <- t(c(D1, D2))
                            rownames(D) <- "expected shortfall"
                            colnames(D) <- NULL
                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, p0 = p))
       btel <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){
                            warning("Expected value is infinite for shape > 1")
                            el <- NA
                            el <- N0*(loc0+theta[1]*(gamma(1-theta[2])-1)/theta[2])}
                            names(el) <- "expected loss"
                            el }, list(loc0 = loc,N0 = N))
       bDel <- substitute({ if(theta[2]>=1L){ D1 <- D2 <- NA}else{
                            scale <- theta[1]; shape <- theta[2]
                            ga <- gamma(1-shape)
                            D1 <- N0*(ga-1)/shape
                            D2 <- -N0*scale*ga*digamma(1-shape)/shape-
                            D <- t(c(D1, D2))
                            rownames(D) <- "expected loss"
                            colnames(D) <- NULL
                            D }, list(loc0 = loc, N0 = N))

    fromOfInt <- FALSE
    if(is.null(trafo)||..ignoreTrafo){fromOfInt <- TRUE
       trafo <- .define.tau.Dtau(of.interest, btq, bDq, btes, bDes,
                                 btel, bDel, p, N)
    }else if(is.matrix(trafo) & nrow(trafo) > 2)
           stop("number of rows of 'trafo' > 2")
    param <- ParamFamParameter(name = "theta", main = c(theta[2],theta[3]),
                               fixed = theta[1],
                               trafo = trafo, withPosRestr = withPos,
                               .returnClsName ="ParamWithScaleAndShapeFamParameter")

    ## distribution
    distribution <- GEV(loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)

    ## starting parameters
    startPar <- function(x,...){
        mu <- theta[1]
        n <- length(x)
        epsn <- min(floor(secLevel*sqrt(n))+1,n)

        ## Pickand estimator
        ### replaced 20140402: CvMMDE-with xi on Grid
        ### replaced 20140402:
        #   PF <- GEVFamily(loc = theta[1], scale = theta[2], shape = theta[3])
        #   e1 <- PickandsEstimator(x,ParamFamily=PF)
        #   e0 <- estimate(e1)
           e0 <- .getBetaXiGEV(x=x, mu=mu, xiGrid=.getXiGrid(), withPos=withPos, withMDE=withMDE)
              e1 <- start0Est(x, ...)
              e0 <-  if(is(e1,"Estimate")) estimate(e1) else e1
           }else stop("Argument 'start0Est' must be a function or NULL.")
               e0 <- e0[c("scale", "shape")]
#        print(e0); print(str(x)); print(head(summary(x))); print(mu)
        if(quantile(e0[2]/e0[1]*(x-mu), epsn/n)< (-1)){
               stop("shape is positive and some data smaller than 'loc-scale/shape' ")
               stop("shape is negative and some data larger than 'loc-scale/shape' ")
        names(e0) <- NULL

    ## what to do in case of leaving the parameter domain
    makeOKPar <- function(theta) {
           theta <- abs(theta)
              if(theta["shape"]< (-1/2)) theta["shape"] <- -1/2+1e-4
              theta["scale"] <- abs(theta["scale"])
              theta[1] <- abs(theta[1])
              if(theta[2]< (-1/2)) theta[2] <- -1/2+1e-4

    modifyPar <- function(theta){
        theta <- makeOKPar(theta)
        sh <- if(!is.null(names(theta))) theta["shape"] else theta[2]
            sc <- theta["scale"]
            sh <- theta["shape"]
            # changed 20140402: theta <- abs(theta)
            sc <- theta[1]
            sh <- theta[2]
        GEV(loc = loc, scale = theta[1], shape = theta[2])

    ## L2-derivative of the distribution
    L2deriv.fct <- function(param) {
        sc <- force(main(param)[1])
        k <- force(main(param)[2])
        tr <- fixed(param)[1]

        Lambda1 <- function(x) {
         y <- x*0
         ind <- if(k>0)(x > tr-sc/k) else (x<tr-sc/k)# = [later] (x1>0)
         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
         x1 <- 1 + k * x
         y[ind] <- (x*(1-x1^(-1/k))-1)/x1/sc
#         xi*(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta^2/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (x[ind]-mu)*(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)/beta^2
        Lambda2 <- function(x) {
         y <- x*0
         ind <- if(k>0)(x > tr-sc/k) else (x<tr-sc/k)# = [later] (x1>0)
         x <- (x[ind]-tr)/sc
         x1 <- 1 + k * x
         x2 <- x / x1
         y[ind]<- (1-x1^(-1/k))/k*(log(x1)/k-x2)-x2
#         log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2+(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta) - (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi)*log(1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)/xi^2 + (1+xi*(x[ind]-mu)/beta)^(-1/xi-1)*(x[ind]-mu)/beta/xi
        ## additional centering of scores to increase numerical precision!
           dist0 <- GEV(scale = sc, shape = k, loc = tr)
             z1 <- E(dist0, fun=Lambda1)
             z2 <- E(dist0, fun=Lambda2)
        }else{z1 <- z2 <- 0}
        return(list(function(x){ Lambda1(x)-z1 },function(x){ Lambda2(x)-z2 }))

    ## Fisher Information matrix as a function of parameters
    FisherInfo.fct <- function(param) {
        sc <- force(main(param)[1])
        k <- force(main(param)[2])
          k1 <- k+1
          G20 <- gamma(2*k)
          G10 <- gamma(k)
          G11 <- digamma(k)*gamma(k)
          G01 <- ..dig1 # digamma(1)
          G02 <- ..trig1dig1sq #trigamma(1)+digamma(1)^2
          x0 <- k1^2*2*k
          I11 <- G20*x0-2*G10*k*k1+1
          I11 <- I11/sc^2/k^2
          I12 <- G20*(-x0)+ G10*(k^3+4*k^2+3*k) - k1
          I12 <- I12 + G11*(k^3+k^2) -G01*k
          I12 <- I12/sc/k^3
          I22 <- G20*x0 +k1^2 -G10*(x0+2*k*k1)
          I22 <- I22 - G11*2*k^2*k1 + G01*2*k*k1+k^2 *G02
          I22 <- I22 /k^4
          I11 <- ..I22/sc^2
          I12 <- ..I23/sc
          I22 <- ..I33
        mat <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(matrix(c(I11,I12,I12,I22),2,2))
        dimnames(mat) <- list(scaleshapename,scaleshapename)

    FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param)
    name <- "GEV Family"

    ## initializing the GPareto family with components of L2-family
    L2Fam <- new("GEVFamily")
    L2Fam@scaleshapename <- scaleshapename
    L2Fam@name <- name
    L2Fam@param <- param
    L2Fam@distribution <- distribution
    L2Fam@L2deriv.fct <- L2deriv.fct
    L2Fam@FisherInfo.fct <- FisherInfo.fct
    L2Fam@FisherInfo <- FisherInfo
    L2Fam@startPar <- startPar
    L2Fam@makeOKPar <- makeOKPar
    L2Fam@modifyParam <- modifyPar
    L2Fam@L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(NonSymmetric(), NonSymmetric())
    L2Fam@L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry(), NoSymmetry())

    L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(L2deriv.fct(param),
                               Domain = Reals()))
    L2derivDistr <- NULL
       suppressWarnings(L2derivDistr <-
          imageDistr(RandVar = L2deriv, distr = distribution))

       L2Fam@fam.call <- substitute(GEVFamily(loc = loc0, scale = scale0,
                                 shape = shape0, of.interest = of.interest0,
                                 p = p0, N = N0,
                                 withPos = withPos0, withCentL2 = FALSE,
                                 withL2derivDistr  = FALSE, ..ignoreTrafo = TRUE),
                         list(loc0 = loc, scale0 = scale, shape0 = shape,
                              of.interest0 = of.interest, p0 = p, N0 = N,
                              withPos0 = withPos))
       L2Fam@fam.call <- substitute(GEVFamily(loc = loc0, scale = scale0,
                                 shape = shape0, of.interest = NULL,
                                 p = p0, N = N0, trafo = trafo0,
                                 withPos = withPos0, withCentL2 = FALSE,
                                 withL2derivDistr  = FALSE),
                         list(loc0 = loc, scale0 = scale, shape0 = shape,
                              p0 = p, N0 = N,
                              withPos0 = withPos, trafo0 = trafo))

    L2Fam@LogDeriv <- function(x){
                  x0 <- (x-loc)/scale
                  x1 <- 1 + x0 * shape
                  (shape+1)/scale/x1 + x1^(-1-1/shape)/scale

    L2Fam@L2deriv <- L2deriv
    L2Fam@L2derivDistr <- L2derivDistr
    L2Fam@.withMDE <- FALSE
    L2Fam@.withEvalAsVar <- FALSE
    L2Fam@.withEvalL2derivDistr <- FALSE

#ddigamma(t,s) is d/ds \int_0^t exp(-x) x^(s-1) dx

ddigamma <- function(t,s){
              int <- function(x) exp(-x)*(log(x))*x^(s-1)
              integrate(int, lower=0, upper=t)$value

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