
Defines functions cv.cpernet

Documented in cv.cpernet

#' Cross-validation for cpernet
#' Does k-fold cross-validation for \code{cpernet}, produces a plot, and returns
#' a value for \code{lambda}. This function is based on the \code{cv} function
#' from the \code{glmnet} package.
#' @param x \code{x} matrix as in \code{\link{cpernet}}.
#' @param y response variable \code{y} as in \code{\link{cpernet}}.
#' @param w weight applied to the asymmetric squared error loss of the mean
#'   part. Default is 1.0.
#' @param lambda optional user-supplied lambda sequence; default is \code{NULL},
#'   and \code{\link{cpernet}} chooses its own sequence.
#' @param nfolds number of folds. Default value is 5. Although \code{nfolds} can
#'   be as large as the sample size (leave-one-out CV), it is not recommended
#'   for large datasets. Smallest value allowed is 3.
#' @param foldid an optional vector of values between 1 and \code{nfolds},
#'   identifying what fold each observation is in. If supplied, \code{nfolds}
#'   will be supressed.
#' @param pred.loss loss function used to calculate cross-validation error. The
#'   only option now is \code{"loss"}, which is the asymmetric squared error
#'   loss (ASEL).
#' @param tau the asymmetry coefficient \eqn{\tau} used in the asymmetric
#'   squared error loss.
#' @param \dots other arguments that can be passed to cpernet.
#' @details The function runs \code{\link{cpernet}} \code{nfolds}+1 times. The
#'   first gets the \code{lambda} sequence, and the remainder fits the model
#'   with each of the folds removed. The average error and standard deviation
#'   over the folds are computed.
#' @return an object of class \code{\link{cv.cpernet}} is returned, which is a
#'   list with the ingredients of the cross-validation fit.
#'   \item{lambda}{the values of \code{lambda} used in the fits.}
#'   \item{cvm}{the mean cross-validated error - a vector of length
#'   \code{length(lambda)}.}
#'   \item{cvsd}{estimate of standard error of \code{cvm}.}
#'   \item{cvupper}{upper curve = \code{cvm+cvsd}.}
#'   \item{cvlower}{lower curve = \code{cvm-cvsd}.}
#'   \item{nzero}{a list of two components, each representing the number of
#'   non-zero coefficients at each \code{lambda} in the mean and scale part.}
#'   \item{name}{a text string indicating type of measure (for plotting
#'   purposes).}
#'   \item{cpernet.fit}{a fitted \code{\link{cpernet}} object for the full
#'   data.}
#'   \item{lambda.min}{The optimal value of \code{lambda} that gives minimum
#'   cross validation error \code{cvm}.}
#'   \item{lambda.1se}{The largest value of \code{lambda} such that error is
#'   within 1 standard error of the minimum.}
#' @author Yuwen Gu and Hui Zou\cr
#'   Maintainer: Yuwen Gu <yuwen.gu@uconn.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{cpernet}}
#' @keywords models regression
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 400
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' y <- rnorm(n)
#' tau <- 0.30
#' pf <- abs(rnorm(p))
#' pf2 <- abs(rnorm(p))
#' w <- 2.0
#' lambda2 <- 1
#' m2.cv <- cv.cpernet(y = y, x = x, w = w, tau = tau, eps = 1e-8,
#'                     pf.mean = pf, pf.scale = pf2,
#'                     standardize = FALSE, lambda2 = lambda2)
#' @export
cv.cpernet <- function(x, y, w = 1.0, lambda = NULL, pred.loss = "loss",
                       nfolds = 5, foldid, tau = 0.8, ...) {
  pred.loss <- match.arg(pred.loss)
  N <- nrow(x)
  y <- drop(y)
  ## Fit the model once to get lambda
  cpernet.object <- cpernet(x, y, w, lambda = lambda, tau = tau, ...)
  lambda <- cpernet.object$lambda
  ## Obtain active set size
  nz <- coef(cpernet.object, type = "nonzero")
  nz[[1]] <- sapply(nz[[1]], length)
  nz[[2]] <- sapply(nz[[2]], length)
  if (missing(foldid)) {
    foldid <- sample(rep(seq(nfolds), length = N))
  } else nfolds <- max(foldid)
  if (nfolds < 3)
    stop("nfolds must be at least 3; nfolds=10 recommended")
  outlist <- vector("list", length = nfolds)
  ## Fit the nfolds models
  for (i in seq(nfolds)) {
    whichfold <- (foldid == i)
    y_sub <- y[!whichfold]
    outlist[[i]] <- cpernet(x = x[!whichfold, , drop = FALSE], y = y_sub,
                            w = w, lambda = lambda, tau = tau, ...)
  ## Calculate pred.loss and the model fit
  fun <- paste("cv", class(cpernet.object)[[2]], sep = ".")
  cvstuff <- do.call(fun, list(outlist, lambda, x, y, foldid, pred.loss, w, tau))
  cvm <- cvstuff$cvm
  cvsd <- cvstuff$cvsd
  cvname <- cvstuff$name
  out <- list(lambda = lambda, cvm = cvm, cvsd = cvsd, cvupper = cvm + cvsd,
              cvlower = cvm - cvsd, nzero = as.list(nz), name = cvname,
              cpernet.fit = cpernet.object)
  lamin <- getmin(lambda, cvm, cvsd)
  obj <- c(out, as.list(lamin))
  class(obj) <- "cv.cpernet"

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