
Defines functions anti_join.tbl_sql semi_join.tbl_sql full_join.tbl_sql right_join.tbl_sql left_join.tbl_sql inner_join.tbl_sql join_warn_experimental join_warn select_na_sql `join_na_sql.tbl_Microsoft SQL Server` join_na_sql.tbl_dbi join_na_not_null join_na_not_distinct join_na_sql

Documented in anti_join.tbl_sql full_join.tbl_sql inner_join.tbl_sql left_join.tbl_sql right_join.tbl_sql semi_join.tbl_sql

#' Generate sql_on statement for na joins
#' @description
#'   This function generates a much faster SQL statement for NA join compared to dbplyr's _join with na_matches = "na".
#' @inheritParams left_join
#' @return
#'   A sql_on statement to join by such that "NA" are matched with "NA" given the columns listed in "by" and "na_by".
#' @noRd
join_na_sql <- function(x, by, na_by) {

join_na_not_distinct <- function(by, na_by = NULL) {
  sql_on <- ""
  if (!missing(by)) {
    for (i in seq_along(by)) {
      sql_on <- paste0(sql_on, '"LHS"."', by[i], '" = "RHS"."', by[i], '"')
      if (i < length(by) || !is.null(na_by)) {
        sql_on <- paste(sql_on, "\nAND ")

  if (!missing(na_by)) {
    for (i in seq_along(na_by)) {
      sql_on <- paste0(sql_on, '"LHS"."', na_by[i], '" IS NOT DISTINCT FROM "RHS"."', na_by[i], '"')
      if (i < length(na_by)) {
        sql_on <- paste(sql_on, "\nAND ")


join_na_not_null <- function(by, na_by = NULL) {
  sql_on <- ""
  if (!missing(by)) {
    for (i in seq_along(by)) {
      sql_on <- paste0(sql_on, '"LHS"."', by[i], '" = "RHS"."', by[i], '"')
      if (i < length(by) || !is.null(na_by)) {
        sql_on <- paste(sql_on, "\nAND ")

  if (!missing(na_by)) {
    for (i in seq_along(na_by)) {
      sql_on <- paste0(sql_on,
                       '("LHS"."', na_by[i], '" IS NULL AND "RHS"."', na_by[i], '" IS NULL ',
                       'OR "LHS"."', na_by[i], '" = "RHS"."', na_by[i], '")')
      if (i < length(na_by)) {
        sql_on <- paste(sql_on, "\nAND ")


#' @noRd
join_na_sql.tbl_dbi <- function(x, by, na_by) {
  return(join_na_not_distinct(by = by, na_by = na_by))

#' @noRd
`join_na_sql.tbl_Microsoft SQL Server` <- function(x, by, na_by) {
  return(join_na_not_null(by = by, na_by = na_by))

#' Get colnames to select
#' @inheritParams left_join
#' @param left (`logical(1)`)\cr
#'   Is the join a left (alternatively right) join?
#' @return
#'   A named character vector indicating which columns to select from x and y.
#' @noRd
select_na_sql <- function(x, y, by, na_by, left = TRUE) {

  all_by <- c(by, na_by) # Variables to be common after join
  cx  <- dplyr::setdiff(colnames(x), colnames(y)) # Variables only in x
  cy  <- dplyr::setdiff(colnames(y), colnames(x)) # Variables only in y

  sql_select <-
    c(paste0(colnames(x), ifelse(colnames(x) %in% cx, "", ".x")),
      paste0(colnames(y), ifelse(colnames(y) %in% cy, "", ".y"))[!colnames(y) %in% all_by]) |>
                      paste0(colnames(y), ifelse(colnames(y) %in% colnames(x), ".y", ""))[!colnames(y) %in% all_by]))


#' Warn users that SQL does not match on NA by default
#' @return
#'   A warning that *_joins on SQL backends does not match NA by default.
#' @noRd
join_warn <- function() {
  if (interactive() && identical(parent.frame(n = 2), globalenv())) {
    rlang::warn(paste("*_joins in database-backend does not match NA by default.\n",
                      "If your data contains NA, the columns with NA values must be supplied to \"na_by\",",
                      "or you must specifiy na_matches = \"na\""),
                .frequency = "once", .frequency_id = "*_join NA warning")

#' Warn users that SQL joins by NA is experimental
#' @return
#'   A warning that *_joins are still experimental.
#' @noRd
join_warn_experimental <- function() {
  if (interactive() && identical(parent.frame(n = 2), globalenv())) {
    rlang::warn("*_joins with na_by is still experimental. Please report issues.",
                .frequency = "once", .frequency_id = "*_join NA warning")

#' SQL Joins
#' @name joins
#' @description
#'   Overloads the dplyr `*_join` to accept an `na_by` argument.
#'   By default, joining using SQL does not match on `NA` / `NULL`.
#'   dbplyr `*_join`s has the option "na_matches = na" to match on `NA` / `NULL` but this is very inefficient in some
#'   cases.
#'   This function does the matching more efficiently:
#'   If a column contains `NA` / `NULL`, the names of these columns can be passed via the `na_by` argument and
#'   efficiently match as if "na_matches = na".
#'   If no `na_by` argument is given is given, the function defaults to using `dplyr::*_join`.
#' @inheritParams dbplyr::join.tbl_sql
#' @return Another \code{tbl_lazy}. Use \code{\link[dplyr:show_query]{show_query()}} to see the generated
#' query, and use \code{\link[dbplyr:collect.tbl_sql]{collect()}} to execute the query
#' and return data to R.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)
#'   library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#'   library(dbplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#'   band_db <- tbl_memdb(dplyr::band_members)
#'   instrument_db <- tbl_memdb(dplyr::band_instruments)
#'   left_join(band_db, instrument_db) |>
#'     show_query()
#'   # Can join with local data frames by setting copy = TRUE
#'   left_join(band_db, dplyr::band_instruments, copy = TRUE)
#'   # Unlike R, joins in SQL don't usually match NAs (NULLs)
#'   db <- memdb_frame(x = c(1, 2, NA))
#'   label <- memdb_frame(x = c(1, NA), label = c("one", "missing"))
#'   left_join(db, label, by = "x")
#'   # But you can activate R's usual behaviour with the na_matches argument
#'   left_join(db, label, by = "x", na_matches = "na")
#'   # By default, joins are equijoins, but you can use `sql_on` to
#'   # express richer relationships
#'   db1 <- memdb_frame(x = 1:5)
#'   db2 <- memdb_frame(x = 1:3, y = letters[1:3])
#'   left_join(db1, db2) |> show_query()
#'   left_join(db1, db2, sql_on = "LHS.x < RHS.x") |> show_query()
#' @seealso [dplyr::mutate-joins] which this function wraps.
#' @seealso [dbplyr::join.tbl_sql] which this function wraps.
#' @seealso [dplyr::show_query]
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::inner_join
inner_join.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, by = NULL, ...) {

  # Check arguments
  checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)

  .dots <- list(...)

  if (!"na_by" %in% names(.dots)) {
    if (inherits(x, "tbl_dbi") || inherits(y, "tbl_dbi")) join_warn()


  args <- as.list(rlang::current_env()) |>

  .renamer <- select_na_sql(x, y, by, .dots$na_by)

  # Remove na_by from args to avoid infinite loops
  args$na_by <- NULL
  args$sql_on <- join_na_sql(x, by, .dots$na_by)

  join_result <- do.call(dplyr::inner_join, args = args) |>
    dplyr::rename(!!.renamer) |>


#' @rdname joins
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::left_join
left_join.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, by = NULL, ...) {

  # Check arguments
  checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)

  .dots <- list(...)

  if (!"na_by" %in% names(.dots)) {
    if (inherits(x, "tbl_dbi") || inherits(y, "tbl_dbi")) join_warn()



  args <- as.list(rlang::current_env()) |>

  .renamer <- select_na_sql(x, y, by, .dots$na_by)

  # Remove na_by from args to avoid infinite loops
  args$na_by <- NULL
  args$sql_on <- join_na_sql(x, by, .dots$na_by)

  join_result <- do.call(dplyr::left_join, args = args) |>
    dplyr::rename(!!.renamer) |>


#' @rdname joins
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::right_join
right_join.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, by = NULL, ...) {

  # Check arguments
  checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)

  .dots <- list(...)

  if (!"na_by" %in% names(.dots)) {
    if (inherits(x, "tbl_dbi") || inherits(y, "tbl_dbi")) join_warn()



  args <- as.list(rlang::current_env()) |>

  .renamer <- select_na_sql(x, y, by, .dots$na_by)

  # Remove na_by from args to avoid infinite loops
  args$na_by <- NULL
  args$sql_on <- join_na_sql(x, by, .dots$na_by)

  join_result <- do.call(dplyr::right_join, args = args) |>
    dplyr::rename(!!.renamer) |>


#' @rdname joins
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::full_join
full_join.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, by = NULL, ...) {

  # Check arguments
  checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)

  .dots <- list(...)

  if ("na_by" %in% names(.dots)) {
    # Full joins are hard...
    out <- dplyr::union(dplyr::left_join(x, y, by = by, na_by = .dots$na_by),
                        dplyr::right_join(x, y, by = by, na_by = .dots$na_by))
  } else {
    if (inherits(x, "tbl_dbi") || inherits(y, "tbl_dbi")) join_warn()
    return(dplyr::full_join(x, y, by = by, ...))

#' @rdname joins
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::semi_join
semi_join.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, by = NULL, ...) {

  # Check arguments
  checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)

  .dots <- list(...)

  if ("na_by" %in% names(.dots)) {
    stop("Not implemented")
  } else {
    if (inherits(x, "tbl_dbi") || inherits(y, "tbl_dbi")) join_warn()
    return(dplyr::semi_join(x, y, by = by, ...))

#' @rdname joins
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::anti_join
anti_join.tbl_sql <- function(x, y, by = NULL, ...) {

  # Check arguments
  checkmate::assert_character(by, null.ok = TRUE)

  .dots <- list(...)

  if ("na_by" %in% names(.dots)) {
    stop("Not implemented")
  } else {
    if (inherits(x, "tbl_dbi") || inherits(y, "tbl_dbi")) join_warn()
    return(dplyr::anti_join(x, y, by = by, ...))

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