# K = i = NULL; prune = FALSE; cor.max = 0.97; lambda.min = 1E-8; nbreaks.x = 6
path.plot <- function(object, K = NULL, i = NULL,
prune = FALSE, cor.max = 0.97,
lambda.min = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
nbreaks.x = 6, npaths.max = 5000, ...)
# object=fm1; K=G; prune=TRUE; cor.max=0.9
flagKinship <- FALSE
eps <- .Machine$double.eps
args0 <- list(...)
if(!inherits(object, c("LASSO","SGP"))){
stop("The input object is not of the class 'LASSO' or 'SGP'")
if(inherits(object, "SGP") & ("SGP.CV" %in% attr(object,"type"))){
stop("'path.plot' cannot be applied after cross-validation")
xlab <- "Number of active predictors"
ylab <- expression(beta)
main <- NULL
lwd <- ifelse("lwd" %in% names(args0), args0$lwd, 0.2)
if("main" %in% names(args0)) main <- args0$main
if("xlab" %in% names(args0)) xlab <- args0$xlab
if("ylab" %in% names(args0)) ylab <- args0$ylab
theme0 <- mytheme() + ggplot2::theme(legend.key.height = ggplot2::unit(3,"line"),
legend.key.width = ggplot2::unit(0.8, "lines"))
if(inherits(object, "SGP"))
flagKinship <- TRUE
if((length(dim(K)) != 2L) | (length(K) != object$n^2)){
stop("Input 'K' must be a ",object$n," x ",object$n," matrix")
MAP <- map_set(i=object$ID_geno, j=object$ID_trait, n=object$n, x=object$trn, y=object$tst)
beta <- coef.SGP(object)
# Coarce nsup and lambda to lists
object$lambda <- lapply(1:nrow(object$lambda),function(k)object$lambda[k,])
object$nsup <- lapply(1:nrow(object$nsup),function(k)object$nsup[k,])
tst <- as.numeric(rownames(object$yHat))
if(length(tst) == 1L){
beta <- list(beta)
indexTST <- seq_along(tst)
tmp <- match(tst, object$tst)
if( any(!i %in% tmp) ){
stop("All elements in 'i' must be between ",min(tmp)," and ",max(tmp))
indexTST <- match(i, tmp)
beta <- coef.LASSO(object)
object$trn <- seq(object$p)
tst <- seq(object$q)
if(object$q == 1L){
beta <- list(beta)
object$lambda <- list(object$lambda)
object$nsup <- list(object$nsup)
if( max(i) > object$q ){
stop("All elements in 'i' must be between 0 < i <= q, where q=ncol(Gamma)")
indexTST <- i
indexTST <- seq_along(tst)
beta <- beta[indexTST]
object$lambda <- object$lambda[indexTST]
object$nsup <- object$nsup[indexTST]
for(k in 1:length(object$lambda)){
index <- which(object$lambda[[k]] >= lambda.min)
object$lambda[[k]] <- object$lambda[[k]][index]
object$nsup[[k]] <- object$nsup[[k]][index]
beta[[k]] <- beta[[k]][,index]
nLambda <- unlist(lapply(object$lambda,length))
if(all(nLambda < 5L)){
stop("Coefficients path plot can be generated for at least 5 lambda values")
#if(any(unlist(lapply(object$lambda,min)) < lambda.min)){
# min0 <- min(unlist(lapply(object$lambda, function(x)min(x[x>lambda.min+eps]))))
# for(k in 1:length(object$lambda)){
# tmp <- object$lambda[[k]]
# object$lambda[[k]] <- ifelse(tmp < lambda.min, min0, tmp)
# }
if(length(unique(nLambda)) > 1L){
INDEX1 <- matrix(seq_along(indexTST),ncol=1)
message("'pruning' is applied for each response variable")
if(length(object$trn)*length(beta) > npaths.max){
nTST0 <- ceiling(npaths.max/length(object$trn))
message("The number of paths is very large. Only ",nTST0*length(object$trn),
" paths corresponding to the first ",nTST0,
ifelse(isSGP," testing elements"," response variables"),
" are plotted.")
message("You can select specific paths through 'i' argument")
beta <- beta[seq(nTST0)]
object$lambda <- object$lambda[seq(nTST0)]
object$nsup <- object$nsup[seq(nTST0)]
indexTST <- indexTST[seq(nTST0)]
nTSTi <- ceiling(1000/length(object$trn))
INDEX1 <- matrix(seq(nTSTi*ceiling(length(indexTST)/nTSTi)),ncol=nTSTi, byrow=TRUE)
if(prune & nrow(INDEX1)>1L){
message("'pruning' is applied in groups of ",nTSTi*length(object$trn)," paths")
i0 <- j0 <- path <- Kij <- lambda <- NULL
dat <- c()
for(k in 1:nrow(INDEX1))
tst0 <- INDEX1[k,][INDEX1[k,] <= length(indexTST)]
b0 <-, beta[tst0])
INDEX2 <- cbind(rep(tst0, each=length(object$trn)),
indexOK <- 1:nrow(b0)
indexdrop <- which(apply(b0, 1L, function(x)all(abs(x) <= eps)))
if(length(indexdrop) > 1){ # leave one that has all bij==0
b0 <- b0[-indexdrop[-1], ,drop=FALSE]
indexOK <- indexOK[-indexdrop[-1]]
if(prune & (nrow(b0)>1)){
tmp <- Prune(t(b0), alpha=cor.max^2)$
indexOK <- indexOK[tmp]
b0 <- b0[tmp, ,drop=FALSE]
dat0 <-,lapply(1:length(indexOK), function(j){
tmp <- INDEX2[indexOK[j],]
i0 <- tst[indexTST[tmp[1]]]
j0 <- object$trn[tmp[2]]
Kij <- K[MAP[i0,"i"],MAP[j0,"i"]]
Kij <- NA
beta=b0[j,], Kij=Kij, i=i0, path=paste0(i0,":",j0))
dat <- rbind(dat, dat0)
dat$i <- factor(as.character(dat$i))
dat$path <- factor(as.character(dat$path))
alpha0 <- 1 - 1/(1+0.5*exp(500/nlevels(dat$path)))
# Labels and breaks for the nsup axis
tmp <- get_breaks(x=-log(unlist(object$lambda)), y=unlist(object$nsup),
nbreaks.x=nbreaks.x, ymin=0)
breaks0 <- tmp$breaks.x
labels0 <- round(tmp$breaks.y)
labels2 <- sprintf('%.2f', breaks0)
pp <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(-log(lambda),beta,color=Kij,group=path)) +
ggplot2::labs(color=expression(k[ij])) +
viridis::scale_color_viridis(direction = -1) +
ggplot2::geom_line(linewidth=lwd, alpha=alpha0) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=0, linewidth=0.30, color="gray35") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() + theme0
pp <- ggplot2::ggplot(dat, ggplot2::aes(-log(lambda),beta,color=i,group=path)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(linewidth=lwd, alpha=alpha0) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=0, linewidth=0.30, color="gray35") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() + theme0 + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
pp <- pp +
ggplot2::labs(title=main,y=ylab,x=xlab) +
breaks=breaks0, labels=labels2))
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