
Defines functions plotCommunityHulls

Documented in plotCommunityHulls

#' Adds convex hulls to each community to an existing plot  
#' This function loops over each community and plots the convex hull
#' based on the centres of each of the groups that make up the community. See 
#' the demonstration scripts for example implementation.
#' @param siber a siber object as created by createSiberObject.R
#' @param plot.args a list of plotting arguments with the following suggested, 
#'   but non-exhaustive inputs. Additional plotting arguments for passing to the
#'   internal call to [graphics::plot()] can either be specified here,
#'   or as additional arguments under the `...` method.
#'   * `col` the color of the lines of the convex hull. See [graphics::lines()]
#'     for more details.
#'    * `lty` the line type of the convex hull.See [graphics::lines()]
#'     for more details.
#'    * `lwd` the line width of the convex hulls. See [graphics::lines()]
#'     for more details.
#' @param iso.order a vector of length 2, either c(1,2) or c(2,1). The order 
#'   determines which of the columns of raw data are plotted on the x (1) or y 
#'   (2) axis. N.B. this will be deprecated in a future release, and plotting 
#'   order will be achieved at point of data-entry.
#' @param ... additional arguments for passing to [graphics::plot()].
#' @return Convex hulls, drawn as lines on an existing figure.
#' @export

plotCommunityHulls <- function(siber, 
                                 plot.args = list(col = 1, lty = 2),
                                 iso.order = c(1,2),
                                 ...) {
  x <- iso.order[1]
  y <- iso.order[2]
  for (i in 1:siber$n.communities) {
    # only attempt to draw hulls if there are more than 2 groups
    if (siber$n.groups[2,i] > 2) {
      ch <- siberConvexhull( siber$ML.mu[[i]][1,x,] ,
      # use do.call to pass the list containing the plotting arguments
      # onwards. Need to add plot.args back in here. If it takes NULL
      # then the plotting does not happen
              c(list(x = ch$xcoords, 
                     y = ch$ycoords), 
              ) # end of do.call
    } # end of if statement
  } # end of loop over communities
} # end of function

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SIBER documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 5:09 p.m.