Man pages for SRTsim
Simulator for Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics

compareSRTSummarize metrics for reference data and synthetic data
convert_gridConvert continuous coordinate into integer, essential for...
createSRTCreate simSRT object
EstParamAccess Model Fitting Parameters
exampleLIBDData used for creating vignettes
fit_pos_optimfitting data with poisson through optim function
get_metrics_pdExtracted summarized metrics for reference data and synthetic...
get_stats_geneSummarize gene-wise summary metrics
get_stats_locSummarize location-wise summary metrics
metaParamAccess User-Specified Parameters
refcolDataAccess reference colData
refCountsAccess reference count matrix
refrowDataAccess reference rowData
reGenCountshinyReSimulate Count Data with Parameters Specification from...
Shiny2SRTCreate a SRTsim object from reference-free shinyoutput
simcolDataAccess synthetic colData
simCountsAccess synthetic count matrix
simNewLocsFit the marginal distributions for single gene
simrowDataAccess synthetic rowData
srtsim_cci_freeGenerate Data with Cell-Cell Interaction Under Reference-Free...
srtsim_cci_refGenerate Data with Cell-Cell Interaction Under...
srtsim_countGenerate Data with Estimated Parameters
srtsim_count_affineGenerate Data with Estimated Parameters For A New Designed...
srtsim_fitFit the marginal distributions for each row of a count matrix
srtsim_newlocsFit the marginal distributions for each row of a count matrix
SRTsim_shinyRun the SRTsim Shiny Application
subsetSRTSubset SRT object based on domain labels of interest
toyDataA toyExample to showcase reference-based simulations
toyShinyA toyExample to showcase reference-free simulations
visualize_geneVisualize expression pattern for the gene of interest in...
visualize_metricsVisualize summarized metrics for reference data and synthetic...
SRTsim documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 5:12 p.m.