
Defines functions make.mv.gamma.dist make.multimodal.dist make.cone.dist make.gaussian

Documented in make.cone.dist make.gaussian make.multimodal.dist make.mv.gamma.dist

# From SamplerCompare, (c) 2010 Madeleine Thompson

# distributions.R contains example distributions and functions for
# generating example distributions.


#### GAUSSIANS ####

# See ?make.gaussian for more information.
make.gaussian <- function(mean, sigma = NULL, rho = NULL) {
  ndim <- length(mean)

  # If sigma and rho are unset, set sigma to the identity matrix.
  # If sigma isn't but rho is, make sure rho would lead to a positive
  # definite matrix, then use it to make sigma.

  if (is.null(sigma) && is.null(rho)) {
    sigma <- diag(1, nrow = ndim)
  } else if (is.null(sigma)) {
    stopifnot(rho < 1 && rho > -1 / (ndim - 1))
    sigma <- array(rho, c(ndim, ndim))
    diag(sigma) <- 1

  stopifnot(ndim == dim(sigma)[1] && ndim == dim(sigma)[2])

  # Pre-compute some parts of the log density function.

  sigma.inv <- solve(sigma)
  log.det <- sum(log(eigen(sigma, only.values = TRUE)$values))
  leading.term <- -ndim / 2 * log(2 * pi) - log.det / 2

  # Define log density and its gradient.

  log.density <- function(x) {
    stopifnot(length(x) == ndim)
    dist <- mahalanobis(as.vector(x), mean, sigma.inv, inverted = TRUE)
    return(leading.term - 0.5 * dist)

  grad.log.density <- function(x) {
    stopifnot(length(x) == ndim)
    as.vector(-sigma.inv %*% array(x - mean, c(ndim, 1)))

  # overdispersed initial point

  initial <- function() {
    as.numeric(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1, mean, 25 / sqrt(ndim) * sigma))

  mean.log.dens <- log.density(mean) - 0.5 * ndim

  # Define name and name.expression.

  if (is.null(rho)) {
    name <- sprintf("N%d", length(mean))
    name.expression <- sprintf("N[%d]", length(mean))
  } else {
    name <- sprintf("N%d,rho=%g", length(mean), rho)
    name.expression <- sprintf("N[%d](rho==%g)", length(mean), rho)

  # Call make.dist with the functions we have defined.

  ds <- make.dist(ndim, name, name.expression, log.density,
                  grad.log.density, initial = initial, mean = mean, cov = sigma,
                  mean.log.dens = mean.log.dens)

# Define some Gaussians I use repeatedly.
N2weakcor.dist <- make.gaussian(c(0, 0), rho = 0.8)
N4poscor.dist <- make.gaussian(c(1, 2, 3, 4), rho = 0.999)
N4negcor.dist <- make.gaussian(c(1, 2, 3, 4), rho = -0.3329)


# See ?funnel.dist and R. M. Neal (2003), "Slice Sampling," Annals
# of Statistics 31(3):705-767, p. 732
funnel.dist <- make.dist(10, "funnel", mean = rep(0, 10),
  log.density = function(x) {
    dnorm(x[1], 0, 3, log = TRUE) +
        sum(dnorm(x[2:10], 0, exp(0.5 * x[1]), log = TRUE))
  grad.log.density = function(x) {
    d <- -x / c(3 ^ 2, rep(exp(x[1]), 9))
    d[1] <- d[1] + 0.5 * exp(-x[1]) * sum(x[2:10] ^ 2) - 4.5


# See BDA, Gelman et al, sec 5.5, p. 138.
# This is a ten-dimensional multilevel model, with the first
# coordinate being a hyperparameter for the group means (mu), the
# second being a hyperparameter for the log of the variance of the
# group means (logtau), and the third through tenth (theta) being
# group means.  The schools.ybar and schools.var are means and
# variances of samples drawn from Gaussians with means of the
# corresponding thetas.

# This is expressed as a function that evaluates itself to keep the
# namespace clean.

schools.dist <- (function() {
  schools.ybar <- c(28, 8, -3, 7, -1, 1, 18, 12)
  schools.var <- c(15, 10, 16, 11, 9, 11, 10, 18) ^ 2

  # Define log density and its gradient.

  log.density <- function(x) {
    mu <- x[1]
    logtau <- x[2]
    theta <- x[3:10]
    loglik <- sum(-0.5 * (schools.ybar - theta) ^ 2 / schools.var) +
      sum(-0.5 * (theta - mu) ^ 2 / exp(2 * logtau)) - 8 * logtau + logtau
    if (!is.finite(loglik)) {
      loglik <- -Inf

  grad.log.density <- function(x) {
    mu <- x[1]
    logtau <- x[2]
    theta <- x[3:10]
    dtheta <-
        - (theta - schools.ybar) / schools.var - (theta - mu) * exp(-2 * logtau)
    dmu <- -sum((mu - theta) / exp(2 * logtau))
    dlogtau <- sum((theta - mu) ^ 2) * exp(-2 * logtau) - 8 + 1
    return(c(dmu, dlogtau, dtheta))

  # Define true means and covariances of parameters based on a long,
  # believed-to-be-reliable MCMC simulation.
  schools.mean <- c(7.831, 1.518, 11.406,  7.785, 5.708,
                    7.591, 5.071, 5.982, 10.683, 8.441)

  schools.cov <- rbind(
    c(27.84606, 0.00152, 20.12, 15.9146, 19.16, 17.352, 14.00, 16.22, 16.11,
    c(0.00152, 1.10030, 3.08, -0.0773, -2.06, -0.276, -2.14, -1.57, 2.24,
    c(20.12353, 3.08310, 70.44, 13.9797, 7.83, 11.875, 4.87, 7.45, 22.21,
    c(15.91464, -0.07727, 13.98, 42.5085, 15.00, 11.642, 11.39, 11.67, 10.75,
    c(19.16028, -2.05548, 7.83, 14.9955, 69.78, 14.533, 16.74, 17.99, 9.09,
    c(17.35156, -0.27648, 11.87, 11.6419, 14.53, 47.133, 12.05, 13.18, 11.14,
    c(14.00100, -2.13530, 4.87, 11.3909, 16.74, 12.045, 39.25, 14.64, 5.04,
    c(16.22215, -1.57046, 7.45, 11.6657, 17.99, 13.176, 14.64, 48.55, 8.34,
    c(16.11171, 2.23727, 22.21, 10.7545, 9.09, 11.139, 5.04, 8.34, 47.23,
    c(18.79947, 0.47433, 14.31, 12.7219, 14.03, 16.373, 8.93, 12.20, 15.38,

  # From a simulation of length 300k from double.sample.
  # 95% CI: (-16.8, -16.3)
  mean.log.dens <- -16.5

  # Call make.dist to glue the parts together.
  return(make.dist(10, "8-schools", "plain(\"Eight Schools\")",
                   log.density, grad.log.density,
                   mean = schools.mean, cov = schools.cov,
                   mean.log.dens = mean.log.dens))


# See ?make.cone.dist for more information.
make.cone.dist <- function(ndim) {
  make.c.dist(ndim, sprintf("cone%d", ndim), "cone_log_dens",
              name.expression = sprintf("cone[%d]", ndim),
              mean = rep(0, ndim))


# See ?make.multimodal.dist for more information.
make.multimodal.dist <- function(nmodes, ndim, cube.size) {
  # Set random seed to fixed value.
  runif(1)  # force .Random.seed to exist
  seed <- .Random.seed

  # Draw random modes and compute the overall mean.
  modes <- array(runif(ndim * nmodes, 0, cube.size), c(nmodes, ndim))
  mu <- as.numeric(colMeans(modes))

  # Define log density and its gradient.
  logd <- function(x) {
    if (is.matrix(x))
      x <- as.vector(x)
    stopifnot(is.vector(x) && length(x) == ndim)
    y <- logsumexp(-0.5 * rowSums(sweep(modes, 2, x) ^ 2))

  d_logd <- function(x) {
    if (is.matrix(x))
      x <- as.vector(x)
    stopifnot(is.vector(x) && length(x) == ndim)
    colSums(exp(-0.5 * rowSums(sweep(modes, 2, x) ^ 2)) * sweep(modes, 2, x)) /

  # Restore random seed.
  .Random.seed <<- seed

  # Call make.dist to define the dist object, stash the modes for
  # convenience, and return the object.
  name <- sprintf("mixture%d*%d", ndim, nmodes)
  ds <- make.dist(ndim, name, log.density = logd, grad.log.density = d_logd,
                  mean = mu)
  ds$modes <- modes


# shape is a vector of shapes, scale is a vector of scales.  They must
# be the same length.  See ?make.mv.gamma.dist for more information.
# ?make.dist has a simpler example of Gamma distribution objects.
make.mv.gamma.dist <- function(shape, scale = rep(1, length(shape))) {
  stopifnot(length(shape) == length(scale))
  name <- sprintf("Gamma%d", length(shape))
  name.expression <- sprintf("Gamma[%d]", length(shape))

  # Precompute the normalizing constant, then define the distribution
  # object.
  Z <- lgamma(shape) + shape * log(scale)
  ds <- make.dist(
      length(shape), name, name.expression,
      log.density = function(x)
          ifelse(any(x < 0), -Inf, sum((shape - 1) * log(x) - x / scale - Z)),
      grad.log.density = function(x)
          ifelse(x < 0, Inf, (shape - 1) / x - 1 / scale),
      mean = shape * scale,
      cov = diag(shape * scale ^ 2, nrow = length(shape)))

  # Save the parameters for convenience.
  ds$shape <- shape
  ds$scale <- scale

  # Undocumented API for specifying lower bound on support to
  # methods that know about it.
  ds$lower.bound <- rep(0, length(shape))


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