
#####                           SegCorr                               #####
### Summary: Performs block diagonal segmentation. There is an option to correct the gene expression signal
###          for CNV. Then, segmentation and the exact test are performed.

### Input:   CHR:         an id vector stating to which chromosome each gene belongs to. The vector should have the same
###                       length as the number of rows of the EXP matrix.
###          EXP:         (Raw) Gene expression matrix. The number of rows should account for the genes and the number of columns
###                       for the patients
###          genes:       the name of genes.The vector should have the same
###                       length as the number of rows of the EXP matrix.
###          Position.EXP: a matrix that should have the same number of rows as the EXP matrix and have 2 columns. The
###                        first column is the start postion and the second is the end position.
###          CNV:          is a logical variable. if CNV=T then CNV correction is performed.
###          SNP.CHR:      (variable provided only when CNV=T) an id vector stating to which chromosome each SNP
###                        probe belongs to. The vector should have the same
###                        length as the number of rows of the SNP matrix.
###          SNP:          (variable provided only when CNV=T) SNP matrix. The number of rows should account for the SNP and the number of columns
###                       for the patients. The ordering of the patients must be the same as in the EXP matrix.
###         Position.SNP:  matrix that should have the same length as the as the SNP probes in the SNP  matrix.
###         Kmax:           maximum number of segments (mean segmentation)

### Output: Region.List:   a matrix containing the highly correlated regions in descending order (the most significant on top).
###                        CHR: the chromosome of the region. Start/End: are the order of the gene within each chromosome.
###                        Rho: is the correlation.  length: number of genes in the region.
###                        first/last gene: the name of the first/last gene in the region
###                        pvalue: the pvalue as obtained from the test. genes: the names of the genes belonging to the region
###                        pvalue.adj: the pvalue corrected for multiple testing.
###       Chromosome.Inf:  a matrix containning the estimated background correlation (rho0.hat) per chromsome, the number of segments
###                        and the loglikehood.

SegCorr  = function(CHR,EXP,genes,S,CNV,SNPSMOOTH,Position.EXP,SNP.CHR,SNP,Position.SNP,Kmax){

    stop("Expression matrix missing")
    p = dim(EXP)[1]
    n = dim(EXP)[2]

    stop('Chromosome vector missing')
      stop("Dimension mismatch: Expression matrix and chromosomes")

    warning('Gene names missing: using artificial names')
    genes = 1:p
      stop("Dimension mismatch: Expression matrix and gene names")

    warning('No CNV correction performed: Default value used')
    CNV = F
  }else if(!missing(CNV) & !is.logical(CNV)){
    stop('CNV: Input must be True/False')

    warning("Using default value for S")

  if(CNV == F){

    chromosome = unique(CHR)
    Region.List = vector('list',length(chromosome))
    Chromosome.Inf = matrix(NA,length(chromosome),3)
    for(i in 1:length(chromosome)){
      loc = which(CHR==chromosome[i])
      x = segmentation(unique(CHR[loc]),EXP[loc,],genes[loc])
      Region.List[[i]] = x$Results
      Chromosome.Inf[i,] = c(x$rho0,x$K,x$likelihood)

    colnames(Chromosome.Inf) = c('rho0.hat',"no of segments","likelihood")
    rownames(Chromosome.Inf) = chromosome

    Region.List = do.call("rbind",Region.List)
    Region.List$p.values.adj = p.adjust(Region.List$p.value,method ='BH')
    Region.List = Region.List[order(Region.List$p.values.adj),]
    rownames(Region.List) = NULL
    list(Region.List = Region.List, Chromosome.Inf = Chromosome.Inf)

  }else if (CNV == T){

      stop('Position.EXP missing')
        stop("Dimension mismatch: Expression matrix and Position matrix")
      }else if(dim(Position.EXP)[2]!=2){
        stop("Position.EXP: must be a matrix with 2 columns")

      stop("SNP matrix missing")
      p.SNP = dim(SNP)[1]
      n.SNP = dim(SNP)[2]

      if(n.SNP !=n ){
        stop('Patient mistmatch between EXP and SNP')

      stop('SNP.CHR vector missing')
        stop("Dimension mismatch: SNP matrix and SNP.CHR")
      }else if(length(intersect(unique(SNP.CHR),unique(CHR)) )!= length(unique(CHR))){
        stop('SNP matrix does not contain information for all Chromosomes needed')

      stop('Position.SNP missing')
        stop("Dimension mismatch: SNP matrix and Position matrix")

      warning('No SNP mean segmentation performed: Default value used')
    }else if(!missing(SNPSMOOTH) & !is.logical(SNPSMOOTH)){
      stop('SNPSMOOTH: Input must be True/False')

    chromosome = unique(CHR)
    Region.List = EXP.corrected = vector('list',length(chromosome))
    Chromosome.Inf = matrix(NA,length(chromosome),3)
    for(i in 1:length(chromosome)){
      cat(paste('Now analysing Chromosome =',chromosome[i],sep=" "),sep="\n")
      loc = which(CHR==chromosome[i])
      loc.SNP = which(SNP.CHR==chromosome[i])


          Kmax = 100

        mu.SNP = segmented_signal(SNP[loc.SNP,] ,Kmax)
        cat(paste('No SNP mean segmentation performed'),sep="\n")
        mu.SNP = SNP[loc.SNP,]

      correction = CNV_correction(Position.EXP[loc,1],Position.EXP[loc,2], Position.SNP[loc.SNP], mu.SNP, EXP[loc,])

      EXP.corrected[[i]] = correction
      x = segmentation(unique(CHR[loc]),correction,genes[loc])
      Region.List[[i]] = x$Results
      Chromosome.Inf[i,] = c(x$rho0,x$K,x$likelihood)

    colnames(Chromosome.Inf) = c('rho0.hat',"no of segments","likelihood")
    rownames(Chromosome.Inf) = chromosome
    EXP.corrected = do.call("rbind",EXP.corrected)
    Region.List = do.call("rbind",Region.List)

    Region.List$p.values.adj = p.adjust(Region.List$p.value,method ='BH')
    Region.List = Region.List[order(Region.List$p.values.adj),]
    rownames(Region.List) = NULL
    list(Region.List = Region.List, Chromosome.Inf = Chromosome.Inf, EXP.corrected = EXP.corrected )



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SegCorr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:01 a.m.